Project Relife: 2x Isekai System

Chapter 4: First Wave

Chapter 4: First Wave

Xin heard the mechanical voice in his mind and complained in his heart; if Itsuki were planning to give him a female system, wouldn't it have been better if it were a sweet female voice?

Upon hearing his whining, Daisy started working and processed it as soon as possible.

Master Xin Karlos, First Wish

Sweet System Voice

Wish Granted!!

Voice Module 70X15 has been sanctioned to Daisy!!

"Huh, that's fast," Xin commented. Now instead of that mechanical voice, he heard a feminine voice.

Xin recovered some of his strength and stood up with difficulty. He remembered how an unknown energy hit him and sent him flying towards the wall.

"Gahhh, now what's this mess?!!" Xin groaned with anger.

All the students were asleep, and the teacher had also joined the party. Before he said something else, Daisy's voice echoed in his mind again.

Magiculus Particles Detected

First Wave has hit the earth!

First wave has hit the earth!!

Xin saw the system's floating notification, similar to a smartphone. He made an attempt to click on them, but no extra info window was popped up before him.

Seeing making gesture was useless, he made an order in his mind, "Ah~~ Daisy, can you hear me?"

"Yes, master. I can hear you."

"What's this first wave? Any idea?!"

"Yes, master. My database has ample information about the first, second, and third waves. But before that, I have a welcome message for you."

Xin "..."

'Welcome message~~!! pfft feels like a game, lol.'

Xin willed, and the system's message window opened up.

The letter was addressed to him. And the sender was none other than Itsuki.


Dear Xin,


I hope you are fine.

I think it's your first day on earth. I wish you success in your revenge. And hope this time the world won't get destroyed like the last time.

Since there is a charge on the number of characters I am using right now, I am keeping it short and simple.

The last time the magical world got destroyed, we tried to reverse time and send your soul there. But due to some unforeseen circumstances, we were unable to do so.

Since trillions of souls were on the line, we decided to merge your earth and the magic world into one.

We have successfully planted the magic world's characters on your earth, and for magic, we will add it within a month.

Hope you enjoy your stay there.


Itsuki out~~~


The first thing that came to Xin's mind was the question, "Is this Itsuki a cat god or an isekai god?!"

Apart from this, many other questions were bubbling up in his mind. Like what did he mean by "merged the two worlds."

While he was pondering about it, Daisy sounded again, giving him his first mission with a notification.

First Mission Generated!

First Mission Generated!!

This time Xin didn't try to make any gesture and used his mental energy to open the notification. And as expected, it opened up.

First Mission: Collect 10000 Red Pine Fruits.

Time Remain: 7/7 Days

Fruits Collected: 0

Xin saw the name Red Pine, and an old memory popped up in his mind. He remembered that in the world of magic, people used to feed Red Pine to small babies till they become seven years old and awaken their magic.

The purpose was to expand their vessel for storing magic and make it strong and sturdy from both inside and outside before they awaken magic inside.

Xin understood the mission's motive, which was to make his magic storing vessel sturdy and stronger. He began to think of different ways to collect them, but couldn't think of a way for collecting that many at once.

The first thing he did after getting his mission was to get out of the school and look at the nearby places. The best place for observation was the school terrace where they used to have lunch along with friends.

Since everyone had fallen asleep, he took the terrace's key from the guard's office and unlocked the door to the terrace.

After having a look at the nearby places, he realized everything had stopped around him. The cars, the buses, the hustle bustle on the streets, everything had stopped around him.

"Sigh, Daisy, you here?!"

"Yes, master. Daisy here."

"What's the meaning of these waves? Can you explain?"

Xin knew the gods were using waves to add magic to that world, but it actually signifies, and its effects were still unclear.

Daisy went through her database files and found the file that clearly explained the magic waves and their effects.

While Xin was contemplating about the waves, a screen materialized before him. Xin got startled by the screen and took a step back as he was not used to it.

Before he read the screen's content, he asked something that he wanted to ask for a long, "Daisy, this is one of those MC's system screen, right?! The screen that only I can see?"

"Yes, master. It is as you said. Only you can see this screen. And the new phrase "MC's system screen" has been added to the dictionary!!"

Xin ""

Now that he had confirmed that the screen was exclusively visible to him, he took a breath of sigh and began to read the content on the screen.


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