Project Relife: 2x Isekai System

Chapter 30: Dagger Queen

Chapter 30: Dagger Queen

The training hall was quiet, and only one sound was audible in the entire hall, and that was the dribbling of the dodge ball by the girls team.

Sarena was feeling uncomfortable from Xin's glare, and she was planning to teach him a lesson using the dodge balls in her hand. After discussing a strategy with her friends, in case Xin dodged her first throw, Sarena turned around and was getting ready to throw the ball when she observed the boy on the other side had already closed his eyes.

For certain reasons, her feeling of discomfort turned into disgust for someone like Xin who wasn't even trying to fight back and was standing there like a log.

Sarena pitched her hand back and with all her power she threw a dodge ball aiming towards Xin's face. Following her, another girl of the team threw the dodge ball, aiming towards Xin's stomach.

Till then Xin's eyes were closed, and with that, the boys had also closed their eyes. They didn't even have a drop of hope that will win the match, not by chance or by luck.

One of the trainees in glasses who was playing earlier closed his eyes, as he didn't want to see the boy getting smashed with two dodgeballs. But sometime later, when he didn't hear the expected whistle sound to declare the elimination of the last boy, he opened his eyes and had a look at the view before his eyes.

Xin didn't get eliminated, and instead, he was playing with two dodge balls in his hands.

Shocked!! Completely Shocked!!

Not only him, but the others were also shocked after seeing his gameplay before their eyes.

The ball thrown by Sarena was directed towards his face, and the ball by her friend was aimed at his stomach. All the boys were of the idea that they were done for, and the game was over.

But before their eyes, something unexpected happened, and the course of the game took a major turn. When the dodge ball by Sarena was about to hit Xin on his face, he abruptly opened his eyes and stopped the ball just at a close distance near his face.

Xin also dodged the ball aimed at his stomach region and caught the ball with his other hand. Not only the boys, the girls were also taken aback by this comeback. Before the girls prepare themselves and get ready for the attacks from Xin's side thud! Thud!!


"Game over," shouted the referee and declared the boy's team as the victor of the match.

No one, literally no one, could believe what was happening before their eyes. It was true that the referee declared the boy's team as the victor of the match, but deep inside he was doubting himself and his eyes, that saw the things happening before his eyes.

Xin caught both the dodge balls and without stopping he took a complete turn and threw them back at the girl's team.

One ball hit Sarena and her friend at the same time, while the other hit the third girl of their team. And with that the game came to an end and the boy's team won the second round of the competition.

It took some time for the others to realize that they won the second round. But Aisen was the first one who snapped out of it first and went near Xin to hug him with joy.

"Yes, yes, yes!! Thanks, newbie. Thanks to you, we are in a tie with the girl's team now!!"

"Hahaha, it was nothing much. The girls of the other sides were just weak and slow to react."

Aisen heard his comment and thought of the time when the boys were bombarding the girls with dodgeballs and the girls were dodging them all like agile cheetahs.

Now it was time for the third round of the competition, and like the first time, the referee will scratch a card and tell them about the next competition.

Like the other time, this time too, the referee put his hand in a box and took out a card out of it. Not only the boys, but the girls were also getting breathless to know about the next game of the event.

The referee scratched the code, had a look at its content, and declared, "Dagger fight, the next game will be dagger fight!!"

Aisen ""

The boy in glasses ""

Other boys ""

Dead, they were destined to die now. Campus belle Sarena was also known by the name Dagger Queen, and having a dagger fight with her means only one thing, the opponent is destined to lose.

Their joy turned into despair, and their facial expressions darkened. Now, in the time of their despair, they needed only one thing, and that thing was called a scapegoat.

Someone who will represent the boy's side and will have a fight with Sarena that they were destined to lose. At this point, they just wanted to save their name from being disgraced and becoming a laughingstock.

No one was willing to fight her. Even Aisen, who was acting like the leader of the boys, was hesitating to fight with her.


The referee blew the whistle, asking the boys to send their representative. Only five or six boys were there, and all of them were hesitating to fight with her.

"Hey newbie!! Why don't you come for a fight?! I can give you some pointers."

Everyone turned around and saw it was Sarena calling the newbie for a fight. Aisen swallowed hard and tried to talk with her.

"Sarena, are you kidding? How can a newbie fight with the Dagger Queen of the campus? Hey newbie, why don't you tell"

Upon turning around, Aisen realized Xin was not there anymore.

"Aisen, look above, above!!" insisted the boy with glasses.

Xin was already standing on the fighting platform at a distance from Sarena.

'Damn this guy!!' Aisen face palmed again and thought the newbie was walking towards his death. He was somewhat lucky to win the dodgeball match against girls. But in a one-on-one fight with the Dagger Queen, there was no chance he would win against her.


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