Project Relife: 2x Isekai System

Chapter 22: Evil grin

Chapter 22: Evil grin

Next day~~

Xin woke up lazily at 9:30 in the morning and had a quick shower to refresh himself. Till then his parents hadn't returned, so he was pretty alone in the big 8 BHK apartment.

After taking shower he checked the freezer for something and found it was empty. Usually, his mom used to do the shopping for home and fill the freezer with fruits, vegetables, and snacks. But now that she was out of the city for some days, no one was there to do the shopping and stuff things in the freezer.

"Sigh looks like I have to go outside for breakfast. Home delivery will take more than half an hour, I guess, due to the growing magical weeds and plants, in the middle of the road."

With that Xin put on a white long sleeve shirt, trousers, and a navy blue hoodie on top. Suddenly, his system's screen appeared before his eyes with a notification on top.

"A notification, now? I don't think I have triggered any missions right now" whispered Xin in a low voice and clicked on the notification to check its content.

First Mission: Collect 10000 Red Pine

Time Remain: 5/7 Days

Fruits Collected: 0

Punishment: Losing a part of your memory

Reward: ???

Xin read the update of his first mission and asked Daisy about it.

"Daisy, what does it mean I will lose part of my memory?"

"Itsuki Sama has made this system with the simple concept of rewards and punishment. If you complete the mission, you will get a reward, and if you fail, you will get a punishment. Replied Daisy in a female voice, devoid of any emotions.

"Oh, it's the same I have read in mangas!!"

"Yes, and about this time punishment, you will lose one of your recent memories, like forgetting a part of your programming knowledge that you have acquired till now."

Xin ""

With some difficulty, he swallowed the mass forming in his mouth and asked why didn't he show the punishment to him in the beginning?

Daisy said till that morning she was configuring and adjusting some of her features as per the magiculus level of the earth.

Xin replied to her with a, "I see," and was about to ask her one more question when the doorbell of the house rang. Xin thought it was his parents, and without checking he opened the door saying, "Welcome back mom, welcome back da."

He stopped at that and looked at the figures standing before him. A man in a white lab coat, a man in an army dress with many badges on his coat, and two more people behind him.

The man in the white lab coat was none other than Nen, and the other one with badges was Yamamoto, for the other two Xin had already guessed they were from the army.

Yamamoto, "Good morning, kiddo."

Nen, "Good morning, Mr. Xin."

"Morning, morning. How come you are here?" Xin asked with a smile on his face.

As far as he remembered, he hadn't revealed his address to any of them. Then how come.

While he was pondering about it, Yamamoto dragged him back to reality by saying, "Won't you invite us in?"

Xin came out of his contemplation and invited them in. The living room was large and spacious enough to contain ten or eleven people.

Xin asked them to take a seat on the sofas and went to the kitchen to make some green tea and cookies for the guests. While he was in the kitchen, the other four were whispering and talking about something to each other.

"Here, have some tea and cookies. Mom isn't home or else she would have made something for you all." With that, Xin placed the crackers in the middle of the teapoy and handed over green tea to each one of them.

The other two soldiers were the first ones who attacked the cookies on the teapoy and grabbed as many as possible in their hands. From the looks at least anyone could say those cookies were not the ordinary ones available at every home.

Even someone like Nen, who doesn't care much about extravagant foods and snacks, had already guessed those cookies were not homemade or something that can be found in the country. After having a bite of those cookies, Yamamoto made a satisfied face and exclaimed, "Limited edition, imported cookies from France, the Neon's!!"

Upon hearing the name, "the Neno's" Xin choked on his tea and started to cough before them.

Nen placed his cup on the teapoy and went near Xin and brought him a water bottle from the freezer.

"Thanks, Mr. Nen."

"Hahaha," laughed the head of the JSDF, Yamamoto, and took another piece of cookie from the plate.

After Xin stopped coughing, Nen went back to his seat and emptied the tea first, as it was getting colder with time.

The room was completely silent, no one was starting the talk. Yamamoto and his two soldiers were busy emptying the plate of cookies. And Nen was doing something on his phone.

For Xin, he was already freaking out and sweating profusely because of Yamamoto. Even though Yamamoto was busy eating the cookies served on the teapoy, he was giving Xin a creepy, evil grin each time he came forward to pick up a cookie.

Few minutes later~~

Yamamoto and the two people with him finished the cookies on the plate, and Nen completed his work on his smartphone.

All of them were staring at Xin now. An interesting thing, everyone had an evil grin on their faces. Xin understood they wanted to tell something and have been waiting to shoot them down at once.

But he was not sure why the other two were laughing, he was sure he didn't know anything about those two, neither in this life nor in his previous life.

'Then why are these two giving me a grin like that? I can't even sense any hostility from any of them!!'

After showing Xin an evil grin for some minutes, Yamamoto exhaled out and started to talk about the topic for which Xin had been waiting for the last half an hour.


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