Project Relife: 2x Isekai System

Chapter 18: Test run complete!!

Chapter 18: Test run complete!!

Nen went near the monitor and started to read the codes line by line. Ryuu also went near and did the same, reading the codes line by line.

Half an hour later~~~

Xin was playing a game on his mobile as he didn't have anything to do there. Natasha, Ichirou, and Yamamoto were standing just at a distance from him as they were waiting for the other two to break the silence there and tell them something about Xin's programming.

The room was completely quiet. Only one sound was coming in the room and that was the voice from the game that Xin was playing at that time.

Beep Beep Beep!!

Beep Beep Beep!!

Came a sound from somewhere. Excluding Ryuu and Nen who were immersed in the program the others turned towards Yamamoto and gave him an intense glare.

"Hahaha, forgot to turn on DND mode," Yamamoto excused himself from there and went out of the server room for some time.

Meanwhile, Ryuu and Nen were already done with their study and to their surprise, Xin had completely solved that block containing twenty-seven units, instead of solving two as decided on the bet earlier.

And what's more interesting was the logic that he had used in them. They were simple and easy to understand, but the way he had used them in the program was something for which they had to give him full credit.

Nen tilted his neck towards the left, then tilted it towards the right, to stretch and relax his neck, as he was having pain from staring at the screen for a long time. Ryuu too did the same and elevated his neck from pain.

"Mr. Nen, what do you think? Should we give it a try?" Ryuu asked in a low voice. Though he was acting almighty and arrogant half an hour ago, but after reading the program and the logic used in them on the screen, he forgot about it and started to develop some respect for Xin.

"Any doubt?!!" Nen replied.

Both of them had completed reading the program in the first fifteen minutes, as it was very easy to understand, and used another fifteen minutes to think of better ways and logic to write the program.

But no matter how much they thought, they couldn't find better logic that was used by the high-schooler behind them.

"Mr. Nen, you have installed that special compiler on this supercomputer of your right?"

"Yep, I have it installed on it."

"Good, let's copy-paste it there and try running it. I don't think this old, outdated IDE has any inbuilt compiler. And even if it has one, I don't think it can run this"

Before he blurted out something, Xin interrupted in between them and said, "It will work."

Simultaneously, he tossed a coin towards his laptop. The four of them were looking at the coin with their mouths open when Ryuu realized where it was gonna land. He pushed Nen and was nearing the place where Xin had connected his laptop with the supercomputer, but before he reached the coin, landed on the laptop and hit the Enter button of the laptop.

Just a second ago, Ryuu realized that the coin was targeted towards the keyboard of the laptop. And after observing the path it was taking, he became sure that it would definitely land on the keyboard.

He didn't have any idea what Xin was planning, but he was getting a feeling that if the coin hit the laptop and the inbuilt compiler of the outdated IDE somehow starts up, then it will just ruin the entire program typed out there, and Xin would have to debug and type it again.

Though he was against Xin in the beginning but after reading witnessing his debugging the entire block of twenty-seven units, and that too in less than half an hour he didn't want to let go of Xin and wanted to take him as his assistant.

As expected, the coin landed exactly on the Enter button of the keyboard, starting the inbuilt compiler of the IDE that he was using. Suddenly many windows popped up on the screen, hiding the program that was earlier displayed on the code.

Nen and Ryuu face palmed as they understood that the inbuilt compiler was outdated enough that it couldn't compile and run the source code. Abruptly, the two of them raised their heads and turned around when a sound was made by the notification alert of Xin's laptop.

Compiling first unit..

Compilation complete~~

Running program complete.

Test run complete!!

Error found: 0

This time before Ryuu said something, Nen went near his laptop and observed the execution of the inbuilt compiler of the IDE program that Xin was using.

Compiling second unit..

Compilation complete~~

Running program complete.

Test run complete!!

Error found: 0

Compiling third unit..

Compilation complete~~

Running program complete.

Test run complete!!

Error found: 0

In the same manner, all the units were tested and got a zero error on them. Usually, when a program compiles itself and runs, it happens on one window. But in case of Xin it was different, twenty-six windows popped-up for checking the twenty-six units.

After the compilation and a successful run of the entire program, the software stopped and again showed the source code typed on the IDE like any other software.

The room was silent. Once again only one sound could be heard in the room, and that was the sound of the game that Xin was playing on his smartphone.

Suddenly, the automated door of the room opened up, and Yamamoto came running into the room.

"Nen, Ryuu, the program is correct. The kid has solved it perfectly."

Natasha was curious where was he till now? And fired out her question without hesitation. Yamamoto turned towards Xin and said he took the pics of the solved program and had sent it to the head of the JSDF research division to know the authenticity of the program.


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