Professor Vampire.

Chapter 316 - 316 Go back three years and fill a hole

Chapter 316: Chapter 316 Go back three years and fill a hole

Dracula lazily stood up from the armchair, walked to the door of the office, and stretched.

Then, he opened the door and walked out.

I don't know when the door of the office became a bridge between the living world and the realm of death. When Dracula went out, he came directly to the Death Hall of the Department of Mysteries, behind which was the old stone archway.

The dark gray curtain was still swaying gently, but for Dracula, the world behind it had lost its original mystery and became a power that he could control at will...

The previous Grim Reaper was a dark creature born in the world of death. There was no essential difference between him and the skeleton creatures trapped in the Blood River and the Bone Mountain. He could not enter the living world directly, so he could only make trouble in a roundabout way for a long time.

The birth of magical products such as ghosts and dementors was related to this.

It was for this reason that the previous Grim Reaper had a strong hostility towards Dracula when he first saw him... Why could a pure dark creature be born in the living world and have the ability to move in two worlds at the same time?

Of course, now he has no chance to complain about such a thing.

Dracula was too lazy to think about such boring things. He now had to fill a small hole that had existed for several years in his future and past timeline...

The Death Hall was still the same as before.

The light was dim, square, and the center of the stone arch was sunken, looking like a huge stone pit, about twenty feet deep; stone steps surrounded the whole room, like stone benches, gradually descending one level at a time, and each level was very steep.

There were several doors on the high ground, leading to other different rooms in the Department of Mysteries.

Dracula took a step and appeared in front of one of the doors, pushed open the door, and walked into a long and narrow rectangular room.

The place was full of dancing lights, and the whole room was shining like a gem. All kinds of time-related equipment completely filled the room, and various pendulum clocks, quartz clocks, pocket watches, wristwatches and other clocks were placed everywhere.

Several silent people were working indoors, but they didn't notice Dracula at all, and didn't even notice anything unusual, and they were still working in the Time Hall.

Dracula passed by one of the silent people and came to the center of the Time Hall.

There was a huge crystal jar shaped like a clock, and bright light came from it from time to time.

The shape of the jar was like a big clock, and its interior was constantly producing a dancing bright light - in the crystal water inside, there was a small, bright gem-like egg floating.

When the egg was lifted up by the bright water flow in the bell jar, it suddenly broke, and then a small hummingbird appeared from it; once the hummingbird appeared, it was lifted to the top of the jar by the water flow so that it could spread its wings and fly at a high place without liquid covering it.

But every time it wanted to land on the water to drink water, its feathers were wetted by the water flow, and then magically brought back to the bottom of the jar, and sealed in its egg again...

This process was repeated over and over again.

The hummingbird in the jar is also getting younger and younger, until it enters the state before birth, and then it is born again from the egg and grows up again, and the cycle continues endlessly...

"So this is the container for time energy, right?"

Dracula looked at the bird trapped in the time loop inside the bell jar with interest, and raised the time converter in his hand.

This time converter was taken from the Time Hall in the third year of being a professor at Hogwarts... After all, it was not very authentic to always use Hermione Granger's time converter at that time, and the time energy was not enough.

"Come on, borrow some time energy." He casually hooked his finger, and a part of the liquid in the bell jar was divided and poured into the hourglass of the time converter.

Once it entered the hourglass, the liquid condensed into gravel and gradually filled the entire hourglass.

Then, Dracula turned the hourglass and made it spin rapidly.

Each time converter was cast with an hour reversal spell by the Silent Man in the Time Hall. Every time the hourglass turned, time would go back one hour.

With the help of Dracula's fluctuations and sufficient time energy, the hourglass turned more than 20,000 times in the blink of an eye-

Dracula flew backwards rapidly in the state of time reversal, with all kinds of vague clouds and strange shapes passing by his eyes, and something knocking in his ears.

He was a little impatient with the long time-space shuttle process, so he took a step forward, directly broke through the flow of time, and instantly came to the time point he wanted to go.

In the summer of 1994, a quiet morning.

Dracula's figure was still in this shiny time hall of the Department of Mysteries, but the Silent Man around him had changed and fainted on the ground.

Looking at the slightly messy environment around, it can be roughly seen that a battle had just taken place here, but the battle seemed to be one-sided, and the Silent Man had no power to fight back at all.

It can be seen that a door on the side of the Time Hall was still open.

Behind that door, compared to the radiant light of the Hall of Time, it was particularly dark, and bursts of death breath came out from the crack of the door.

Dracula was very familiar with this death breath, but compared to the situation three years later, the death energy now could not be completely controlled by him.

Dracula shrugged and was about to walk towards the side door leading to the Hall of Death, but just halfway there, he suddenly remembered something:

"Oh, I almost forgot, I have to hide my identity!"

He excitedly used the Elder Wand to point at his black and red robe, and the clothes turned into a gorgeous red cloak.

Dracula put on the long hood behind the cloak on his head, and also put on a pair of gloves of the same color on his hands, without a trace of skin exposed outside, and then he walked into the door of the Hall of Death with satisfaction in this outfit.


The Hall of Death was not empty at this time.

A silver-haired, black-and-red-robed, handsome vampire was standing in the center of the sunken Death Hall, about to step into the stone archway leading to the realm of death.

"You don't want to go in there at this time." Dracula said with interest.

Suddenly hearing Dracula's voice, Dracula three years ago stopped and turned back in surprise.

His expression was surprised at first, and then he became speechless.

"I can hardly imagine that I will be so bored one day." Dracula three years ago said with a strange expression, "Do you have to dress like this? Anyway, I know who you are."

Dracula looked at him with some amusement and thought this scene was quite interesting.

He knew that his past self knew who he was, but he still pretended not to know and played the game of guessing his identity with him... Even Dracula knew exactly what would happen next, but he still had to go through it again.

It was unexpectedly interesting!

"The form still has to go through." Dracula said happily.

"... As long as you are happy." Dracula three years ago crossed his arms and pulled the corners of his mouth, "Then tell me, why don't I want to enter there at this time? In fact, you should know that I really want to walk into that archway."

"It's not time yet." Dracula said vaguely, imitating Dumbledore's way of speaking like a riddle man.

"But why can't you make it clear?" Dracula three years ago twitched a little at the corner of his mouth, "I can't imagine that I will become a riddle man like you one day."

"There are many things you can't imagine!" Looking at the past self's frustrated look, Dracula laughed with interest.

What happened next was the same as three years ago, and the two kept talking.

While chatting with his past self, Dracula quietly used a trace of the authority of the god of death and left a mark on the gloomy wooden wand.

This mark can not only help the past Dracula slightly control the power of the previous god of death, but also serve as a coordinate to help Dracula find the past self's position in the realm of death.

In fact, the latter function is the most important, because Dracula is fully aware that his past self will not be able to resist curiosity and suddenly step behind the curtain of the stone arch.

So he must pull his past self back from that side in time to prevent the previous god of death from doing something dirty.

"So... what is inside this?" Dracula three years ago looked at the curtain swaying gently on the stone arch and asked softly.

"The curtain is constantly swaying without wind, because there are lives dying every moment in the world." Dracula explained casually, but he knew in his heart that the critical moment was approaching.

"And in this space, the stone steps that gradually descend around the four sides mean the gradual aging of life... Haven't you figured it out yet? What kind of place is the world behind the arch?"

Dracula three years ago turned his head, and a flash of realization flashed in his eyes.

"I didn't expect that this arch is so important that I would find a way to travel back in time to stop myself from entering." Past Dracula laughed, "But have you ever thought that the more people dissuade me, the more I want to go in and take a look!"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly turned around and stepped decisively into the dark gray curtain inside the arch.

Dracula looked at this scene with amusement, and had no intention of stopping it at all.

It's also good to let the past self meet the god of death. At least when he seizes the position of the god of death next time, he will have some understanding of another world and will not be completely in the dark.

It's just that Dracula three years ago thought that the future Dracula didn't react, so he let him enter the door. This is quite interesting.

Dracula "tsk" and sat bored on a stone step, waiting for the moment when the past self tried to activate the teleportation magic to come back...

A few minutes later, Dracula snapped his fingers.

The authority of the God of Death from the future invaded the curtain on the stone archway, forcibly took away part of the power of the current God of Death, and connected the present world with the Dark Moon in the realm of death——

The next moment, a dark moon appeared in the Death Hall of the Department of Mysteries.

Through the light and shadow of the dark moon, Dracula vaguely saw a tall skull face sitting majestically on a throne of bones, with an extremely surprised expression.

"Enjoy your time as the God of Death. In a few years, you will disappear from this position."

He smiled and waved to the God of Death after the dark moon, welcoming himself back from another world three years ago...


After dealing with the small problems on the timeline, Dracula returned to the autumn of 1996.

Although he went back to the past for a while, it was not even a minute for the time three years later. Dumbledore and Grindelwald had just finished fighting.

Dracula thought for a moment, took a step forward, and instantly appeared in the secret realm on the top of Mount Olympus.

The black air here disappeared, but many ancient Greek buildings were charred black, and there were many broken and damaged ruins. It seemed that the fierce fire just now was burning very fiercely.

"Andros, has Herpo been solved?" Dracula shouted to the silver giant.

"Solved, pletely solved!" Andros, wearing a robe and half of his shoulders exposed, walked out from the giant's chest and laughed, "The grudge that has lasted for thousands of years can finally end!"

Andros looked extremely happy. Although the legendary invincible Andros has been happy since Dracula met him, he has never been as happy as today.

The silver light of the giant's patron saint was brighter than ever, as if it had unlimited power.

However, Andros's soul became extremely illusory, and it seemed that it might disappear from this world at any time...

"I can finally give back all the faith and magic potential I owe to the Greek magic world." Andros smiled with satisfaction, "The future here will finally not be as lacking in talent as it is now."

The ancient buildings around him gradually turned into light spots, and the space of the secret realm gradually fluctuated and could collapse at any time.

Andros smiled, and his figure became more and more transparent.

"Andros, you have stayed in this world for too long." Dracula said softly, "If you lose your power like this, you will become a weak remnant soul, unable to transcend..."

"I can find two choices for you - if you choose to stay, you will become a soul that is more stable than a ghost, and you can walk freely in the world."

"Sure enough, I was right about you. I knew you could succeed." Andros smiled and looked into Dracula's eyes, "Then... what about the other choice?"

"Another choice..." Dracula's eyes dimmed a little, and he said slowly, "If you choose to go on, I will send you through the Lost Land and leave this world."

Andros' figure became more transparent, but his smile seemed more satisfied.

"In fact, you know what I will choose, don't you?" He said with a smile, "You should know best that death is just another brave journey... In fact, I have kept smiling for thousands of years, and I am already very tired."

"I should take a break too."

"Yes, you should take a break." Dracula sighed deeply.

He stared at Andros's face and snapped his fingers gently.

"Then I respect your choice." Dracula said.

Andros's extremely transparent figure suddenly turned into a beam of light and slowly rose into the air.

As the secret space collapsed, the sky outside appeared in front of everyone present, a blue and exceptionally bright sky.

Andros's light flew higher and higher, smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared in the distant sky, leaving only a whisper with a smile -

"Thank you, my old friend, Dracula."


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