Professional Stand-in, With an Hourly Salary of 100,000

Chapter 90.1: Should We End It Now? (1)

Chapter 90.1: Should We End It Now? (1)

Bai Zhou was on the verge of losing his mind over Bai Zhengyes maneuvers, but a glance at the quietly smiling Ji Fanyin told him that it wasnt a good time to burst out. So, he clenched his teeth and first explained things to Ji Fanyin first, This isnt my idea.

Ji Fanyin did not reply. All she did was to blink her eyes in response.

This interaction piqued the interest of Bai Zhengyes secretary. He looked at Ji Fanyin and Bai Zhou with a look of contemplation, but he tactfully chose not to interject here. 

Bai Zhou first took a deep breath to calm himself before he continued speaking to Ji Fanyin awkwardly. You can go back first, Ill handle the situation here.

Mr. Bai is a guest of our studio, replied Ji Fanyin. It would be rude of us to allow an intern who joined a day prior to bring him around.

A furrow formed on Bai Zhengyes face. Miss Ji, the intern you are speaking of is none other than my son. He has the right to receive any guest.

There was a condescending edge to his voice, almost as if he was berating a subordinate.

My son has graced your studio with his presence, but instead of taking good care of him, youre treating him like a regular intern?

Bai Zhengye had spoken those words with conviction. He was confident that his son would be touched that he was standing up for him. However, the results were the complete opposite of what he had expected. 

Bai Zhous face couldnt get any livider. 

With clenched jaws, he squeezed out his words, Father, lets find somewhere else to talk.

This chap has even learnt to talk professionally.

With such thoughts in mind, Bai Zhengye graciously agreed with a nod. Before leavingwith his son, he shot a glance at his secretary to prompt the latter to proceed with the acquisition negotiation with Ji Fanyin. 

Bai Zhou briskly strode toward the currently empty smoking area beside the washroom. He felt as if there was a pool of searing lava bubbling in his mind, threatening to explode at any moment. Yet, he somehow felt oddly calm at the same time. 

He stopped at the destination and turned around to face Bai Zhengye. He suppressed his rage and asked, What are you doing here?

Im here to take a look at your work environment, replied Bai Zhengye matter-of-factly. 

There was no way he would reveal his true intention right away, so he went with an excuse that was not completely untrue.

Its true that Im taking a look at the work environment. I need to learn more about how this studio works before acquiring it. 

Is that so? Bai Zhou scoffed. You sure are showering me with care and concern after so many years. I guess your other son isnt meeting up to your expectations, after all.

Bai Zhengye lashed out angrily, I am your father. Is there anything wrong with me caring for you? Look at your clothes, your house, your car! When have I ever short-changed you before?

Money is the one thing that worths next to nothing to you. You wouldnt even bat an eyelid even if I dump a wad of it into the dumpster, replied Bai Zhou dismissively. You only know how to solve your problems with money.

Money has the power to solve all problems. Bai Zhengye shrugged nonchalantly. With a matter-of-factly tone, he said, You shouldnt forget that its with money that you were able to grow up in such a comfortable environment.

He gestured toward Bai Zhous figure. 

Take a look in the mirror. Havent you grown up well, strong and healthy? Dont speak as if I owe you anything.

Bai Zhou snorted in irritation. What is your true motive for coming here?

Bai Zhengye decided to stop beating around the bush and come clean. I know that I have neglected you for not having visited you in such a long time, and I do feel guilty over it. Im guessing that youre fond of this studio since you chose to work here, so Im considering buying it as an apology gift to you.

Up to this juncture, Bai Zhengye was still convinced that he was the bigger man here. His very tone revealed his You should be thanking me sentiment. 


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