Professional Stand-in, With an Hourly Salary of 100,000

Chapter 30.1: Ten Billion Is Enough (1)

Chapter 30.1: Ten Billion Is Enough (1)

Cen Xiangyang was fully prepared for his meeting with Ji Fanyin.

Despite Song Shiyus attempts to conceal the truth, he was still able to make some deductions based on the other partys attitude and words. 

For example, Song Shiyu seemed to be particularly sensitive to the word substitute. He was also oddly determined to stop him from obtaining Ji Fanyins contact number.

Through his constant harassment of Song Shiyu over the last few days, Cen Xiangyang felt that he had finally gotten to the bottom of this matter. 

Most likely, theres some sort of dirty deal between Song Shiyu and Ji Fanyin.

Cen Xiangyang had actually never heard of Ji Fanyin prior to this. He was one of Ji Xinxins suitors, but all along, he thought that she was the only daughter of the Ji Family. 

Not once had Ji Xinxin mentioned the existence of her twin sister to him.

So, he spent some time visiting his juniors in Lakeside University and was surprised to learn that the Ji Fanyin he had met that day was very different from the Ji Fanyin they knew of.

They said that Ji Fanyin was a gloomy reclusive, but Cen Xiangyang couldnt see how those two words could be applied to the Ji Fanyin he met at the movie premiere.

They said that Ji Fanyin was extremely ugly and dared not show her own face, but Cen Xiangyang felt his heart pounding in excitement just thinking about the Ji Fanyin he met.

They said that Ji Fanyin liked Song Shiyu, but Cen Xiangyang couldnt sense any affection from her attitude toward Song Shiyu. He could only conclude that she was able to hide her emotions well.

The results made him feel like he had collected a bunch of false intelligence. In fact, he felt a little regretful that Ji Fanyin wasnt a social recluse. Someone like that would have been much easier to control.

It looks like I can only count on my verbal skills to entice this thorny rose into making a deal with me.

Cen Xiangyang spent some time making thorough preparations to ensure that everything would go his way before finally dropping her a call. It was already a few days later by then, but he was confident that his mixture of threats and baits would be enough to make her accept his deal. 

Sitting in the book caf they had agreed to meet at, Cen Xiangyang picked out a book named The Lucifer Effect in a good mood while waiting for Ji Fanyins arrival. He took a look at the time as he flipped open the book.

I guess I can magnanimously forgive her even if shes late. It wont be long before shes mine anyway. 

Three minutes before the agreed meeting time, Ji Fanyin arrived at the restaurant.

She walked toward the table under a waiters lead. She took a glance at the cover of Cen Xiangyangs book and remarked with a smile, The Stanford prison experiment. Who are you hoping to change?

Words that directly pointed out the origin of the book meant that she wasnt just flaunting her knowledge here. Cen Xiangyang was about to rise to his feet when those words caused him to freeze up for a brief moment. 

The Lucifer Effect and the Stanford prison experiment werent exactly obscure topics, but very few of those who didnt dabble in related fields knew about them. 

It caught my eye when I was looking through the bookshelves earlier. Ive only just started on it. Cen Xiangyang was able to quickly adjust his state and reply with an innocent smile. Ive only taken a brief look, but I must say that the notion that a person could be easily changed by their environment is quite an intriguing one.

Ji Fanyin didnt bother further discussing this topic with him. She responded with a casual nod and took her seat. I must have kept you waiting.

Nah, Ive also just arrived not too long ago, replied Cen Xiangyang. He passed the menu to Ji Fanyin and said, Theres something that Id like to talk to you about today Shall we first order some food? Ill treat you.

Ji Fanyins eyebrows shot up. She decisively picked out two expensive dishes and a freshly-squeezed beverage that had an artsy but incomprehensible name. 

After the waiter confirmed the orders and took his leave, Cen Xiangyang picked up the teapot and poured Ji Fanyin a cup of barley tea. Ive been quite busy ever since that day, so I wasnt able to ask you out till today.

Ji Fanyin received the cup of barley and thanked him. Busy with your new movie?

Yeah. Theres a great deal of preparation work to be done before filming Just like the ancient saying, the rations move before the army. Cen Xiangyang placed the teapot aside and carefully pushed the conversation toward the direction he wanted. 

Its interesting how the concept of the movie Ive decided on half a month ago happens to be about a pair of twins too. Dont you think that its a coincidence? he asked with a casual tone that made it sound like a passing remark.

Ji Fanyin raised her eyebrows in interest, a signal for him to continue speaking.

Cen Xiangyang felt a little peeved by her expression. It wasnt one that he thought would ever appear on Ji Xinxins face. It was too casual and perfunctory.

Ji Xinxin should be more elegant, pure, and innocent. 

The story is about a pair of estranged twin brothers who have never met one another before. The older brother is a respected cop whereas the younger brother is an idle vagrant. One day, the younger brother witnessed his older brother getting murdered by his enemies. He coveted his older brothers standing and lover, so he stole his identification documents and headed to his home. He wanted to take over his position.

Ji Fanyin calmly listened to his story with the cup of barley tea in her hands. She even chuckled softly in response to his words at one point in time.

This chuckle looks a little like Ji Xinxin, Cen Xiangyang thought. Now I really want to hurry up and make her mine.

Ji Fanyin waited for Cen Xiangyang to finish his story before asking, Was the younger brother exposed in the end?

Well have to wait for the movie to hit the theaters in order to find out, Cen Xiangyang reined in his thoughts and replied in a half-joking manner.


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