Professional Stand-in, With an Hourly Salary of 100,000

Chapter 100.2: Emotional Damage Compensation (2)

Chapter 100.2: Emotional Damage Compensation (2)

That night, Ji Fanyin turned off her phone before going to bed. No matter how much drama the Li Family was embroiled in, she wouldnt let it, or anything else, deny her peaceful and restful sleep. She had even allowed herself the luxury of waking up naturally the next day.

However, she was in for a shock when she checked her progress in the app first thing in the morning. She blinked at her phone blankly.

When she had slightly less than 1 billion points to go, the progress bar had indicated a completion percentage of 91%. At that time, there was still a noticeable space at the back of the progress bar left to be filled.

However after just one night of sleep, that space had almost been fully diminished.

To make things worse, regardless of her assets or Emotion points, they were appreciating by the second.

Ji Fanyin immediately went to check her accounts history to find the culprit. But before she could do so, a notification from earlier in the day caught her attention. It was a notification of an incoming text message. She quickly opened it.

It was from the bank, notifying her of a sum being debited into her account.

The transferee was Bai Zhou.

He had even captioned it : Compensation for emotional damages.

This was a sum Ji Fanyin had not factored in.

Sure, she could return it, but

Why should she return the compensation given to her for her emotional damages?

Since he had transferred the money to her in the name of wanting to compensate her for her emotional damage, he would never accept the rejection. There was a high chance it would develop into a situation where they transfer the money back and forth, waiting for the other to give up.

After careful consideration, Ji Fanyin decided to let it be. She flipped her blanket off her and made a phone call to Chen Yunsheng after checking the time.

It took awhile for the youngster to pick up the phone. When he did, there was an undisguisable joyfulness in his voice. He greeted, Good morning!

Its not early anymore. Ji Fanyin said, Can I come over for lunch?

Cheng Yunsheng tensed up. Is Big Sister unavailable tonight? Im fine with lunch too, Ill start the preparations now!

Ji Fanyin washed up, put on makeup, changed clothes and was out the door in record time. After all, she no longer had the luxury of time to squander on such menial activities. Any delay in her action multiplied her fear of her not being able to say her final goodbyes in time.

It was exactly 11.30AM when she arrived outside the condo apartment Chen Yunsheng was temporarily staying in.

The fragrance of food was already wafting in the air.

To facilitate her easy access, Chen Yunsheng had sent her the password to unlock the digital lock on his door an hour ago. She quickly keyed it in and pushed the door open. A welcoming aircon breeze and a pair of indoor slippers arranged neatly at the foyer welcomed her.

She changed into them accordingly and closed the door.

Right at this moment, her phone jumped into action.


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