Prince and His Fool

Chapter 92: Septuplets

Chapter 92: Septuplets

Who knows how long those two were at it, if either of them could get pregnant they would have conceived at least septuplets by now. Their fierce physiques were specially designed for this so please don't try this at home. As they lay down playfully tussling around the bed, Wu Yange suddenly remembered what he had come to tell him before he got destructed by Wu Fan and Ying Tie's presence.

Wu Wuqing's words had been bothering him for a while now and felt the need to discuss it with his love otherwise it would continue eating at him with no solution. "Baobei, I want to ask you something," he said suddenly serious while tightly embracing Rong Zian.

Rong Zian had seen this discussion coming a mile away, he knew something was bothering Wu Yange ever since they left Qinshu province and had been waiting for him to open up to him. He just hoped it wasn't anything serious as he hoped to keep these blissful moments for an extended period of time. "What's up?"

"Wu Wuqing said the gods will be coming after you, do you have any idea why?" he asked with a look of concern in his eyes.

"Nope but do you believe what he said?" asked Rong Zian pondering on his words. He couldn't possibly fathom what he could have done to offend the heavenly realm.

"It seemed like he was being truthful," he replied while recalling the look on Wu Wuqing's face when he said such disheartening words.

"Is it stressing you out? Are really worried about it?" asked Rong Zian gazing at him with a wan expression. He hated seeing Wu Yange worried and when the prince replied with a nod to answer his question, Rong Zian decided to do something about it. He got off the bed and to get dressed while Wu Yange kept on staring like his eyeballs would fall out.

"Haha, what are gawking at? I am going to speak to Guang, you just lie down with me, okay?" he said fixing his clothes before hopping back onto the bed.

"Mm, I can't help it when you are this appetising. I might eat some tofu while you are gone," he said sliding his hands underneath Rong Zian's clothes as though his carnal urges weren't satiated.

Rong Zian chuckled loudly saying, "Don't you dare enjoy without me. I promise, I will be right back," before closing his eyes with a cheerful smile on his face.

In an instant, Rong Zian's consciousness arrived in Guang's space but something was a bit off. His bubbly foul-mouthed mother was unusually silent in low spirits. The thirteen-year-old little girl gently smiled at him saying, "Ah-Zian I didn't think you would come to see me today. Here sit with me." Guang was depressively completing a five thousand-piece puzzle without using any of her powers to solve it with a brooding look as though stuck in her own bubble.

"So it's true then, they are coming for me otherwise why would you be this sad?" he said picking up a corner piece of the puzzle and placed it in its rightful place.

"Ah-Zian like in the human world there are certain rules that can't be broken just like in the heavenly realm. Your mother was so stupid that she got fooled into breaking an unforgivable sin and now the leadership is scratching their heads trying to figure out your identity so they can hunt you down," she replied choking on her tears. Pohuai really ruined everything for her, instead of happily planning a wedding she was now searching for a place to hide her son from the gods.

Guang explained everything to her son including how the god of destruction tricked her into this situation and his creepy obsession. She left no stone unturned, confessing all of Pohuai's dealings with Wu Wuqing which suddenly made sense to Rong Zian why he felt a sense of familiarity when he crushed the villain's golden core. It was all Pohuai's doing, he had to make him pay for his sins.

Rong Zian embraced the sobbing goddess while trembling in anger. He wanted to hunt this unruly god down and teach him a lesson but didn't expect the culprit to offer himself to him on a silver platter. Pohuai budged in as though he owned the space, mockingly saying, "Zian daddy's home," with a sly grin on his face. But that smile didn't last before he was struck down knocking out some of his teeth. Rong Zian didn't stop there, he went on rampage continuously beating him up till his face was unrecognisable.

"You fuckin' piece of shit!" he cursed while hauling him onto the ground with great force. What annoyed Rong Zian the most was that the guy kept on healing at light speed making the entire process repetitive. It's only when he was done venting that he stood in front his mother blocking Pohuai's sight.

"Wow! Such a temper, you are definitely my kid," he said while fixing his garments with a beaming smile on his face.


Rong Zian was so pissed off and wanted to kill the bastard of a god but as it stands he didn't know-how. The god had used such a vile method to deceive his mother into sleeping with him. If the law applied, he would sue the bastard for impersonation with malicious intent. "Get fuck out off my sight. How can you take advantage of her just to fulfil your sick fantasies? Did you even consider her feeling when you did this!" yelled Rong Zian still guarding his mother against the pervert.

Pohuai chuckled while pacing without taking his eyes off Rong Zian as though carefully examining his masterpiece. "I had my reasons but did you actually think you were a part of that dud? Didn't you ever feel out of place where your mother dumped you? Look at you, a masterpiece! A product of greatness, how can the world not be amazed when they are graced with awe-inspiring perfection. You can destroy the entire universe with just a snap of your finger, isn't that fuckin' awesome!"

Watching the god of destruction giving himself airs made Rong Zian as mad as a hatter, he just wanted to vanquish this disgusting god. "Why did you help Wu Wuqing then if I am that valuable to you?" asked Rong Zian inching closer to his breaking point.

"Haha, you actually thing Wu Wuqing could beat you? No, no, no you misunderstand, Wu Wuqing was just a toothless bulldog a, cannon fodder in my grand scheme of things. He wanted to fight you so I gave him a push so my son can see how much more powerful he is. This was my purpose, for you to recognise who your real daddy is. How was my grand announcement, awesome right?" he replied thrilled as though in cloud nine.

"Fuck this shit!" bellowed Rong Zian before kicking Pohuai with extreme force pushing him out of Guang's space. He immediately enforced a barrier that would prevent that pervert from sneaking back in.

"Ah-Zian I am so sorry. I found a hidden place where you can live in. It's a good place to lie low, they will never find you," said Guang with a wanly smile. This is the only way she knew that could protect Rong Zian from the full force of the gods but her son had the opposite idea. What would happen to Wu Yange if he runs off in hiding? There was no hiding from this neither did he want a fight.

"I am not going to run away from this but I am going to let my intentions known so there's no misunderstanding," he replied with a dark expression. He had to let them know if they came after him, he would mess them up pretty good that they would be so scared to even mention his name. "Mum, help me establish communication with all of them," he said as they sat down on the comfy cloud. He sat crossed legged with the goddess instructing him on how to talk to all the gods at the same time. In a matter of seconds, a wide communication channel was opened and Rong Zian spoke in a gentle yet overassertive tone addressing all the gods.

"I am sure by now you know to whom you are speaking. Yes, the so-called fuckin' monster you're all sharpening knives for. I am going to say this once so listen closely because I don't like fuckin' repeating myself. I don't give a fuck about your shitty realm neither do I want to take anything from you. So stay the fuck away from me and go about your business but if you think for a second that you can walk all over me then you must fuckin mistaken. I will only strike if you fuckin provoke me so stay out my shit and I will stay out of yours. And yes I am very vulgar if you don't like it then go fuck yourself!"

While Rong Zian was making his heartfelt speech at the gods, Pohuai heard everything while looking over the mansion where Wu Yange was. He found the speech hilarious, it had him in stitches bursting out in laughter. "That's my boy," he said as he moved in to possess Wu Fan who had been minding his own business trying to sneak into Ying Tie's room. He felt a weird sensation and was immediately suppressed by an overpowering force.

"What the fuck you doing?" asked Wu Fan feeling repressed and he really hated this helpless feeling.

"Be good I am borrowing you for a second. Wow! You have been up to some nasty things, aren't you? You actually dominated that brawny guy, fuck you are hardcore," said Pohuai invading Wu Fan's privacy as he sifted through his memory.

"Who are you?" asked Wu Fan with his soul pressed at the corner helpless.

"Hey, Pohuai god of destruction. Need to talk to your cousin, I promise I won't be long," he said following Wu Fan's memories to Wu Yange's room.


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