Primordial Vampire God System

Chapter 79 Beast Tides.

*Rumble* *Rumble* *Rumble*

A normal human male was walking outside his village when suddenly, he paused when he heard a voice. He then looked in the direction from where the voice was coming from and he saw nothing but a big cloud of dust coming closer and closer to him.

The man's eyes widened in surprise.

He reacted quickly and dashed into his village, there, he ran towards a huge bell and rang it.

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

The bell's voice echoed all over the village and the man then shouted.

"Beast Tide! A very huge Beast tide!"

Since this was a village bordered by a jungle that had many star beasts, beast tides were usual, therefore, Advance Stage Cultivators stays here.

The said man quickly walked out of his room and frowned.

"A beast tide? But didn't we face one 3 weeks ago? Why are they back so quickly? We haven't even recovered our strength yet."

Another man, who had rushed outside after hearing the bell returned and informed.

"This tide is a lot bigger than normal, the chances of us surviving are very low. W-We should run away!" He was a Cultivator as well, a Beginner Stage Cultivator.

"Huh? Why are you scared of some animals? We are cultivators for god sake! What the hell could those animals do?" The Advance Stage Cultivator questioned.

Then, a sword appeared in his hand and he smiled,

"Do not worry, we do not have to fear anything."

However, the man who reported the situation was still unsure.

Suddenly, the Advance stage Cultivator grinned and whispered,

"Don't worry, if things go south, we will run away. Who would be willing to give their life for these stupid people."

The beginner stage cultivator smiled.

Then, he glanced at the Advance Stage Cultivator and nodded.

"Indeed. These mortals were born to serve us, not the other way around. Heh. If things go south, we will run away.

It will be an achievement for these useless mortals to sacrifice their own lives to save us."

"Hahaha~" The advanced stage Cultivator laughed.

Then, he dashed forward and roared,

"Fellow villagers! Come out, find whatever you can, take out whatever you can, I know all of you are still recovering from the last battle, I am the same as well, however, we, as proud humans shouldn't back down against some lowly beasts!

Come out and fight!"


The villagers shouted in excitement as they rushed out of their homes, some carried pickaxes, some carried iron rods, some carried knives, well, everyone found what they found.

Then, the women, elderly and children entered the basement to hide.

As for the Beginner Stage Cultivator, he just looked at the Advance Stage Cultivator's back and snorted.

'Tsk Tsk, I am the same as well? Hmph! Same my ass, didn't you already drink the healing potion the same very day you were injured? You as good as new right now.'

However, the man didn't say that out loud.

He was the same after all.

Then, his sword appeared in his hand and he rushed forward as well.

"C'mon, fellow humans! Follow us and kill all those beasts! We will win!"

Although he said that out loud, what he actually meant by that was,

'C'mon, you guys go ahead, then once we kill those animals, we will get all the loot, while you just work.'


The villagers shouted again and finally, the beast tide appeared.

The Beginner Stage Cultivator rushed towards the Advance Stage Cultivator, however, when he saw his face, he frowned.

"What happened?"

"We are doomed…"

The Advance Stage Cultivator muttered as he glanced at the beasts in front of him with eyes that were full of dread and despair.

The Beginner Stage Cultivator frowned even more, then, he turned around and once his eyes fell on the beasts, the same expression appeared on his face.

"We are doomed…"

This beast tide was a lot lot different than the normal beast tide they were used to.

Normally, there is only a 1-Star beast leading the beast tide, the rest of the 'beasts' were normal animals.

For an Advance Stage Cultivator, this was nothing but free money.

However, this time, not only the beasts were a lot more in number, they were strong as well.

This was an Actual Beast Tide, there was no Animal there, all of them were 1-Star or 2-Star beasts.

There is no way this village is surviving.

Of course, that doesn't mean they aren't surviving either.

Heh, now was the time for these villagers to work.

Work as their meat shield.

The Advance Stage Cultivator and Beginner Stage Cultivator didn't think too much and stepped back before walking back into the village, the villagers who were roaring loudly, ready to fight and face death frowned.

'What were the leaders doing?'

'Did they leave something inside their house and are going back to retrieve it?'

'Is that thing so important that they backed away only to bring it back?'

These innocent questions appeared in their head, however, their faces paled the leaders skipped their house and…

And they ran away.

Yes, the all-mighty leaders ran away.

"T-They ran away?"

A villager couldn't help but mutter.

"N-No, of course not! They must be testing us, why would they run away, Leader Wasim can defeat the leader of the Beast Tide in a one-on-one battle, why would he run away?"

Another human answered.

"You Idiot! They ran away! I told you this beast tide isn't normal! They are Cultivators, their senses are stronger than us!

They must have realized what was wrong and decided to run away!"

Another human shouted.

"Then what do we do!?" A villager questioned in panic.

"What can we do!? Our mothers, fathers, wives and children are inside the basement, we can't abandon them! We can only fight!" A villager shouted as he raised his iron rod.

"Yeahh! We can't abandon our family!"

"Right! Let's fight to the death!"

The other villagers muttered, however, the unity among them this time was a lot lesser than before.

"U-Umm… I don't have any family left… so… I have no reason to fight…" Suddenly, a human muttered, and then, before anyone could stop him, he ran away.

​ "…" Seeing him, other humans turned silent.

"I-I am just a visitor as well, I have no obligation to help you guys, I will be going as well." Another human muttered and ran away.

Then, another human stepped forward,

"M-My mother is already 90 years old, she doesn't have much time left anyway…

I am sure she won't want her young child to die like this…" Another human muttered and ran away.

Seeing him running away, some more villagers glanced at each other and then nodded,

"My wife has been a bitch anyway!"

"Yeah, my child is annoying too!"

Then, they and a few more humans ran away as well.

Around 25% of men had run away, as for the rest of them,

"It doesn't matter if you fight or not! I cannot leave my wife alone! I will fight till the bitter end!" A man stepped forward and threw away his pickaxe and picked up the iron rod that another human had left.

"Yes! I will fight you!"


"I will fight too! I won't abandon my parents!"



All the humans roared as they raised their weapons in the air.

This time, the energy they released was higher than the last.

The beast tide finally came and the villagers fought back bravely.


Bravery can only take you so far.

In front of pure strength, bravery and foolishness are similar.

The villagers were annihilated within 10 minutes, then, they only served as food for the beasts.

What happened to those who ran away?

They weren't safe either, the villages they ran to all had Star beasts attacking them!

Yes, all the villages that were bordered by jungle were facing Beast Tides.

"W-What the hell is happening here!?" A human cried in despair.

"I-I have no clue! Just run to Senic Village!"

"No! Don't run there! We came from there, that village is being attacked as well!"

"Then where do we go!?"

"Let's go into the town!"

"That place is too far away from here!"

"So what!? That is the only place that is safe!"

Some villagers met with other villagers, who, just like them, decided to abandon their family, then, they all decided to run towards the Town,

However, they weren't that lucky.

Some Beasts noticed them and started chasing them.

They were all normal humans, therefore, there was no way for them to outrun those beasts.

No, there was one way.

The beasts would take their sweet time eating the humans they captured.

What happened next was predictable.

These humans were the people who even abandoned their families, why in the hell would they risk their lives for others?

They started tackling each other, the weaker ones fell down and were used as food, while others ran away.

In the end, out of more than 200 humans; only 20 survived.


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