Primordial Vampire God System

Chapter 67 Exploring The Town 2


If anyone talked about this race a 500 years ago, only 2 words would come to their mind,

Strong and,


They had pale white skin, hypnotic red eyes, and sharp features.

Not only that, but their body shape is beautiful as well.

There is no such thing as fat vampires.

Since all they 'eat' is blood, vampires do not gain weight.

The best thing about them was that they do not change much with age, which means, that unless they die, their bodies will be the same as when they were around 40 to 50 years old.

And for vampires, 40 to 50 meant 25 to 30 years for a normal human.

This trait, which other races were jealous of before, is what became a curse for the vampires after 500 years.

The vampires, who have now fallen, are the best prostitutes.

They might not be the same as before since their blood is diluted,

Vampire women were still beautiful and they aged a lot later than human women, plus, since their bodies are stronger compared to normal women, they 'last long' as well.

A perfect investment for any prostitution house.

And this is what Azriel and Ithania were seeing right now.

Most of, if not all, women in the 'Pink Bliss' were vampires.

The place reeked of the pungent smell of bodily fluid and Azriel felt like he would throw up if he stayed here for long.

Ithania, however, was calm.

"Prostitution houses hold the biggest number of vampire slaves, even more than the farmlands. These are also the places where most of the vampire slaves come from.

As a vampire slave gives birth, if the baby is a girl, they keep it and train them to be a prostitute.

If the baby is a boy, they sell it as a slave.

They make a profit in every single way."

Ithania informed in an unusually calm tone.

Azriel frowned, then, he thought of a possibility and his eyes widened.

"Do yo-"

"I was too young back then so they didn't do anything.

They just trained me to be a prostitute, however, I was a lot more mature than the other children my age.

When it was my first night, I ran away from the prostitution house.


Then, a sad look appeared in Ithania's eyes.

"My mother wasn't able to make it. She told me that we would run together, however, she stayed back and fought all the pursuers alone. I saw how they killed my mother with my own eyes."

Ithania answered as her eyes glistened.

Then, a chilly smile appeared on her face and she muttered,

"However, she didn't die alone, she took 4 lives with her."

A similar smile appeared on Azriel's face as well,

"A True Vampire."

"A True Vampire indeed." Ithania nodded.

"Do you want revenge? Do you want to destroy that Prostitution house?" Azriel questioned.

However, Ithania shook her head.

"No, as I said, we won't make any stupid moves right now. All we need to do is collect information, nothing else."

Then, a small smile appeared on Ithania's face as she continued,

"Although I would like to visit that prostitution house to pay respect to my mother."

"I understand, we will visit it,"

"Mhm, I have shown you what I wanted to, let's leave this darned place," Ithania muttered.

She just wanted Azriel to know how many vampires are there in the prostitution house. This place is simply a gold mine for them, they would be fools to not recruit so many vampires.

The two of them then left the 'Pink Bliss' and continued exploring the town.

"50 Bronze."

"Aha! Number 4 gentle men there! 50 Bronze! Any other generous men who would like to raise the big?"

While walking, Azriel and Ithania heard a voice, they turned around and saw an open auction that sold…


They were being sold as slaves, out in the open and nobody cared.

"60 Bronze."

"70 Bronze."

"80 Bronze."

"90 Bronze."

"5 Silver."

"5 Silver! That is 500 Bronze coins! Anyone else who wants to raise the bid? Remember, this is a one-time offer! This Slave is stronger than others, don't miss out!"

The human selling the slaves pointed at the vampire and informed, trying to gain more money.

The vampire he was pointed at indeed looked a little different than normal vampires.

He was healthier and had some muscles.


His eyes were lifeless.

He just stood there, chained, with his head lowered while other humans bid for him.

Then finally,

"10 Silvers! Anyone who wants to spend more? No! Do it quick, the clock is clicki-"

"Just start the count already you bastard, no one will spend more!"

"A-Alright, 10 Silvers going once! Going Twice…"




"You fucker end the count already!"

"10 Silvers going thrice… Sold… to gentlemen number 7" The man selling the slaves announced with a sad look on his face.

He wanted more money.

"Good." The man who bought the 'goods' smiled and nodded to himself as if he was proud that he bought it.

Suddenly, the man who was selling the slaves smiled and he turned toward the buyers.

"Alright, the next item will probably be the best item I have ever sold in my entire life!"

"Huh? You look really confident huh?"

"I am confident indeed!"

Then, the seller pointed at the curtain that was hiding the goods, and soon, a man brought a woman who was chained.

The woman had pale skin, brown eyes, and a curvy body.

She was a vampire.

A beautiful vampire.

"As I said, this is the best product I have and will ever sell! And it is not just because she is beautiful,"

"Huh? What do you mean?" A buyer questioned.

"Hahahaha! This Beautiful Slave here is a virgin! Hahaha! Yes! That means anyone who buys her will buy her first time as well!

Isn't that a bonus!?"

The seller laughed loudly.

Actually, when he got his hands on the 'goods' he wanted to take her first time, however, he then realized that a virgin slave would sell for more.

And he loved money more than anything!

Therefore, he controlled himself.

And today, he will benefit from the sacrifice he had made.

"So the starting bid for this good will be… 5 Silver!"

The bidding then continued, and the buyers went crazy and started raising the price.

Azriel and Ithania who saw everything didn't do anything.

All in due time.

"Let's leave," Azriel muttered.

Ithania nodded and the two of them walked away.

The two of them spend the next hour roaming around the town, then, they walked into another town, then another town, then the next one and the one after that. They visited a few farmlands as well, however, they didn't do anything to help the vampires.

They just watched.

Things they saw were similar, vampires being treated like prostitutes, sold as slaves, forced to carry weight like animals and all that.

Then, after exploring a few more towns, Ithania decided.

"Alright, let's visit other races."

Azriel nodded, then, his ring shined and a carpet appeared in his hands.

This was a 10-Star movement tool that Luminia had given to them.

Other races were far, if Azriel and Ithania walked or ran to them, they would spend a month just so they could reach other races' villages.

However, with this, a month's worth of travelling can be done in hours.

Why didn't they use it before?

Because the Mana consumption of this tool was scary high,

Even a Monster like Azriel can only keep it activated for 100 minutes before his Mana runs out.

"First, the nearest ones, Beastmen."

Ithania muttered, the two of them then sat on the top of the Movement Carpet and Azriel injected his Mana.

As soon as he did, the Carpet rose 50 meters high in the air.

Ithania then pointed in a direction, Azriel glanced at where Ithania pointed and with his mind, he controlled the Carpet and then, the carpet turned in the direction pointed.

"Hold me tight, Book worm," Azriel laughed, he then injected more Mana and,


The carpet shot forward at an incredible speed.

Of course, since the Mana consumption was high, the two of them had to rest in between.

1 day later, the two of them appeared in front of the first Beastmen Village.

"I'll garden too much attention, so I can't go in. You will have to do everything yourself from now on." Ithania muttered.

"Yeah yeah, It's not like you were doing anything useful either." Azriel shrugged as he walked towards the Village.

The two of them then kidnapped one Catmen, and although unwilling, Azriel drank his blood and devoured him.

"How is it?" Ithania questioned with interest.

"Heh. As I expected, it was comparable to shit."

Azriel muttered with a disgusted expression on his face. Then, a bottle appeared in his hand and he started drinking the blood inside.

"We won't be entering the same village, it will create unnecessary troubles. We might as well move to another village." Ithania muttered.


Azriel nodded, then the two of them walked to another village, then, Azriel's face changed, his height decreased as well, a tail popped from behind and then, cat ears appeared on his head.

Then, Azriel walked into the village and started 'investigating'.


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