Primordial Vampire God System

Chapter 31 We Finally Found You, Slaves.

"Lady Ithania, this is the information about the Arc village, our next target. Just like other villages, we have confirmed that there are no 'visitors' here as well, and there are only 200 people in this village, even if we send a fifth of our men, we can destroy this village easily." Ferox reported with a bright smile on his face.

Ithania, however, frowned when she heard his report and sighed, "Haven't I told you already? We have already attacked 5 villages, we already have enough blood in our stock, why are we attacking more humans? We will get nothing out of this. Also, we have been repeating the same pattern for so long already, humans aren't stupid. I believe we should not attack this time."

"Lady Ithania, you are too paranoid, we are being so careful, what could go wrong? Also, the new vampires that have joined us are getting restless, they want to kill some humans again. How about we attack a few more times before laying low? I am sure everything will be fine" Ferox answered.

Ithania, who noticed the glint in his eyes sighed even more.

This is getting out of hand, these vampires are getting arrogant.

They have just killed a few humans and now they think that they are stronger than anyone else. Heck, some are even eying her position as the leader.

Of course, she wasn't worried about that, since she has a lot of supporters and she wasn't weak herself, however, the arrogance and the newly gained overconfidence are troublesome.

In these last few weeks, the number of Vampires under Ithania's command has increased to 263, and just like Ferox, Valerian and Tassia, the number of vampires who have 'Sky' as their last name has also grown to 10.

Everything was going fine and was under her calculations until some variables appeared.

Although Ithania was intelligent, she wasn't very strong and seeing that the difference between theirs and their leader's wasn't that high, some vampires started to have different thoughts.

Amongst the vampires, some started eyeing her position.

Yes, the vampires who wouldn't even utter a word when they or their friends were getting tortured by humans, were now trying to become the leader of 250 plus vampires.

These vampires then started enticing other vampires to join them and tried to target more and more villages so they can gain more followers.

This caused everything to get out of control as the vampires started eyeing human villages and Ithania did not like it at all.

However, no matter if she liked it or not, these vampires are still under her.

"Haahh… Alright, we will attack tonight, however, we will only take those 100 Vampires, and the rest of them will continue their work. Also, announce that we will have a meeting tomorrow, make sure everyone is present."

Ithania's eyes shined with a cold glint.

It seems that she has to take some strict steps.

The steps she wanted to avoid…

However, that will have to wait.

Right now, she has an attack to lead.

At night, 80 vampires led by Ithania appeared in front of the Arc village, each carrying a pickaxe.

'My blood…'

The leader, Ithania, felt something weird when she realized that the blood flowing in her body was acting strangely. Her heartbeat was normal; however, she could 'feel' that her blood was flowing faster than usual.

It was as if it was trying to say something.

However, she quickly remembered what she was here for and stopped thinking about it.

Ithania's icy blue eyes then shined as she glanced at the houses however, before she could say something, a man stepped forward and shouted.

"Vampires! Listen to me, these humans have tortured us, treated us like slaves, and forced us to beg for every drop of that disgusting blood they gave us! However, we vampires will not back down now.

We shall attack!

We should show these humans who they are up against.

Follow me, Lupas Livenus and kill all these humans!



Other vampires shouted before they rushed toward the humans.

The vampire who stepped forward, Lupas, glanced at Ithania and smirked before he rushed forward with his pickaxe.

He was one of those vampires who had his eyes on Ithania's position and had gained a good number of followers as well.

The vampires who liked killing supported him a lot. They believe that Ithania is too passive to be their leader and Lupas should be the one to accept that role.

Of course, compared to Ithania's supporters, their numbers weren't very high.


Lupas shouted again before he entered a house and started killing.

Humans, who were sleeping calmly quickly woke up due to the commotion cause and took out their weapons.

Many villages have been attacked till now, therefore, villagers started keeping their weapons with them, it can be said that they were well prepared to fight.

However, the reality was often disappointing.

Normal humans were no match for Vampires.

They were nothing but lambs that are about to be slaughtered and humans realized that very quickly.

Some smarter humans quickly turned around and tried to run away, however.

"Heh! You bastards think you can run away! In your dreams! Hahaha!" Lupas laughed like a manic before some vampires, who were hiding around the exit moved out and started killing the humans who were trying to run away.

"Hahaha! No one can run away! You are all going to die!" Lupas laughed out loud before he stabbed his pickaxe on a human's head.

"True! You are all going to die! Insects!" Suddenly, everyone heard a foreign voice and turned towards the exit.

There, around 50 humans were rushing towards the village at an incredible speed, each of them carrying swords in their hands.

"We finally found you, Slaves."

The man leading the humans smiled evilly before he increased his speed and ordered.

"Soldiers! Don't kill everyone! Captures the leaders! We will create an example out of them!



The human cultivators roared and raised their swords!

"Shit…" Lupas's pale face turned a tone paler as he muttered.


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