Primordial Vampire God System

Chapter 21 Who Said Rest Is Important?

"Who are you?"

"Huh? Did I not introduce myself before? I am Luminia Crux, and your teacher."

"No, I know what your name is, teacher. What I want to ask is, who are you? You are a True Vampire, and I know for sure that you are very strong as well. Not only that, you even know those… symbols…

What is your origin?" Azriel questioned.

"I am a Vampire, Azriel.

A Vampire of the time when Vampires were one of the strongest races in Yrniel."

"A Vampire of the time when Vampires were one of the strongest races in Yrniel… So are you saying that you were alive when the Vampires had not fallen?"

"Yes, not only that, I was close to King Dardon as well. He was the one who made me cram those symbols"

"Then why are you…" Azriel wanted to ask, however, he stopped in between since he did not know if he should ask that or not.

"Why am I not dead yet? Well, I was sent away before everything happened…"

"Oh, so you were not present at that party huh…" Azriel muttered unconsciously, however, Luminia's body jerked as her expression turned solemn and she questioned.

"How do you know about that party?"


Azriel then realized what he just said and wanted to slap his face.

However, just as he was thinking about what other story he should make, Luminia muttered in realization.

"Ah, King Dardon must have told you, right?"

"A-Ah, yes, indeed. He was the one who told me about it…"

"Did he say anything more about the party?" Luminia questioned, her eyes filled with curiosity and… hope.

Noticing her gaze, Azriel did not have the heart to lie to her and nodded.

"Yes, he showed me the whole party… and the battle after it…"

Luminia's eyes shined brightly before she removed the locket on her neck and opened it.

"Did you see her then? How was she? Was she in pain before she died?"

When Azriel's gaze fell on that picture, he quickly remembered a woman who was fighting gallantly as she killed countless humans with her sword.

He was surprised how strong she was even after she was poisoned, her killing speed even rivalled Dardon's a bit, although the opponents Dardon fought were stronger than hers.

Still, that woman was amazingly brave and stood strong. In the end, she was only defeated when the demon race expert, who was fighting Vlad sneaked attacked her from behind.

Azriel then noticed the similarities between Luminia and that woman's face and quickly joined the link.

"Yes, I saw her and she was incredible. Even after being poisoned, she killed those humans as if they were bugs.

She was only defeated by a sneak attack, or else she would have continued her killing spree.

She was a strong woman till the end."

Azriel answered, however, there was no sadness in his eyes, rather, his eyes were filled with unconcealed pride and respect.

"Not only her, but all the vampires were great warriors. Hah! Even after poisoning them, those humans still needed the help of the other six races to defeat them and even then, most of the humans died miserably, even the strongest human died under King's father, Vlad's hand.

Other races weren't better either, they took major losses as well.

That is how strong and chivalrous we vampires were!

All other races teamed up but were still unable to defeat us without any losses!

Haah! Pathetic!"

Azriel declared, his blood-red eyes shined uncontrollably. For an instance, even Luminia was charmed by those eyes.

Then, a smile appeared on her face.

He was right; it is not something the Vampires should be sad about. Her mother and other Vampires fought bravely till they finally met their end.

They should not disrespect their sacrifice by crying over the loss.

"Hahaha! You are right! Those pathetic bastards were so weak that they still needed help even after poisoning us! Hahaha! Pathetic, simply pathetic!" Luminia laughed cheerfully as well, and for some reason, a smile appeared on Azriel's face when he saw her smile.

However, soon, Luminia stopped laughing before she gazed at Azriel with her eyes shining intently and she ordered.

"Alright, we will start your training now."

"Huh? W-What about the rest?"

"Hmph! You are a Vampire! Why do you need rest? Don't you want to get stronger!?"

"B-But you said I needed res-"

"I never said that. Now stop arguing and get ready!" Luminia ordered before her figure blurred, and before Azriel could react, she grabbed him from behind and moved.

The speed was so fast that Azriel was forced to close his eyes, however, just as he closed his eyes, the two of them stopped, he felt his feet stepping on the ground and Luminia's voice sounded.

"Here, take this" she then threw a wooden sword towards him and took out one for herself.

Azriel, who was still unable to stand straight due to the incredible speed they had travelled in, heard something falling on the ground near him.

He then focused a little and saw that it was a sword and picked it up.

"Okay, now attack!"



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