Primordial Vampire God System

Chapter 118 Something Is Different…

"Now that would be entertaining, won't it?"

Azriel muttered with a big smile on his face and seeing that smile, Aeliana understood something.

Just like the Union Leaders, or the First Generation, Azriel was bored as well.

Therefore, he wanted to participate in the fight.

However, the problem is that he cannot participate himself, if he does, that would make things boring.

Therefore, to make things more 'fair' and more 'interesting', Azriel turned her into a Vampire.

In conclusion, he wanted her to be on his side 'officially'.

She would be the Leader of his future soldiers and would fight for him.

All for the sake of his entertainment.

However, when she thought about how she would be fighting for her father, how the vampire would grow, how shocked the other races will be, how the 'Vampire' would become 'Vampires' and how they will topple everyone in the rankings,

A strange excitement welled inside Aeliana's heart.

She was looking forward to the birth of the Vampire 'race'.


Suddenly, Aeliana frowned.

She then turned towards Azriel and questioned,

"Does that mean you are going to turn other people into Vampires as well?"

"I am planning to do that." Azriel nodded with a smile.

"…alright." Aeliana nodded.

For some reason, even though she was looking forward to the birth of the Vampire race, she didn't like the fact that Azriel would create other vampires.

Wouldn't it be so good if it was only her and her father?

Aeliana then shook her head to get rid of these useless thoughts and then, a smile appeared on her face.

She was looking forward to this game.

A game where she would represent her father as the First Generation of the Vampires.

"I have about 1000 subordinates who are loyal to me, let me call all of them, they are already strong, and after becoming a vampire, they would be even stronger, they will be good soldiers."

Aeliana muttered however, Azriel shook his head.

"I can't just convert any being into a Vampire,

There are 2 conditions,

One, they have to be a Human.

Two, they have to be a Virgin."

Aeliana lowered her head in embarrassment when she heard the second condition.

Yes, even after living for thousands of years, she was still a virgin.

No, that was not because she was unable to attract anyone,

Rather, with how beautiful she was, there were many men who wanted to mate with her and till today, that line continued to increase.

Many men kept themselves pure just so they could have a chance to mate with her.

Aeliana, however, had a strange dislike for mating, or sex.

Ever since she was 20 years old, she had that dislike in her mind.

Back in those days, when everyone had to mate in order to reproduce and populate, Aeliana shook her head every time she was asked to have sex with anyone else.

Of course, normally, she would have been forced to do it, because that was her 'responsibility'. However, Aeliana was different, no one could force her.

That was because the strongest man in the world was her father.

Azriel wanted her to mate as well, he even suggested her to do so on his own, however, when he saw the tears in her eyes and how unwilling she was,

He couldn't help but give up.

Heck, he even protected her so that she won't be forced by others.

In the end, the strongest man was weak in front of his daughter.

Years passed by and Aeliana became strong enough to reject everyone herself.

In the end, Caesar and his wife gave up convincing her and Aeliana remained a virgin since then.

"Tsk Tsk, I can't believe my daughter is still a virgin." Azriel shook his head.

Aeliana's face flushed in embarrassment.

She wanted to change this topic no matter what.

And soon, she questioned,

"What about the other condition?

Why do they have to be humans?

Can't you convert other races into Vampires?"

Azriel knew what his daughter was trying to do, however, since he had already teased her enough, he decided to give up and continued,

"Humans are different.

All these years, we only thought that the 'gift' humans had is reproduction.

That is true, however, that is not the only gift the Human race has."

"Huh?" Aeliana frowned.

"Think about this, at the start, humans had nothing,

However, as time passed,

Humans copied Elves' elemental magic,

Of course, their 'magic' isn't as strong as the Elves,

That magic is just a first-rate copy that humans have termed as 'Skills', however, in the end, no matter how bad it is, they can use Elven Magic now.

Not only that, humans can even use demons' abilities, of course, only a few humans could use them, but all in all, they still can.

Humans can also 'construct' like Dwarves.

Of course, the items made by humans aren't as strong as what the Dwarves make but they are still something.

All in all, the second 'Gift' humans have is


Humans can adapt to changes and grow.

That is why, only a human body can change and be turned into Vampire."

Azriel explained as simply as he can.

Aeliana thought about it a little and nodded.

She somewhat understood what her father was talking about.

"Alright, I don't think there are any virgins amongst my subordinates,

So I think I would need to capture other humans."

Aeliana nodded.

"Don't capture them," Azriel instructed.

"Huh?" Aeliana frowned.

"I said don't capture them, they have to agree and be ready to be a Vampire, we will not force them."

"Hmm? Is that the third condition?" Aeliana questioned.

"No, it is not.

I just don't want to turn others into Vampires if they aren't willing."

Azriel then looked into Aeliana's eyes and then, he continued,

"Turning them into Vampires is not a Curse, Lia.

It is a Blessing for them.

You don't force others to bless them,

They come to you and ask for it on their own accord.

Do you understand?"

A smile appeared on Aeliana's face as she nodded,

She then glanced at her hand and clenched her fist.

"It is a blessing indeed.

Alright, father, I will find the humans who are worthy enough to be Vampires."

"Beauty and Brains, as expected of my blood daughter."

Azriel commented and Aeliana's smile widened.

However, in order to hide the blush on her face, she quickly turned around and muttered,

"Give me a few days, father.

I will be back soon."

"Alright, I trust you." Azriel smiled.

Aeliana left the room and Azriel disappeared into Blood Mist.

A month later, Aeliana stood in front of Azriel, behind her, there were around 100 humans who were looking at Azriel as their eyes shined in immense determination.

"There are about 200 more, however, I thought bringing all of them here together would be a hassle so I didn't do it."

Aeliana muttered.

"You did well." Azriel nodded.

Aeliana smiled a little and then she stepped behind Azriel.

Azriel then turned towards the 100 humans and pointed at one of them,

"You, come here."

He ordered with an expressionless face.

"Y-Yes, Lord Azriel."

The humans he pointed at jumped in excitement and nervousness as he rushed towards Azriel.

"I will now turn you into a Vampire, are you willing?" Azriel questioned.

"Yes, Lord Azriel." The human lifted his chest in pride and nodded.

Azriel smiled inwardly.

He liked that attitude.

He then nodded at the human and extended his hands towards her.

Aeliana pouted as she saw that scene.

Now there would be more Vampires besides her and her father…

Too bad.

Aeliana shook her head to get rid of these thoughts again.

'I am special, I was the first. I am father's first daughter.'

Aeliana muttered to herself.

Then, she looked back at the scene again.

Azriel placed his hand on that human's hand.

A magic circle appeared under the human's feet,

"Do not panic."

Azriel muttered and then,

A cut appeared on the human's neck,

Then, his blood gushed out and the human's eyes widened in fear.

[Do not shout.]

Azriel's eyes shined as he ordered.

The human's eyes turned blank.

His blood continued to move out of his body, Azriel then raised another hand, a small cut appeared on the tip of his finger and a drop of blood flew into the air,

Then, more blood appeared around Azriel, the blood Azriel created mixed with his drop of blood and then, it all rushed into the human's mouth.

The magic circle under the human's feet shined brightly, and even though the human was under Azriel's charm, he passed out.

Azriel waved his hand, the human's body flew in the air and was placed to the side.

"You, come here." He then pointed at another human.

"Yes Lord!" the human quickly walked towards him with an excited look on his face.

Another magic circle appeared under the human's feet and the same process continued for other humans as well.

Soon, Azriel was done with all 100 humans and seeing them lying on the floor like that,

Aeliana frowned,

"Something is different…"


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