Primordial Vampire God System

Chapter 102 Way Of The Sword.

"You aren't a swordsman, are you?"

"Huh?" Azriel frowned in confusion.

What was she talking about?

"You were asked to choose your favourite weapon before the start of the Trial, why did you choose a sword?" The Sword Fairy questioned.

"Huh? Uhh… I like a sword?" Azriel answered with a confused look on his face.

Sword Fairy, however, narrowed her eyes,

"You like side? Or is it because the sword is the most convenient?"

Azriel frowned.

He couldn't understand what she was talking about.

Out of all the weapons he uses, the sword is the most convenient, so isn't it normal to like it?

The Sword Fairy, however, had a different opinion.

"You do not like swords, Azriel. Actually, you have no love for swords.

Your fighting style says it all, your sword skills are practically zero, what is strong is your basic experience. It is as if rather than honing your sword skills, you have worked on your fighting essence.

Your posture, speed and the way you handle the swords, everything is correct, however, you do not possess a single bit of sword skills.

You only picked a sword because it was convenient. To be honest, anything that is enough sharp would be good enough for you, correct?

As long as it cuts your enemies down, it is fine, right?

That's what you think, don't you?

You don't love swords, a sword is just a tool for you to kill your enemies faster.

Azriel Ruinous, you do not deserve to be called a Swordsman."

Although there was no apparent change in her expression, from her voice, Azriel could tell that he didn't make a favourable first impression on her.

However, Azriel didn't care about that.

What he wanted was to get stronger, the means to get stronger did not matter.

"You are correct, Sword Fairy." He then opened his mouth and continued,

"Sword is just a convenient tool for me to cut down my enemies.

I do not love swords, I am not like you whose entire existence revolves around Swords.

I lift my sword not because I like swords, but because I want to kill my enemies.

For me, Sword is just a tool that can make me stronger, nothing more.

So, Sword Fairy,"

Then, Azriel bowed his head and requested,

"I request you to help me get stronger by teaching me the way of swords."

Suddenly, a small smile appeared on Sword Fairy's face.

"You do not have to bow your head, Azriel."

Azriel raised his head and frowned when he saw the smile on Sword Fairy's face.

What happened?

Wasn't she angry a few seconds ago?

Why is she smiling now?

"It is good that you know why you raise your sword, every person is different. The way I see swords and the way you see them is different, however, our goals match.

To get stronger and hone our skills.

Alright, Azriel.

Starting today, I will start your sword training.

We will go from basic to advance and I promise you that within 100 years, you will become the best swordsman Yrniel has ever seen." The Sword Fairy announced with an excited look on her face.

Azriel, however, did not share her excitement and frowned.

"100 years? No, nope, I do not have that much time, I need to go back to Yrniel as soon as I can."

Azriel was quick to shake his head.

"You don't have to worry about that," The Sword Fairy, however, shook her head.

"This place is different, 100 years here is nothing but 1 year outside."

"Huh?" Azriel widened his eyes in surprise.

"Alright, let's not waste any more time and start our training." Sword Fairy complete ignored Azriel's surprise and she raised her sword.

"We will start from your posture and then a few basic moves, we have ample time, so let's take things slowly."

The sword fairy muttered and Azriel, who finally came out of his reverie nodded with a smile.

100 years in this place was only 1 year outside.

This was good, 1 year wasn't a problem.

So from today, Azriel's training started.

Sword Fairy, for some reason, would never get tired, as for Azriel, well he completely abused his ridiculous regeneration and trained continuously.

Actually, he wanted to use this time advantage to cultivate, however, he then noticed that he couldn't cultivate in this place.

He could only continue to train.

Out of 24 hours, he trained for 20 hours and rested for 4 hours.

This place…

It was simply a heaven for a maniac like Azriel.

Azriel and Sword Fairy continued to train for who knows how long.

This place was completely white, there was no sense of time here.

Actually, many people would have gone crazy if they were kept in this place for a longer period of time, however, these 2 people were different.

One was someone whose entire life depended on a sword, as long as she has a sword in her hand, take her anywhere, she wouldn't care.

The other was a training maniac, as long as he can feel that he was improving, he would care how the surroundings looked.

On this topic, the Sword Fairy was rather surprised by Azriel.

Azriel was not the first Vampire she has 'trained', not only that, but since she shares experiences of many powerful swordsmen that lived in Yrneil, it is normal to assume that she had the experiences of some noble vampires in her mind as well.

However, she has never seen this absurd regeneration in her life.

20 hours of training and 4 hours of rest.

Of course, if they push themselves, noble vampires can do this as well, however, that is if they push themselves.

That meant that after 1 week, or 1 month, they would need bed rest to recover from it.

However, this monster here…

He wasn't pushing himself, rather, he was taking it easy.

Yes, the Sword Fairy could feel it, Azriel recovered his stamina within 15 minutes, however, he still lay down on the floor and closes his eyes just so he could calm his mental state.

This way, he will be able to keep this for a long long time and this wouldn't have any side effects on his body or mind.

And as if this wasn't enough already, his talent was monstrous as well.

He absorbed everything like a sponge and once he learns it, he would never forget it. Combined with his already strong fighting experience, he is quick to implement things in spars as well.

When the Sword fairy said that he would need 100 years, she already calculated the fact that he was someone who cleared the Trial of Forsaken mountains with an SSS rank completion rate.

She had already treated him as someone who had monstrous talent. A normal person cannot hope to learn everything from her within mere 100 years, they would need 1000s of years. That is also the reason why the Sword Fairy didn't teach anything to other Trial Takers.

She didn't deem them worthy to learn from her.

However, this man…

He was even more monstrous than she imagined.

100 years? Heck, he might even do it within 50 years!

Simply Absurd!

However, the Sword Fairy's prediction was wrong.

*Clank* *Clank* *Clank*

20 years later, Azriel was sparring with the Sword Fairy on equal grounds.


He only needed 20 years to learn something normal people would need 1000s of years to learn…

The spar continued for hours however, no victor was decided to they continued to fight.

1 day…

10 days…

30 days…

Finally, after 60 days of continuous sparring, Azriel's regeneration couldn't keep up and his movements slowed down. The Sword Fairy, who cannot get tired didn't leave this chance and with a quick move, she placed her sword on Azriel's neck.

"I believe this would be the end of our sparring, Azriel,"

"Tsk Tsk… Miss Sword, How do you not get tired?" Azriel questioned. Yes, he does not refer to Sword Fairy as his teacher, only one person in this entire world can take that place.

Therefore, he refers to her as Miss Sword.

Of course, the Sword Fairy didn't mind minor details like these.

"I am a Fairy, I cannot get tired." The Sword Fairy smiled.

"Tsk Tsk, I will make sure to win against you" Azriel swore.

The Sword Fairy, however, shook her head.

"No, this will be our last fight, Azriel."

"Hmm? Why?"

"I am already giving my all when I am sparring with you. The only reason you lost was that I cannot get tired.

Your Sword Skills are already on my level, Azriel.

There is nothing more for me to teach you."

The Sword Fairy smiled.

"You passed the First Trial, Azriel."

Azriel, however, did not like this at all,

"So you are telling me I can't defeat you if I don't use my skills and cultivation?" He frowned.

The Sword Fairy shook her head,

"There is a way."


"As you already know, I was created out of experiences of countless swordsmen that have existed in Yrniel.

This is my strength, however, this is also my weakness.

Since what I have is not my own, I cannot create my own way of the sword."

"Way of the Sword?" Azriel frowned.

"Yes, Azriel, it is a self-created technique that suits the creator the best but since I am an amalgam of different Swordsmen, I cannot create something like that.

You, however, are different from me, Azriel.

You have the ability to find your Way of Sword.

You have the ability to create your own technique.

And once you do that, you will be able to defeat me."

A small smile then appeared on the Sword Fairy's face,

"I will be looking forward to that day, Azriel."

Then, the whole white world, along with the sword fairy, started disappearing.


Azriel exclaimed, however, the Sword Fairy had already disappeared.

"Oh? It seems like you have already cleared the First Step…

To do it in 2 months, as I expected, you are indeed different from the norm."

Azriel then heard a voice and soon, his eyes fell on the Four Winged World Fairy who brought her here.

"Congratulations, Azriel Ruinous, for clearing the Firs-"


"Hmm? What is it?" The fairy frowned.

"Can I train with Fairies that specialize in other weapons?"


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