Prime Originator

Chapter 1080 Hegemon Leonhardt

Nevertheless, Chief Ironshield didn't retain his smile for long before his brows knitted together. After seeing Leon with his own eyes, doubts clouded his mind.

There was something about Leon's aura that commanded his worship.

However, it wasn't just Chief Ironshield who felt that way. All of the gate watchers in the area also felt the same. Leon's very presence suppressed them and made them want to prostrate and worship him.

That being said, it was just a faint feeling, easily overcome with their will.

Even so, they could not help but wonder why such a feeling exists when they are meeting Leon, the alliance leader of the western and southern tribes, for the first time.

"How strange… How very strange…" Chief Ironshield uttered. He rested his chin on his hand with a thoughtful look and studied Leon.

"What is strange, Chief Ironshield?" Leon casually asked while noticing the strange behavior.

As more members from the Divine Tortoise Tribe arrived to investigate why the gate was opened, they also cast their strange gazes at Leon.

"You are, Alliance Leader Leonhardt," Chief Ironshield answered bluntly.

"There is something strange about your aura. It compels the feeling of worship out of me, making me want to bow to you."

"We are also getting that same feeling, Chief," the gate watchers interjected.

"Oh, I see," Leon casually uttered before adding after some thought, "You must be talking about my Black Turtle Aura."

"Why would have such an aura?" Chief Ironshield asked with clear astonishment.

At the same time, all the members of the Divine Tortoise Tribe gathered in the area also revealed startling looks. They quickly paid Leon greater attention and awaited his answer.

Nevertheless, Leon recalled how he was treated by the Half-step God Beast-level Black Turtle before saying, "Oh, that's because I am a descendent of the Black Turtle God Beast."


Leon dropped a bombshell on the Divine Tortoise Tribe. It was as if an explosion went off in all of their heads after hearing his answer.

Their eyes widened with incredulity.

Although Leon's Black Turtle Aura was also mixed with the True Dragon Aura and a few weaker auras, it was very clear that he possessed the Black Turtle Aura.

Every member in the Divine Tortoise Tribe present could feel it. Thus, they did not doubt it.

The surrounding atmosphere changed at once, and Leon was at the center of it. Riding the momentum, Leon didn't hold back and exerted his Black Turtle Aura, making it noticeable to those further away.

Nevertheless, the moment Chief Ironshield decided to open the gate for Leon, Chief Ironshield had already made a decision in his heart.

However, after Chief Ironshield learned Leon was a descendant of the Black Turtle God Beast, his resolve was further strengthened.

Thus, even if Chief Ironshield voiced his answer at this moment, not a single tribesman would object to his decision.


Chief Ironshield dropped to his knees with a heavy thud. Shortly after he did, the gate watchers and other warriors in the Divine Tortoise Tribe present also followed suit.

"The Divine Tortoise Tribe swears its allegiance to you, Alliance Leader Leonhardt—No, Hegemon Leonhardt! The Divine Tortoise Tribe will be yours to command!" Chief Ironshield solemnly swore.

"Hegemon Leonhardt! Hegemon Leonhardt!" the surrounding warriors chanted with their blood boiling with excitement.

A descendent of the Black Turtle God Beast was more than qualified to lead their Divine Tortoise Tribe.

The person may lie, but his bloodline certainly won't. Regardless of how he obtained the Black Turtle Bloodline, it doesn't change the fact that he possessed the Black Turtle Bloodline.

"Hegemon Leonhardt, huh? It's a bit early to be calling me that," Leon slightly smiled with amusement.

"No, I believe you are fully qualified to be called Hegemon Leonhardt, my Lord!" Chief Ironshield argued.

"You already have the southern and western tribes under you. With the inclusion of the Divine Tortoise Tribe, you control roughly one-third of the Infertile Plains. I believe this is more than enough to qualify for hegemony."

"It's only a matter of time before the other tribes submit to you, my Lord," Chief Ironshield believed.

"I see. You have a point," Leon calmly nodded before saying, "That aside, I can see that your tribe is rather enthusiastic. What is the Divine Tortoise Tribe's relationship to the Black Turtle God Beast?"

"About that…"

As Leon chatted with Chief Ironshield, Rainshine and the others waited outside of the Divine Tortoise Tribe.

Chief Sar-Rakshi and Chief Sul-Dahki were still in disbelief after hearing Nightingale's evaluation of Alliance Leader's combat prowess.

They find it unimaginable that someone who wasn't at the level of the Divine Beast Realm would possess the combat prowess of one, even if it was just based on Nightingale's impression and without any proof.

After all, there had to be some truth in her words. For example, even if the Alliance Leader's combat prowess didn't reach the same heights as Divine Beasts, it would still be close.

In other words, Chief Sar-Rakshi and Chief Sul-Dahki could be certain that the Alliance Leader's combat prowess was at least at Extremity-rank Battle God or even Half-step Demon Lord.

"I can't believe such a strong person exists… Doesn't this mean the Alliance Leader's strength has already surpassed the Battle God from the Battle God Palace?" Chief Sar-Rahki wondered.

"Possibly," Chief Sul-Dahki replied.

"However, the Battle God didn't just become the Battle God because his strength reached that level. The Battle God wielded almighty shamanic power over metal before that. Thus, it's hard to say who is stronger."


Chief Sul-Dahki suddenly noticed the pebbles and small rocks on the ground reverberating slightly before glancing up in the same direction as Rainshine, Nightingale, and Goldenstride.

At that moment, a large group of injured warriors in the distance was rushing towards their location—or rather, they were rushing towards the Divine Tortoise Tribe's entrance.

Without needing to guess, Chief Sul-Dahki and the others concluded who they were.

"They must be the warriors sent out by the Divine Tortoise Tribe. However, they seem to be chased by something," Chief Sul-Dahki narrowed his eyes to try and see further.


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