Prime Originator

Chapter 1009 The Golden Suanni’s Lair

Chapter 1009 The Golden Suanni's Lair

After Rainshine started her interrogation, the Peak Rank 2 Transcendent-level Golden Suanni didn't just answer her questions with complete honesty; it even expressed its willingness to guide them to the Golden Suanni Clan.

"Master, it's saying it is willing to lead us to the Golden Suanni Clan's main territory," Rainshine reported.

"Is it now? I suppose that works in our favor. At the very least, we won't have to worry about getting lost," Leon thought.

As he glanced at the Peak Rank 2 Transcendent-level Golden Suanni, Leon could see its eyes fixed on the remaining roasted hyena with desire.

For a big boy like the Peak Rank 2 Transcendent-level Golden Suanni, it was clear that a single roast hind leg was far from enough.

Nevertheless, it would be quite interesting if Leon could gain the Golden Suanni Clan's allegiance and loyalty with delicious food.

'I should run some tests with this Peak Rank 2 transcendent-level Golden Suanni first,' Leon thought.

Shortly after Rainshine went to devour the remaining roasted hyena for herself, Leon gathered all the scattered beast carcasses in preparation for another cooking session.

However, Leon only performed the first step of cooking preparation by removing the fur and organs, draining the blood, and cleaning the meat.

Afterward, Leon stored everything in his Worldspace for later.

By that point, Rainshine had also finished her sumptuous feast under the Peak Rank 2 Transcendent-level Golden Suanni's envious gaze.

It even whined a little.

However, Rainshine didn't share a single bite. She ate everything, bone and all, and even licked her paws after finishing.

Despite finishing the entire roasted hyena, which was a few dozen times her size, Rainshine's stomach showed no sign of inflation.

It was a wonder where all the food actually went or how her stomach was built.

"Tell it to lead us back to its lair, Rainshine," Leon instructed.

"Understood—" Rainshine suddenly paused before asking with doubt, "The Peak Rank 2 Transcendent-level Golden Suanni's lair, Master? Not the Golden Suanni Clan?"

"Yeah, we won't be heading to the Golden Suanni Clan's main territory just yet," Leon stated.

"Understood, Master." Rainshine didn't question her master's decision.



(Lead us to your lair!)

(Y-yes—my lair, Boss?)

(Yes, is that a problem?)

(N-no, Boss!)

(Then lead the way!)


After a short exchange of meows and growls between Rainshine and the Peak Rank 2 Transcendent-level Golden Suanni, they finally went on their way.

Nevertheless, the Peak Rank 2 Transcendent-level Golden Suanni's lair was not that far away from the jungle.

About thirty miles down the river, Leon and Rainshine left the vicinity of the thick jungle trees and bushes and entered a vast open grassland with a stone mountain at its center.

The stone mountain was Peak Rank 2 Transcendent-level Golden Suanni's lair.

Leon quickly spotted the Peak Rank 2 Transcendent-level Golden Suanni's other family members within the mountain cave upon their arrival.

There were five lionesses at the Mid Rank 2 Transcendent level and thirteen cubs with Early Rank 1 Transcendent-level strength.

'A cub already has the strength of a Transcendent? Explains why the Golden Suanni Clan can rule the entire jungle,' Leon thought.

The five lionesses glanced at Leon warily before shifting their gaze to the Peak Rank 2 Transcendent-level Golden Suanni with questioning looks.

However, the cubs didn't have the same awareness.

Some of them ran up to Leon's feet and started biting him, thinking he was food. Alas, their biting strength was too weak to break through Leon's defense.

In the end, it looked like they were just playing with him.

Leon casually picked up a cub with a pinch and watched it struggle to break free by flailing its four limbs about.


The cub growled after failing to escape from Leon's hand.

At the same time, the Peak Rank 2 Transcendent-level Golden Suanni growled at its cubs, telling them to all backoff.

Afterward, it shifted its gaze to Leon pleadingly, hoping he would spare its young.

However, Leon didn't have such intentions.

He casually took out a piece of sea monster meat and fed it to the cub in front of him.

The cub quickly devoured the sea monster meat with a voracious appetite before looking back at Leon with its big round eyes. It hung in the air obediently without trying to escape.


The cub softly growled, hoping Leon would feed it another piece of delicious sea monster meat.

"You've become so obedient after only being fed once, huh?" Leon commented with interest. The cub was like a slave to food.

Whoever fed it good food would become its master.

Nevertheless, Leon placed the cub back down before taking out a much bigger chunk of sea monster meat for all the cubs to share.

Afterward, Leon went outside the mountain cave to prepare his new spitfire to roast the beast meat he previously collected.

The Peak Rank 2 Transcendent-level Golden Suanni was relieved after understanding Leon meant no harm to its family.

It started to watch Leon cook with anticipation.

However, it was forced to keep some distance as Rainshine also watched Leon roast the marinated beast meat over the spitfire.

Before long, a tenderizing and mouth-watering scent exuded from the roasted beast meat, attracting even the five lionesses and thirteen cubs' attention over.

"Tell the golden suanni that if it wants to eat, it'll have to exchange some of its blood essences for it, Rainshine," Leon instructed.

Nevertheless, Rainshine appeared reluctant before Leon added, "You'll get some too. Don't worry."

"Master is the best!" Rainshine immediately beamed with excitement.

Shortly after, she conveyed the message to the Peak Rank 2 Transcendent-level Golden Suanni before it nodded at Leon.

Afterward, it offered one of its paws to Leon before turning its head away, not daring to look as if it was about to lose the entire limb.

However, its worries were unfounded.

Leon simply made a small cut that didn't even hurt the Peak Rank 2 Transcendent-level Golden Suanni before he started extracting its blood essence.

"Alright, you can all dig in," Leon offered the roasted beast meat after he finished collecting a sizable amount of blood essence.

He proceeded to refine Golden Suanni Origin Blood shortly after without paying any more attention to the others.


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