Pretending To Have A Girlfriend?

Chapter 28: Loser (5)

Chapter 28: Loser (5)

Luss naturally reached out and grabbed the doorknob of Starchis room. The cool touch made her hands tingle.

Carefully, she turned her wrist while tightening her mouth.


Halfway through, the handle stopped.

It was locked.

After parting ways with Starchis, it was the first obstacle in her actions.

And because of this obstacle, for the first time, she got out of the hazy mental state that she was in.

The first thought that came to her mind after coming out of haziness was, I want to enter the room.

It seemed her unconscious and conscious mind were thinking the same thing.

When she woke up, she felt like she knew what she wanted to do right away.

Luss turned and went back down to the first floor.

Several people eating and laughing together made the place noisy.

Not minding that, Luss approached the inn lady who seemed to be taking a break.

The inn lady, who saw the approaching Luss, seemed to have just recognized her.

Ah, that pretty girl who goes with Stachis! ...Do you need something?

Can you open the door to Starchis room..?

The inn lady tilted her head.

Is he not inside? That young man?

At the inn lady's words, Luss remembered the conversation from earlier.

-When I said it was ending late, I actually meant that I wouldnt be home until tomorrow.

She forcibly opened her tightly closed mouth and spoke.

Until tomorrowNo. So please open the door.

At Luss request, the inn lady frowned slightly.

Yes..? Ugh Thats a little hard

But Luss had to get into that room somehow. So naturally, she lied.

..I want to leave a surprise present.

The inn lady looked Luss up and down.

I cant see the present?

Luss was just hoping that the inn lady would open it without any questions. Of course, not everyone was like Starchis who didn't doubt others.

She shook her head as to whether she should brazenly tell another lie or just make up an excuse for why she lied.

But Luss, unlike usual, had no room in her heart... and her mind didn't seem to be working either.

As a result, the anger she had been holding back came out.

In an instant, the surroundings became chilly.

Can you just open it..?

She decided to throw away the lies and just tackle things head-on like she did when fighting. But the voice came out a little muffled.

But still, the inn lady swallowed up a great deal of fear at the small difference.

In an instant, Luss mood changed and she acted like something would happen if the inn lady didnt open the door.

Even though the inn lady wasn't a hunter like Luss, she still understood the madness hidden in Luss' eyes.

'I have no choice but to give in to this threat.'

The inn lady thought in her head.

Im sorry, young man!

She decided to return the money she had received as a tip the next time she met Starchis.

Ah, lady. Calm down for a moment. Ill open it, okay?

Then she ran to get the keychain.

As Luss looked around, the countless eyes that had been looking at her disappeared in an instant.

At some point, the quiet restaurant became bustling once again.

-Ah, ah~ They cook well here.

-So That Ah! Did I tell you about it?

Even though she knew her actions were the cause, she wasn't in the mood to care.



Luss entered Starchis room.

This place, which always gave her a sense of security when she came in, gave her a present of emptiness this time.

Come to think of it, it was the first time Luss entered his room alone. Because before, Starchis was always with her...

But not this time.

This time, leaving her behind, he went to see his girlfriend. He went to spend the night with that bi*ch.

Tears flowed from Luss eyes, which had been blank and empty.

It seemed there were too many tears that spilled today.

During the 6 years she knew Starchis, there were more times when she was happy than when she was sad. Shedding tears was a rare occasion, but it seemed like all of that was over now.

Tuduk Tuduk

The tears dripped on the floor nonstop, wetting it.

Until now, whenever she shed tears, her heart felt like it would break, but strangely, it didnt hurt anymore.

She felt no emotion, no thoughts. Just the tears didnt dry from her eyes.

Luss trudged Powerlessly into the room. She untied the sword she always wore from her waist, threw it aside, and entered the dark room.

A little further in, she saw a set of clothes.

Clothes that looked expensive.

Didn't he say these clothes were gifted by Lily?

Starchis had agreed to wear and show them to Luss first.

Now, even if he showed her, he wouldnt wear them for Luss. Naturally, Luss still imagined Starchis wearing them.

A heartwarming smile formed on her lips at his handsome appearance. But still, the tears didnt stop.

Luss walked and sat down on the bed.


As soon as she sat on the bed, she felt pain in her chest.

It may be because of the symbolism of the bed and what Starchis would be doing with his girlfriend soon.

A sense of reality hit her.


-Sting. Throb.

Thinking that the pain pressing on her chest intensified.



The dazed expression turned to a frown and a painful moan escaped from the teeth.

When it became clear that no one was around, Luss finally started crying aloud.


After having dinner with my brother, we went out.

It was a bit late.

Hyung, are you really prepared?

None of your business. Itll be different this time. See you later.

My brother and I separated for a while.

The reason we dispersed like this for a while was to buy bait for ourselves.

My brother and I always made bets when fishing and the difference between the winner and the loser started with the bait.

What bait should I use today I walked with hurried steps thinking about it.

Well, shall I use king earthworm?


After crying for a long time, Luss lost strength and lay down on the bed.

Laying on the bed, she looked up and saw the ceiling she had always dreamed of seeing... The ceiling seen from Starchis bed.

But she didnt want to see it this way. She wanted to see it with Starchis' face while he rode on top of her.

Luss felt like crying when she thought of Starchis again. But soon she shook her head to blow the thought away.

It was something she couldn't do anything about, and it only made her stressed.

As she lay quietly, Luss other senses came alive.

Soft duvet... Filled with Starchis' manly scent.

Slowly and instinctively, Luss turned and put her nose close to the covers.

-Sniff sniff.

She craved this familiar smell even more now that she'd seen how far Starchis had gone from her. This scent... His scent became a door to a place full of memories, Like:

When she leaned on his shoulder while staying vigilant as other party members slept peacefully.

When she held his arms, saying it was only natural because they were friends.

When she mustered up the courage to hold him tightly in her arms... Such memories came back like an avalanche.

Luss lifted the blanket, and went completely inside it, leaving only her head out.

This time she couldnt turn her head, so she lay straight and looked up, but she could still smell the nostalgic scent.

Ha Ha..

It was as if Starchis was in her arms.

As if on a drug, all the negative thoughts Luss had flown away.

She just wanted to continue enjoying the situation.

After sniffing like that for a while, and thinking that she was in his arms, the next shockwave hit her head and passed by; depressive feelings came flooding in.

Im sure Starchis is holding another woman like this right now

Her heart was pounding with worry, distress, hatred, and all kind of negative emotions.

The only thing that made her feel better was the illusion she had earlier that both Luss and Starchis were sharing a hug in his bed right now.

Forcibly, Luss erased Elza from her mind and imagined Starchis holding her again.

It was his first time, so he would have stood in front of her a little excited, awkward, and embarrassed.

Dazedly, Luss thought of that scene and slowly moved her hand toward her body.

She took off her clothes and threw them out of bed. One by one, step by step, in the end Even the underwear wasn't left.

Without a thread, Luss was tucked under Stachiss blanket.

Unfamiliar touches that were distinctly different from her clothes and those fabrics that smelled like Starchis teased her body.

Starchis would have his first experience today. Her common sense did not make sense if she didn't lose her virginity today.

If she ever lost her virginity, she thought it would have been with him.

But all she was left with was herself.

Lusss hand slowly passed over her belly button and headed for her cunt.

She thought about Starchis once again.

He was facing a pink-haired, pink-eyed naked woman. And while hugging Elza, he whispered into her ear.

-I love you, Elza.

At the same time as the pain in the heart grew, her fingers moved around her pussy, as if tickling her, almost touching it.

She still felt a slight refusal. But the scent of Starchis rushed into her nose, her expression, which had been frowning, became hazy, and a single finger slipped into the hole.


Luss was taken aback by the sound louder than she'd expected. As it turned out, the inside of her was already moist and ready to accept something.

Originally, it was supposed to be Starchis cock.

But the reality was different. In her mind, the image of naked Stachis standing in front of naked Elza constantly repeated.

It was all too easy for Luss, who had fantasized about having a relationship with Starchis hundreds of times.

-Elza Can I put it in?

It may be different from the real Starchis, but Starchis in Luss imagination was pure, like an angel. Rather, he was being polluted by the filthy bitch called Elza.

Luss finger moved in and out of her cunt slowly now. It moved smoothly without any resistance.


A loud moan escaped her mouth. She couldnt tell if it was a moan of resentment or a moan of pleasure from masturbating while smelling the scent of Starchis.

But in her mind, imaginary Elza nodded at Starchis words.

Slowly, Starchis cock moved closer to Elza's cunt.


The two genitals met.


This time, Luss moved her finger a little rougher, as if her finger was the cock of inexperienced and excited Starchis.

Her finger went deeper and deeper. But in the end, a thin film stopped it, not allowing it to move any further.


But in her mind, Starchis and Elza never stopped.

The idea of Elza and him being together was painful, but Luss somehow managed to substitute her for the imaginary Elza as she smelled Starchis. But her imagination was broken a little as her hymen stopped her finger.

Luss covered the top of her head with Starchis' blanket to inhale the smell more deeply and even bit the blanket.

-Ill put it in.

Starchis voice echoed like a beast in heat.


As Starchis moved, his genital was completely swallowed by Elzas pussy... Deep to its root.

The two become one.


Luss bit the blanket even harder. Otherwise, she didnt think she would be able to hold on to her anger.

And feeding on that anger, she too strengthened her finger.

If Starchis is not a virgin, is there any reason for me to keep a hymen?


As her finger regained its strength, her pussy again began to deliver pleasure from stimulation.

She moved her finger hard enough to pierce her hymen. But it did not go any deeper.

It stopped in front of the hymen and refused to move even with force.

Move I have to rip my hymen Just like Starchis abandoned his virginity today, my hymen must be gone

But still, her finger could not move. In fact, she also knew why.

Even in this hopeless situation, deep in her heart, she still wished that she would lose her virginity to Starchis.

Because dreams could not be easily abandoned.

Eventually, her finger loosened and tears flew again from the sense of defeat.

But with tears, she began to move her finger weakly.


Sobs and moans came out at the same time.

In her head, Starchis was now using his superior body and stamina to ram Elza.

-Elza, I really love you.

-Starchis..! I love you too..!

It was painful, but if she closed her eyes and focused only on the scent, she could claim Starchis was right next to her.

Chis I love you too!

Luss screamed in the place of Elza as her fingers moved quickly, according to how Starchis was moving in her imagination.

-Scleech, squeak, scleech, squeak.

Ha Ha Heh

The moans got louder. The pleasure she felt made her fingers move faster and faster.

Slap, slap, slap.

Starchis thighs, wet with sweat, pounded Elza, making a vulgar sound.

Instinctively, Luss brought her opposite hand to her clit and began rubbing it quickly.

Haha! Ha ha..! Ah! Chis!

Her finger moved in and out rapidly just as Starchis cock moved in and out of Elzas cunt.

Ah! Ha! Ah! Ah!

Now, without any hesitation, she was comforting herself.






Lily had been using magic to eavesdrop on Starchis for a while now.

When she runs out of mana, she sleeps, and when she recovers enough mana to eavesdrop again, she activates the magic.

Lily rubbed her eyes and got up after sleeping for a while having spent her mana on eavesdropping again.

When she looked out of the window, it was night.

Starchis wouldnt be with his lover at this time, but wouldnt it be possible to hear Starchis voice?

With such logic, she used her mana to cast the magic again.

-Ah..! Ha ha! Chis!

And an unbelievable sound came directly into her ear.

Lilys body stiffened at the incoming sound. Her mind blanked out.

Uh? Uh?

But whether she panicked or not, the sound continued.

-Huh! Ha ha! Ah..! Ah..!

Lusss moans were high-pitched because of both pleasure and pain.

Naturally, Lily, who did not know this fact, just blinked her eyes and listened to the moans of the woman whom she assumed to be Elza.

Lily shook her head in denial.

No It cant be. Its just moaning. Well he might have seen someone having sex on the road Ah! No, is it coming from the room next to Starchis' room? Oh no! Where did you lose your clothes Starchis?

Her voice, which she had been pretending to be calm, was gone.

No Someone must've stolen the clothes.

As she said that a clear sentence was heard by Lily, who could not accept the logical thing her mind was telling her and made a nonsensical excuse.

-I love you too... Chis..! Ha ha..!


Lilys heartbeat once strongly and almost stopped.

Now even her heart had to accept that even if that woman was not Elza, the person having sex with her was definitely Starchis.

No, no

Even if her mouth refused that fact, her eyes - which were flowing with tears - had already accepted it.

With her face facing the pillow, Lily collapsed on the bed.


It was a situation she hadnt expected at all.

Lily recalled Starchis previous words. He had made it clear that he would go dressed in those clothes only on a special day.

Was he talking about this day?

In the end, Lily thought that she had gifted Starchis clothes to wear on his first experience with her own hands.

If I had known it would be like this, I wouldnt have gifted it.

As she lay on her stomach, she thought, clutching her red hair.

If I had known it would be like this, I wouldnt have eavesdropped.

It would have been better if she hadnt known.

Because now, the womans moans continued to ring in her ears.

The moan of a woman who seemed to be feeling too much pleasure.

-Ah..! Fast, ChisHuhHuh

No matter how carefully Lily heard, that bitch's moans were definitely filled with tearful cries.

The sound of tears made Lilys head spin for an instant.

Lily clenched her fists so hard that her hands went white.

Why are you crying!!

She shouted, even though she knew that girl couldn't hear her.

You have everything!! You have everything!!!

After yelling at that girl for a while, exhaustion set in.

Huh Hmm Hmm

She then moved her hand that was clutching her head, through her red hair.

If you did it, I will too.

Lily decided to take impulsive actions because of impulsive emotions...

Lily didnt even take off her clothes and hurriedly put her hands inside her clothes.

Then, quickly rubbing her fingers against her clit, she began to comfort herself.

Starchis..! Me too, I feel the same pleasure..!

With her hips pointing to the sky, her face was still buried in the pillow.

As she moved her fingers, a red-haired woman with decadent beauty with beautiful red eyes seemed to be in heat.

Ha..! Ha..! We... together..!

Madness flickered in Lilys red eyes.

Her head was not in the right place as she felt angry at Starchis' first experience being stolen from her and as the pleasure of feeling the same things as he was feeling rushed her head.






Ha..! Ha..!

Vienna ran to Starchis inn.

It had been a while since she was dressed so beautifully, wearing clothes that were a bit vulgar but still bewitching for a saintess to wear.

People on the first floor of the inn glanced at Vienna, who passed them by like the wind.

The inn lady also spotted her.

"Aigoo! Saintess, you look so pretty today! But, that Earlier-"

Vienna walked past the inn lady and went up to the second floor without even listening to her.

Starchiss room appeared in front of her eyes. Quieting her pounding heart, she took a deep breath.

Why did he come to find me?

Because she still didnt know, she kept asking herself that question.

But whatever the reason, Vienna was just glad that she had an opportunity to meet him now.

She decided she would try to be a little more honest.

No matter what he said, she had already seen what'd happen when she lied.

Slowly and discreetly, Vienna went to Starchis door.

And just as she raised her hand to knock, a womans voice stopped her.


Vienna looked around her.

There was no place for a womans voice to be heard.

-!! Im sorry..! ! Ah!

Viennas hands began to tremble.

Swallowing her saliva, she took a few steps back.

She checked the door to the right of Starchis room. She moved a bit and went to the front of that door. The womans voice disappeared.

This time she went to the front of the door to the room that was left of Starchis' room.

There was no sound this time either.

Again, Vienna held her trembling hand tightly, which was cold and sweaty, and went to the door of Starchis room and prayed.

Please dont. Please dont.

Slowly, Vienna put her ear to Starchiss door.

-Thump thump.

Her heart was pounding in fear. And the sound she dreaded was heard again.

-Haa..! Chis..! Chis! I love you, Chis!


Vienne fell on her knees in front of Stachiss door helplessly.


A signal came through the fishing rod, and I knew it was a big catch.

"It's a big one," I said to my brother. "Hyung! Here!"

"Wait, Starchis," he also replied, feeling excited.

I nodded and put all my strength into the rod.

Then came the "Chack!" sound.

I had caught a huge fish, so big that it was more like a dragon than a fish.

"Hyung!! Look!! I got it!!" I shouted to my older brother, jumping up and down with joy.

"So big!! It's almost 7 years! 7 year old!!" I screamed.

"It's amazing!!" he replied.


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