Pretending To Have A Girlfriend?

Chapter 11: Vienna (3)

Chapter 11: Vienna (3)

The director said we could go right away but we didn't.

After washing the children, and making them go to bed, I told them stories about our fun adventures.

The story of fighting the Skeleton Knight, the story of seeing a flying dragon, and so on.

The children's eyes lit up.

After defeating that monster like that, we finally found it.


A swallowing sound was heard.

Anyone could tell how much they were concentrating on the story by looking at quiet children who had closed mouths and wide eyes.

And it was filled with gold and silver treasures.

Really? Was it a real treasure?

Wow Was it expensive? Im so jealous.

You idiot, they took down that monster, of course!

Of course, my story was mixed with exaggeration.

It wasnt even that dangerous monster, it was just an ogre.

And what I got after defeating it was just a small antique.

However, I think a little exaggeration is fine as long as it can give joy to children.

Yes. It was a very expensive treasure. But a big bird suddenly appeared, snatched it, and flew away... Its really unfortunate.

So suddenly? Oh, sorry.

The sound of a sigh escaped the children.

This was a lie too.

In fact, Vienna picked up the antique.

She seemed to remember too. Because she was blushing as if she was embarrassed.

Okay. Todays story ends here. Its time to go to bed now.

"Oppa!" "Hyung!"

"Tell me a little bit more!

Yes! Just a little bit, ok? Please.

No. You have to sleep now.

Some of the children were already asleep.

And children should go to bed early.

Ah then! Since you must have known Vienna Unnie for a long time, tell us what she was like before!

Right! Just tell me that. Yeah? Yes?

Suddenly, Vienna freaked out.

Hey! Do not say anything. And you guys! Go to sleep!

Vienna was visibly upset.

Could it be that she remembered the time she had just met me when she was discreet like the other saints?

Vienna was Very nice.

She told me not to, but as I thought of those days, I naturally muttered to myself.

Vienna was glaring at me.

Suddenly coming to my senses, I pretended not to notice her gaze and scolded the children for no reason.

No..! You guys gotta sleep now. That's it. Sleep now, Ill tell you more tomorrow. And if you go to bed late, we wont talk.

Complaints were coming from all over the place.

I ignored them all and made them all go to bed.


The stars bloomed like flowers.

I was sitting in front of the orphanages main gate, waiting for Vienna.

She told me to wait here for a while, saying she would come after the night prayer.

I felt it again; it was a very beautiful place.

A cool night breeze blows past me.

If only I could breathe here... I closed my eyes. No, I cant fall asleep.

If I fell asleep here, Vienna will go wild saying that I fell asleep without waiting.

However, the eyelids that had been holding all day were too heavy.

I tried to take a break while feeling the pleasant wind and listening to the grass bugs.

How long was it?


I opened my eyes.

I was so shocked that my heart hurt, but I acted naturally.

Are you finally here, Vienna?

I pretended I wasnt sleeping by giving strength to my voice.

I looked back at her, hiding my thumping heart.

Silver hair and silver eyes, a small stature, and her clothes were different.

She changed into clothes that exposed her arms and held a small basket in one hand. She was also wearing a large hat.

I couldnt understand why she wore a hat like that at night.

I was a bit surprised that she prepared more earnestly than I thought.

But... I was told to do it by using a wish ticket.

Wouldnt it be something she really wanted to do someday? Something like her dream...

I dont know why she bothered to do it with me.

She looked at me without answering. I closed the distance, but she still said nothing.


Um so

Did you change your clothes? Matches well.

Im not happy

She, who had been softened a little by my compliment, opened her mouth.

And we stepped out of the orphanage.

I grabbed the basket she was holding.

Give it to me. And, why are you upset?

Oh, oh, no. I will take this.

It was different from her who would normally hand over all her luggage.

Hmm, she might think that she had to carry the basket with her own hands to fulfill her dream.

I gave up without complaint.

Okay. Lets go. Do you know the way?

Vienna nodded.

I trusted her and started walking.

- Tap

Feeling the touch on my arm, I looked at her.

Vienna, who had approached me before I knew it, crossed arms with me.

Touching each others bare skin... It was much warmer than expected.


Cold. And dark.

Pushing her hat down, she replied.

If she was cold, she shouldve just worn a little longer dress, I tried to say. But remembering her softened expression when I complimented her dress earlier made me shut my mouth.

Whatever... This wasnt the first time we had crossed our arms. So I just let it go.

Like that we walked without a word.

The beautiful riverside glistening in the moonlight appeared in our view, near an endless meadow.

By the time the orphanage looked like a dot, I broke the silence.

Vienna, this time you're using the wish ticket, right?

I used the argument from earlier as a joke.

She also smiled and nodded her head.

I spoke again.

By the way, have you ever stayed all night?

No. This is the first time.


I saw a little hope. If its her first time staying all night, wouldnt Vienna get tired and go back a little earlier?

Because it will feel different from the night watch that Vienne had done often.

Why did you want to do something like this?

Because in the church, the sleeping time is always fixed.


It must have been a deviation she wanted to try.

So you wanted to try it? Theres nothing special about it.

Firstly, what about you? Youve done it?

Thats right.

Thats right.

Vienna lifted her head and looked at me.

Her hat was so big that even the slightest movement of her head made a big difference.

That Who did you stay with all night?

I felt the pressure in my arm. She was holding on a little tight.

Ive tried it once or twice with my brother.

Oh yeah?

And her hand loosened a little, again.

I told you. Actually, theres nothing fun about that. We cant even do it often. It's better to hang out during the day.

Im still fine.

When drowsiness set in, everything became boring and everybody was less talkative.

Even if I decided to stay all night, words like Do you want to go to bed? came out automatically.

What though

But certainly, it was fine now.

Because the scenery appearing in front of my eyes was so beautiful.

The weather was also helping. The moon and stars hung in the sky without a single cloud.

Woah... Beautiful.

Muh... What, what?!

But Vienna was startled.

Still, my arm was not released.

What was it, why was she like this all of a sudden?

I looked around to see what was going on.

What is it? The scenery is beautiful.


Vienna bowed her head.

And suddenly I felt a tingling pain in my arm.

Ah! What.

That was because Vienna pinched it.

Vienna, why is that-

I tried to ask why, but I covered my mouth.

Did I even want to know why? I was afraid the answer will come out, and then things would get harder between us. I had no energy to fight now.

I think its best to just let it go naturally.

Why is that And what is that?

I casually shifted her attention to the basket she was holding.

It was a bit unnatural flow, but it couldnt be helped.

And Ive been curious since before.

It seems to be for snacks.

But she cant cook.

Even if I was hungry because I couldn't eat dinner, I didn't hope it had snacks in it.

There was nothing to eat in the orphanage anyway, and even the children couldn't eat heartily. Where would the food come from?

Ah, this..? Its a snack.

I closed my eyes tightly.

Another difficult task had been added.

Where did it come from? The orphanage doesnt seem to have enough food.

Vienna stopped right there and glared at me.

Hey. You! Come to think of it, you didnt eat dinner tonight!

Ah How did you know that?

Theres a kid who saw you giving away food. He informed me. When I told the director, she told me to bring snacks.

Ugh... I felt really sorry.

Maybe because of my actions, the food in the orphanage had decreased even more.

You ..! And he said you gave the food to that boy! The kid who keeps claiming me as his.

Vienna brought up the story about the cute child.

Ah. Haha. Thats right. Isnt he cute?

You want to be nice to him? He keeps calling me his!

What is it, why are you offended by childrens pranks?

I didnt know why she felt bad again.

How the hell can I have a conversation without angering her for once?

No matter what I do, she seems to get angry right away.

Wouldnt you feel bad if what was yours was taken away?

What was she talking about? Mine? Oh, she was talking about bread.

Vienna, I can give up at least bread. What's the big deal if I dont eat one day, anyway?

Ugh Its okay. I cant speak to you.

With a pout, she grabbed my arm again and began to walk.

I totally agreed with her when she said we couldnt communicate with each other... Enough to make me wonder how we were still close.

A cool breeze blew again.

Everywhere I looked, serene nature greeted me.

The two of us were walking in a beautiful place.

Even so, no one was there, so strangely, the situation itself felt personal.

I felt like this place was exclusive for us.

It was a strange feeling.

Um Is this the charm of the night?

I muttered.

It was a feeling I never felt when I stayed up all night with my brother.

I was also getting a new feeling through this experience.

And it went on for quite a while.

Vienna and I focused on the sounds of nature and felt a little liberated.


Vienna slowly, very slowly, slid down her hand to where my palm was... She seemed to want to hold hands.

Uh, what is it?

Startled, I raised my hand and removed hers.

There was a strong perception that this was something that only lovers do.

It was awkward to hold hands with Vienna, who was not even a potential lover yet.

What, what-

I tried to ask, but Vienna interrupted me.

Hey! What are you doing...? Won't I get tired if my hand was up the whole time?

Was it like that? In fact, her hand didnt even touch mine.

Ugh... I felt ashamed now.

Could you please stop misunderstanding? Every time you react like this, I feel embarrassed!

Mi Im sorry.

You know what I want to do well, right? I said I would meet a man way cooler than you!

Well. She did.

Its all my brothers fault.

I think I over-accepted everything from the time my brother said they might have liked me.

Actually, maybe thats why I asked that question to Lily Noona.

Yeah, there were many better men than me in the world. Even my older brother was a prime example.

Maybe I was not good enough in Viennas eyes. Yeah, it made sense.

Right, right?

That Yes.

But what is your ideal type? I dont think I ever asked.

Vienna was instantly hit! And looked at me.

Why are you curious about that?

I was taken aback by the stronger reaction than I expected.

Uh Just. I was suddenly curious


Then Vienna kept glancing at me.

That So. Better than you! More handsome! Uh Nicer! And Cooler? Uh

She looked very worried.


Then, suddenly, she lifted her head.

Ah! And I like someone who doesnt have complicated women problems as much as you do.

Who has less complicated womens issues than me? There must not have been a lot of people like that. I have no problem with women, after all. I havent even dated anyone till this age.

Im talking about my ideal type, but why are you throwing up!

But... Thats right.


I thought the conversation with Vienna would end like that, but it didnt.

What about you?

Vienna asked.


I never really thought about it.

There was no set ideal type.

Perhaps someone I feel comfortable just to meet, someone beautiful in my eyes, who understands my heart, Wouldnt it be nice to have someone who cares about me?

I had never met anyone like that, so I didnt know yet.

But if I met such a girl, I was confident that I would cherish and love her.

I dont know. Maybe I've not met such a girl yet.

What is it? Is it so difficult because nothing has been decided?

"Perhaps," I shrugged. "I will meet her somehow."

So, why dont you lower your expectations a little? Perhaps you've already met.

She said not to stick to my ideal type. But weren't her expectations too high as well?

But, again, this thought did not come out of my mouth.

Starchis, I think we have arrived.


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