Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 7: The Class President

Chapter 7: The Class President

I woke up the next day to the same blaring sound coming from my alarm clock, but this time I set it at five in the morning.

Still, I'm having trouble getting up early and leaving my bed just to attend some training sessions with people living here in the castle. However, since I already gave my word that I will try my very best to become the best impostor they ever had, then I don't have any choice either but to succumb to their requests.

With a heavy body, I dragged myself to prepare for today's early morning- and never-ending - table manners session once again.


"Don't forget to be on time for your training sessions after class." Alex reminded me for the nth time. I only gave him a bored look while slowly nodding my head.

"Well then, see you guys later," I said as cheerfully as I could before waving them goodbye and went out through the secret mini door of the castle leading towards an almost empty road.

The moment I was able to exit myself out of the castle's premises, I took my time to make faces as soon as I close the mini door. That jerk! Why should he need to be so strict with me?

"I saw that!"

Speaking of that jerk, I just heard his voice shouting from the other side. That's the time I stopped and rolled my eyes at him before proceeding to walk towards my school.

Wow, he got spy glasses or something like that?


"Good morning class."

As soon as our adviser Mr. Pumpkin enters our classroom, all my classmates stopped from what they were doing earlier and went back to their respective seats.

"Before we proceed to our topic for today, let's start this day with nominating our class officers so that I may submit it to the school administration." Mr. Pumpkin declares, which caused my classmates to exchange whispers to each other.

Hmm... who should I nominate as our class president?

My head turned to look at my friend Ariella, who is also been absorbed in her deep thoughts. Maybe she is thinking to run as the president?

"Let's begin," Mr. Pumpkin said as he wrote down the word 'president' on the whiteboard. "Nominations for class president is now open."

I was just about to raise my hand when Mr. Pumpkin called out an unfamiliar name to me.

"Yes, Mr. Wilford?"

I turned to the one who was called by that last name, and soon I beheld a guy who has the most ordered and neat hairstyle of all the guys I have seen here in school, with glasses to match his brushed up jet black hair, somehow giving him an intimidating yet a geek-ish look. He's got that brown skin adonis look going on, slim, somehow muscular to look at, with an almost symmetrical face and reddish pouty lips.

His pair of ocean blue eyes screamed pride as he looks at our adviser right now, with his arms folded over to his chest.

"If you may, sir, I'd like to nominate myself for the position of class president." he boastfully said. Wow, talk about attitude!

Everyone gasped at what he did, but for him, it all seemed nothing as he casually sits back in his chair and rests his back on it.

"Alright, Mr. Wilford is nominated. Anyone would like to nominate another candidate?"

For the second time around, I was close to raising my hand when Mr. Pumpkin called out my friend Ariella.

"I would like to nominate my friend, Krisella Lancaster," she said and smiled at me.

Wait, WHAT?! I gave her a baffled look.

"Ms. Lancaster is nominated."

I suddenly forgot to nominate my friend and turned to face her.

"Why did you nominate me? I was going to nominate you." I said to her, almost in a whisper.

"I don't want to be the president," she responded. "I thought you want to be the president."

I squinted my eyes at her then pointed to myself. "Do I look like I wanted to be nominated as the president?"

"Alright then, if there's no one else who would like to nominate, then I'll now be closing the nomination... Who would go for Mr. Wilford?" asked our teacher.

Thankfully, more than half of our class population voted for him to be the class president of our batch. That's settled then. He is now officially our new class president, and I'm saved from adding another responsibility on my shoulder. Hooray!

Later on, our new class president was asked to stand up in front and continued our nomination for the remaining class officers. I ended up being the vice president, what the heck!

After the nomination and our teacher's discussion, Mr. Pumpkin gave us a short quiz about the things that he had discussed just now. I, on the other hand, was too sleepy to think of what to answer in our quiz.

But... wahhh! I can't afford to flunk my grades as well, or I'll say goodbye to my dreams of becoming a master wizard!

When our school bell rang to end Mr. Pumpkin's class and to proceed with our new teacher for our subject Magic Formula, Ariella asked us if how was our test results from earlier's short quiz.

"I only got two mistakes," Maggie said as she smiled to the both of us.

"I have three mistakes," I replied in exasperation. Rest in peace, my small, empty brain.

"I got the same result with Maggie." Ariella happily said as she showed us her test paper as well.

Lucky them--

"You're such a bunch of losers over there." We heard that same raspy voice from the one who had the guts to nominate himself as the class president.

When we turned to look at him, we saw his pair of ocean blue eyes were now looking over us. Hey! How dare he calls my friends losers!

'How dare you call my friends losers!" I spoke out loud. His eyes shifted on me as he smirked to himself like a jerk.

Then out of the blue, he proudly waves in front of us the perfect score he got from the short quiz earlier. Many of my classmates looked at his score with awe, but I looked at it scornfully.

"Even if you have the highest score here, you still don't have the right to look down on others!" I exclaimed in a preaching manner, thus making his eyes went round all of a sudden.

Without giving him a warning, I immediately turned my back on him and sat down on my assigned seat. I thought Alex was already the biggest jerk I've known here in Citadel, and now here comes our class president snatching that title away from him!


When our classes for today have finally ended, my friends and I hurriedly walked outside of the school gate. Ariella and Maggie had the same discussion of where to go after classes, while I, on the other hand, had a glimpse of a nearby store's wall clock that says it's now almost five in the freaking afternoon!Ne/w novel chaptš¯’†rs are p/u/blished on no/vel(/bin(.)c/o/m

"Oh no! Guys, I really should get going, or my grandma will be left alone in the house." I lied to them just to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Of course Krisella. See you tomorrow!" Ariella bid me goodbye.

"Yeah, see ya' tomorrow Krisella!" echoed Maggie.

After I waved at them, I hurriedly turned around and dashed off towards the secret route that leads to the castle. Wahhh, I don't want that evil creature Alex to shout at me when I get back there!


Third Person's POV

Meanwhile, without Krisella knowing, someone amidst the crowd, saw her dashing away from her friends and turning to her right all of a sudden.

"Hmm... if I remember it correctly, that route only takes you towards the castle," he said to himself as he pushed his glasses upwards.

"I wonder who that girl might be..."


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