President Wife is A Man

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

Chapter 69 - Jiang Qi’s Blind Date

Since meeting with Ke Yan’s mother, Jiang Qi’s mood was sunny for two days and he forgot all about the blind date his mother had previously mentioned .

So when his mother called him today and talk about the blind date, Jiang Qi took a full two or three seconds before he reacted and refused: “Mom, I won’t go . So, there’s no need for you to arrange it alright . ”

Jiang’s mother didn’t get angry when she heard Jiang Qi’s words . Instead, she just said, “Then, mom won’t force you . How about going out together with your mother this weekend . Both of us have not been eating out together for a long time . ”

"Okay, mom . " Jiang Qi promised .

Although Jiang Qi felt strange because his mother agreed so quickly when he pushed the blind date away, he was still happy because there’s no need for him to go . Therefore, he quickly left the strange feeling at the back of his head .

Soon, the day arrived . Jiang mother specially called Jiang Qi the day before and asked him to wear better clothes . She also asked him to come out early .

Jiang Qi listened to his mother without any strange feeling . The next day he especially chooses good looking clothes and he also went out early to meet his mother .

Ke Yan watched as Jiang Qi walks out of the door with a strange feeling . But he didn’t think too much . He just asked Jiang Qi to give him a call if anything happened .

When Jiang Qi reached their agreed place, his mother sat alone in the cafe while drinking a fruit juice . Once she saw Jiang Qi, she waves to the waiter for check out .

"Mom, did you came so early . "

"En . Jiang Qi ah, let’s go shopping with your mother . "

"Okay . " Jiang Qi happily promised .

Jiang Qi and his mother came to a shopping mall . At first, he wanted to buy clothes for his mother, but Jiang mother shakes her head and led Jiang Qi towards the floor where jewelry shop located . Jiang Qi happily followed because his mother had always been frugal . Usually, when he bought her something, she would always nag and told him not to waste money arbitrarily .

He used to buy a necklace for his mother but she didn’t wear it . Instead, she put it inside a box for safekeeping and told him she would give it to Jiang Qi’s future wife .

So when his mother pulled him to the jewelry shop, he felt so happy with his mother enthusiasm .

Jiang Qi looks at the dazzling chain after chain of golden jewelry and asked his mother, “Mom, which one do you like?”

Jiang mother browses through all styles of bracelet, and turned her ears deaf to Jiang Qi’s question . Then, she asked the worker, “Miss, can you please show me the styles of bracelet young girls nowadays like . ”

"Mom, why do you want to buy a bracelet with a style likes by young girls?" Jiang Qi was confused .

“You don’t understand . ”

“... . . “Jiang mother’s reply completely crushed him . Then he left his mother alone and goes to the special counter for men’s .

Looking at all these things Jiang Qi suddenly thought of Ke Yan . Other than birthdays and festivals, it had been quite some time before he bought anything for Ke Yan . So, should he send something to him right now? Jiang Qi picked up several pieces, but not one looks good looking enough as a present .

"Xiao Qi, come over and see . " Jiang Qi heard his mother calling out to him and went over to her . Looks like his mother already made her decision .

When he saw the delicate design of the bracelet chosen by his mother, Jiang Qi once again curiously asked, “Mom, you want to buy this bracelet for whom?”

Looking at the style, Jiang Qi knew it’s not something his mother would like . It should be something bought for the younger generation . Although he still considering to whom his mother bought the bracelet, he still in a haze of who the owner might be . So, he asked again, “Mom, do you want to buy this piece for sister in law or Xiao Lu?”

“Both also not . ” Jiang mother looked at him mysteriously .

“Do you want to wear it yourself?”

“What’s wrong with your brain? Do you think this kind of style suitable for your mother to wear ah . Do not ask me anymore . You’ll know it in a while . ”

Finally, Jiang Qi no longer questioning his mother and paid the money . Then he wanted to bring his mother to shop around for clothes, by the way, to see what can be bought for Ke Yan . However, after Jiang mother looking at her watch, she immediately urged Jiang Qi to walk away .

Jiang Qi was pulled by Jiang mother to a western restaurant opposite the shopping mall . When he walked into the restaurant, Jiang Qi immediately understood what’s going on . Then, he looks at his mother with a helpless look --- just said it’s alright not to blind date . Why are you doing this kind of trick behind my back? No wonder recently you had been acting so strange .

When the two sat down, Jiang Qi said helplessly: "Mom, didn’t we agreed about no blind date before?"

"This is not a blind date . I just bring you to meet someone only . " Jiang mother retorted .

Is this still saying it’s not a blind date mah? Jiang Qi’s forehead is full of black lines .

“Son, just take a look okay . If you like the girl, later you can send her this bracelet . Young girls nowadays ah, they like generous men the most . ”

Jiang Qi was speechless . No wonder his mother went to buy a bracelet . With a sigh, Jiang Qi relented and told his mother he was going to the toilet . At the toilet, Jiang Qi called Ke Yan . When Ke Yan picked up the phone, Jiang Qi directly told him: "My mother set me up for a blind date . "

"Refused!" Ke Yan immediately replied .

“But my mom is waiting outside to watch over me . But don’t worry, I will definitely find a way out . ”

" . . . En . " Ke Yan voice sounds reluctant as he agreed to him . When he listened to Ke Yan’s voice, Jiang Qi knew he is not happy . So, for the sake of his own ass, he better solves this matter quickly ba .

Hanging up the phone, Jiang Qi immediately leaves the toilet . Then he nearly bumped with another woman at the corner . Jiang Qi quickly steps sideways to avoid crashing into her .

The woman is talking on the phone and did not even spare Jiang Qi a glance . Instead, she keeps on talking on the phone, “If the man said after marriage we had to live with his parents or my parents, I will definitely tell him off . I really cannot stand having to live together with old people . I don’t like having to listen to their words later . ”

Jiang Qi accidentally listened to her conversation and couldn’t help but turned and glanced at the woman . The man in her conversation should be really pitiful to have such a girlfriend . Jiang Qi really doesn’t like people who would abandon their own parents .

In the next second, Jiang Qi didn’t expect the poor man he had recited in his mind seems to be his own self . Jiang Qi looked at the two person sitting in front of him . The younger one who was supposed to be his blind date for today turned out to be the same woman talking to the phone just now . Looking at her pretending to be well-behaved, Jiang Qi had a feeling of disgust in his heart .

However, Jiang Qi suddenly thought of a way . A good way to get him out of this blind date .

After taking a sip of water, Jiang Qi spoke up . "You are Miss Li right . "

“If you don’t mind, you can just call me Li Yan . ” Li Yan ‘shyly’ smile while she spoke .

"Li Yan, I’m glad to meet you . "

“Me too . ”

“Just order anything you like . ”

“En . ” Li Yan picked up the menu and browse through it .

After they ordered their meal, Jiang Qi took the initiative to chat with Li Yan . Jiang mother feels happy looking at them getting along with each other .

Slowly, Li Yan and her mother also had a good impression of Jiang Qi .

Suddenly, Jiang Qi’s topic deviated . “I hope after I got married, I can live with my parents . After all, they are getting older . ”

The smile on Li Yan’s face suddenly turned stiff . She especially hated the idea of living with parents . That’s why she didn’t react to Jiang Qi’s words . Instead, she turned to another topic .

Although at first Jiang mother was dumbfounded with the topic of conversation suddenly opened by Jiang Qi, when Li Yan turned the topic away she immediately understood his reason . It seems Li Yan’s feeling on filial piety is not good . Even though she doesn’t require Jiang Qi and his wife to live with them, but she also doesn’t want a daughter in law who is not filial .

As a result, Jiang mother’s smile also slowly becoming dim .

Li Yan’s mother also discovered Jiang mother changes and secretly warned Li Yan to behave .

“Li Yan, what do you think? I think when I get my salary, the money should be placed at my parents there . Let them help us manage our financial needs . Since they are staying with us, we can also be at ease as we can take care of them ourselves . ”

“ . . . . . . . . . . ” Li Yan don’t know what to say . If Jiang Qi wants to live with his parents, they still can try to communicate with each other first . However, if even the money had to give his parents to manage, they are no longer possible to proceed in taking the next step .

With a stiff smile, Li Yan gets up and walk away . She even ignored her own mother and went by herself . What a waste of her precious time . Even though Jiang Qi overall condition is good, there are many others who have better qualification than him .

When Li Yan mother saw her daughter walked away, she knew everything was hopeless . So, she also did not spare Jiang mother any more courtesy and went away as well .

Jiang mother was angered by them but before she could open her mouth, Jiang Qi speak first . “Mom, I hope you do not insist for me to find a girlfriend . I really don’t want to hook on such a girlfriend in the future . ”

“For this kind of woman, your mother also not rare . ” Jiang mother was really angered this time . Such an untutored person!

“Mom, do you think girls don’t like my type of person? I’m afraid, in the future looking for girlfriend... . ”

Looking at Jiang Qi ‘pitiful’ face, Jiang mother was startled . She immediately speaks out, “Of course not . ”

“Then, in the future can you let me solve this problem myself . ”

“Alright, alright . Just do as you want . ” Of course, Jiang mother didn’t dare to force Jiang Qi . She was afraid if she keeps insisting, Jiang Qi would end up scared to find any girlfriend in the future .

Jiang secretly smiles in his heart as his mother agreed to let him be .

Afterward, Jiang Qi sends his mother home and reported the whole things to Ke Yan . Then, he decided he should go and buy something for Ke Yan since he is already outside .

As for the bracelet, just give it to Jiang Lu ba .


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