Power of Creation

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

My first instinct as the guards approach me is to escape. I have to escape as quickly as possible. Although, as an aside, I wish I could take that sexy princess with me

Light bursts forth from my body, and a moment later

Eh? I mutter questioningly.

Ah, ahhh! That is the voice of the princess.

The pair of us are standing in a forest. Of course, I'm completely lost and have no clue how the kings throne room suddenly turned into a forest. The princess seems to be confused too, but when she notices me, she screams and falls back on her butt.I try to approach her, but she turns around and runs away without a second thought. I sigh as I take off in a run after her. However, I'm not terribly fit. Even in heels, the freaking princess is starting to outrun me. It is seriously embarrassing. How am I going to be a hero when I cant even catch up to a woman in heels in the forest? If only I could be a little fasterMy legs suddenly start to glow, and a second later it becomes easier to move my legs quickly. Whereas I was trailing behind the princess before, I'm now gaining speed on her rapidly. Just as I am thinking I will catch her soon, she stops short and I end up running right into her back.

She falls over, and her dress flies up, showing me what is underneath. She wears tight, sexy lingerie that is unbecoming of a princess. Her ass hangs out from a G-string like covering that only just hides her snatch. She quickly covers up with her dress, standing up with a blush, but it doesnt last as her gaze turns to whatever had stopped her in the first place.

It is a monster! Not just a monster, it is a dragon. There are very few stories I've read where dragons are weak monsters. Why did I have to end up coming up against one of the strongest monsters during my first day in another world?

The dragon raises up on its legs, spreading out massive wings as it gives a roar that spreads out heat hot enough to cause the princess and me to cover our faces. I am about ready to piss myself and run. This monster needs to die. I dont have the ability to kill the monster myself, but either way, couldnt it just die?

Magic explodes from my body, and a moment later, the dragon makes a sudden whimper just as it is raising a claw to strike me. Its eyes roll back up in its head, and then it falls to the side with a loud thud.

A red dragon dead in an instant The princess says in disbelief before turning back to me. You really are a hero.

Huh? I demand, What the hell is going on?


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