Power of Creation

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

It isnt long flying before Ariel recognizes where we are. It is a forest on the border of her nation, so once I orientate myself it is a straight shoot to the castle. The flight only takes thirty minutes before we land right in the courtyard of the city.

A dragon flying into the capital city might cause an uproar. Even the wyvern riders that this world possesses would not prepare the Capitol to see a magnificent red dragon flying right at the castle. However, that was resolved with a magic spell. I didnt know what the magic spell did. I simply compose a spell that would make it so the red dragon isnt detected. It might be an invisibility spell, or some kind of mind block that alters peoples perception.

I dont know. All I do know is that it worked and I am in the castle. Millie shrinks into her human form, and I give her a kiss on the lips as a thank you. She looks upset that I kiss her, but the blush betrays her tsun personality. However, after kissing Millie, Ariel demands a kiss too, so I have to give her a thorough one before the three of us can finally head to the castle.

Since guards dont usually look for intruders from inside the castle, I meet no resistance until I reach the throne room. Before breaking in and causing hell, I decide to listen at the door.

We havent had any luck locating your daughter so far, a female voice was saying, But we will widen our-

There was the sound of a slap and a cry, and then the priest spoke. You useless twat! My King, let me use the dark magics. I can channel the power of the dark gods and immediately reveal your daughters location.

Finding my daughter is top priority, I must-

I get bored with listening, so I push open the door and walk in. Ariel and Millie follow closely behind, worried looks on their faces.

You! The Heretic has invaded the castle! The priest shouts.

Never talk again! I snap, waving a white light.

It strikes the priest before he can react. He glares at me and opens his mouth, but a moment later he realizes no sound comes out. Confused, he starts trying to speak again, but as the words are completely absent, he settles for glaring angrily.

Ariel, my daughter! The Queen shouted, trying to race forward to her.

The King blocked her advances. Hold back, Aura! Keep your distance. Dont you see hes done something to her? Her body is different, and shes wearing some kind of twisted demon outfit.

I will stop him! A woman races towards me with her sword drawn.

She looks to be an attractive wyvern knight, so I decide to just teleport her away with magic. A second later she disappears with a flash. I sent her back to the house Ariel and I made. She was cute and had a big chest, so I'd have fun with her later. 

Hey, I think that outfits kind of hot. I defend it, putting the other girl aside.

You you kidnapped my daughter, now you have penetrated my throne room. What is it you want?

Your throne room isnt the only thing I penetrated. I laugh.

Ariel blushes, but moves up to my arm and holds it in hers, putting her body against me.


While the King is stunned to silence, it is the priest that starts running towards me. As if by instinct, Ariel shoves me out of the way. A moment later, a dagger slips out of his robe and he stabs forward. The blade strikes into Ariel.

The King and Queen shout in horror as blood gushes from her stomach and mouth. She turns to me as blood drips down her chin. She mouths the words that sound like I love you, and then she collapses to the ground dead.


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