Power and Wealth

Chapter 6

Power and Wealth

Chapter 6 – Conflict with Section Chief Xu!

The next 3 days.

Dong Xuebing woke up early for memory practice. He had usedBack 3 times for his test preparations. He tried several methods and angleswhile using Back. He needs to get used tothe feeling of turning back time and become more familiar with this power.

Time flies, and itwas the day before the test.

Beijing Cancer Hospital, Oncology ward.

Dong Xuebing continued to study under Grandpa Hu. GrandpaHu’s son was the examiner in Shanghai, andGrandpa Hu seemed to have the experiencedand had researched into these essay questions. This was why Dong Xuebing forcedhimself to memorize everything he said and listened attentively. The lessonshad changed from Dong Xuebing asking questions, to Grandpa Hu asking questionsand Dong Xuebing answering them. The questions asked by Grandpa Hu was not fromthe materials. It was not sure where he got those questions. Sometimes, GrandpaHu would tell him about the rules and responsibilities of the variousgovernment departments. This was to let Dong Xuebing understand what the dutiesof a Civil Servant were.

“...... The data presented to you is about our citizensmisbehaving while on holiday overseas. Using the data, write a suggestion tothe head of the Tourism Bureau. The required answer needs to be relevant andimplementable. It needs to be concise and not more than 400 words. Try toanswer it.”

Dong Xuebing starts to answer.

Grandpa Hu shook his head and pointed out where he got itwrong and then told him the answer in his mind.

Dong Xuebing wanted to write Grandpa Hu’s answer down, buthe was stopped by Grandpa Hu. “You don’t need to record it down. You need tounderstand the general direction of my answer and the important points in theargument. Once you understand the answer, you will automatically remember theanswer. Do you still have any questions? Good. I will give you one morequestion to test you. China has rich resourcesin the surrounding sea, but our Per capita income is low. Bo Sea is China’sbiggest inland sea. It is crucial to the economies of the Northeast region......”


Grandpa Hu coughed and asked: “Did you remember everything?”

“Yes.” Dong Xuebing quickly pass a few pieces of tissues toGrandpa Hu.

Grandpa Hu smiled and patted Dong Xuebing on his arm: “Yourfriends and classmates are also taking this test in Beijing with you? Keepeverything I taught you to yourself. Don’t tell your classmates. Hahaha. Thisold man’s knowledge is limited, andthat’s everything I can teach you.”

“You are too modest. Ireally learned a lot from you.” Dong Xuebing rubbed his nose embarrassedly andcontinued: “I do not have many friends as I did not stay at my university. The classmates I knewwerenot interested in being a civil servant. They had already found jobs in theprivate sector. I am the only one still dreaming of entering the governmentservice. Sorry for troubling you the past few days. I really appreciate yourhelp. Thank you.”

Before Dong Xuebing left, Grandpa Hu patted his shoulder andsaid: “Do well for the test. China’s future will depend on you youngsters.”

Dong Xuebing nodded.

North Heping Street.

Dong Xuebing walked up the musty stairs and press thedoorbells of his home.

Click. Dong Xuebing’s mother who was at home helped him openthe door. At the same time, there was another sound of someone opening the doorfrom the fourth story. Section Chief Xu and his family walked down the stairs.Dong Xuebing’s mother saw them and immediately greeted: “Section Chief Xu, youare back so early? Are you all going to have dinner outside?” Dong Xuebing alsoreluctantly greeted them.

Section Chief Xu did not say a thing and just noddedarrogantly.

Mrs. Xu laughed: “Tomorrow is the test. Both of us are bringing Xiao Dong to Quanjudeto have dinner.”

“Oh, that place is expensive.” Dong Xuebing’s mother said.

“Quanjude is still fine. It is not some fancy restaurantanyway.” Xiao Dong said and glared at Dong Xuebing. He reached over to press QuYunxuan’s doorbell. When no one opened the door, he pressed it again.

Dong Xuebing’s mother quickly said: “Yunxuan might still beat work.”

Xiao Dong disappointedly mumbled a replied and turned to hisparents: “Mum, Dad, let’s go.” Dong Xuebing knew that this Xiao Dong was wooingQu Yunxuan recently. Although Qu Yunxuan’s family was not well-off, she was beautiful. This was why Section Xu’s family didnot object their son from going after someone a fewyears older.

When Dong Xuebing entered his house, Section Chief Xu andhis family continued their way towards the stairs. Section Chief Xuaccidentally kicked the garbage bag outside of Dong Xuebing’s home. Dong Xuebing’s mother had placed thegarbage bag there, and the bag was oilyand stained with leftover foods. Section Chief Xu’s shoes and pants werestained.

Section Chief Xu’s face changed and turned to Dong Xuebing’smother: “What’s wrong with you? Why did you leave your garbage here? Did you dothis on purpose?”

Dong Xuebing’s mother immediately apologized: “I’m sorry......Really sorry.... I..... was just about to take the garbage downstairs.”

Xiao Dong frowned: “Can you all be more cultured? You thinkour corridors are not dirty enough?”

Dong Xuebing’s mother replied: “I will clear it now. I’msorry.”

Seeing his mother being scolded, Dong Xuebing becamefurious: “You are cultured? If you are cultured, will you still throw rubbishout of your windows?” The last time Dong Xuebing returned home with his mother,they were almost hit by a garbage bag thrown out of Section Chief Xu’s window.It was not sure if it was Xiao Dong or Section Chief Xu who had thrown it. Allthe neighbors knew that Section Chief Xu’s unit hasbeen throwing their garbage bags out of their windows. But no one dares to sayanything as Section Chief Xu was a government official and they were commoners.

Dong Xuebing’s mother tugged his son’s clothes: “Xuebing!”

Xiao Dong stared at Dong Xuebing: “What are you saying?Who’s the one who throw rubbish out of the windows?”

Dong Xuebing coldly replied: “You should know who it is.”

“Are you even qualified to speak here?” Section Chief Xustared at Dong Xuebing. “You have dirtied my shoes, and you still want to argue?”

“You are the one......” Dong Xuebing was about to continuearguing when his mother pulled him back.

Mrs. Xu tried to calm the situation: “Old Xu, why are youarguing with a kid? We are all neighbors. Let it rest.” Mrs. Xu turned to DongXuebing’s mother: “Xiaoping, we are off for our dinner. You should not placeyour garbage outside your house. This is not right. Don’t do it again.”

Dong Xuebing’s lungs were about to burst. That Chief Xu wasthe one who kicked the garbage bag, andhe wants to blame his mother?

Section Chief Xu used a napkin to wipe his show and turnedaway: “Fuck. Let’s go. The car is waiting.”

Xiao Dong looked at Dong Xuebing and his mother scornfullyand followed his parents down the stairs.

Dong Xuebing’s mother just smiled at them until they disappearedfrom her view. She quickly closes the door and sighed. “Xuebing, we can’tafford to offend them. You......

Dong Xuebing was still pissed: “What sort of person is he?Government officials can be unreasonable?”


In the evening, Qu Yunxuan returned from work and knocked onDong Xuebing’s door. She was carrying bags of vegetables and meat.

These few days, Qu Yunxuan had integrated into DongXuebing’s family. She hadbecome closer with Dong Xuebing and his mother.They would have dinner together and would joke and chat. It was like a family.

“Yunxuan, eat more.” Dong Xuebing’s mother picked somevegetables and place in her bowl.

“Sis Luan...” Qu Yunxuan hesitated for a while and askedworriedly: “When I was on my way back, I heard from the lady downstairs said......What happened?”

This apartment building was an old building built in the1980s. The soundproofing was not verygood, and neighbors could hear each otherclearly. Dong Xuebing’s mother tapped Qu Yunxuan’s hand: “Yunxuan, listen tosis. If you are looking for a boyfriend, don’t ever look for someone like XiaoDong. I am not talking behind their backs, but they are all bullies......” DongXuebing’s mother told her what happened just now.

Qu Yunxuan frowned after she heard what happened. She heldLuan Xiaoping’s hand and sighed: “I know that family is all not decent people. I have not told anyone else. Do you knowthat Xiao Dong is wooing me? But I had rejected him several times. A few daysago, I met Section Chief Xu at the supermarket on my off day. He pointed at mein the face and said. Don’t think you are somebody because my son likes you. Itis your honor for my son to like you....... He still said many nasty things. I......Sighed....”

Dong Xuebing clenched his fist: “Does he thinks that he isthe mayor or governor?”

“Let’s not talk about him.” Qu Yunxuan smiled sweetly andtook a napkin and wiped off a grain of rice on Dong Xuebing’s face. “Tomorrowis your test. You must do your best and not let that Xu family look down on you.Show them that not only Xiao Dong can enter the government service. Our XiaoBing can also do it!”

Dong Xuebing took a deep breath and replied: “Don’t worry. Iwill surely pass the test!”

Translator’s notes:

Bo Sea





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