Possessed 10 Million Actors

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Fine dining at a luxury hotel in Gangnam, Seoul.

There was one person who chartered this place, whose basic course cost hundreds of thousands of won.

It was Oh Haneul, CEO of OS International.

In front of Oh Haneul sat a woman with an ancient air.

“It is an honor to meet you like this, CEO Yoon Gayeon.”

An antique woman sitting in front of heaven. It is Yoon Gayeon, the former CEO of Yoon Entertainment.

She spoke with a slightly nervous voice.

“This is an honor for me. That’s why. Why did you want to meet me?”

“Before we talk, let’s eat. Today’s configuration is quite good.”

Oh Haneul holds up the tableware with a nice smile.

However, Yoon Gayeon said politely again, as if she wanted to talk first.

“If it’s about advertising for actors, I can’t help you. As you know, I’m no longer the representative of Yoon Entertainment.”

“I know. You came out of Yoon Entertainment as if you were being chased.”


“I heard that you also refused the severance pay and gag money.”

Oh Haneul calmly finished a rather uncomfortable story. Before Yoon Gayeon even said anything, Oh Haneul added.

“Let’s have dinner first. “Isn’t it a matter of life and death for you to have food?”

“—- I see.”

Oh Haneul, who finished his meal without much conversation, opened his mouth.

“In the near future, I’m going to make my business in entertainment.”

“When you say entertainment, do you mean idols?”

“First of all, I’m thinking of actor management. I’m planning an idol or my own program, but nothing has been decided yet.”

Rumors about OS International’s entry into the entertainment industry have been circulating quietly. That’s because he made a huge investment in “Spring Without Flowers”.

I guess that was true. Well, it has nothing to do with me anymore.

In fact, it is Yoon Gayeon who is already retired. Now she didn’t have to care who entered the entertainment industry.

“With CEO Oh’s skills, you will be able to get results.”

I replied politely, but that was not Yoon Gayeon’s sincerity.

“No matter how representative Oh Haneul is, the entertainment industry shouldn’t be considered easy.”

It could be a candle for someone who wants to start a business.

“Thank you for judging me like this. But I think it’s a little different. I’ve done several businesses, but the business of business is difficult. There’s a lot to take care of.”

Yoon Gayeon opened her eyes wide at Oh Haneul’s words, who seemed to have read her thoughts.

“There is enough money. We also bought a building next to our headquarters. We also have the best vans for our artists.”


“The hardware is perfect, but the software is lacking. Not only the entertainment industry but also the entertainment business needs bright talent.”

“Talent? Isn’t that good enough for OS International?”

“That’s right. But I don’t just want talent, I want the ‘best’ talent.

After finishing his speech, Oh Haneul spoke to Kang Kyungsik, the Chief of Staff, who was sitting next to him.

“Chief, please give me the contract I prepared.”

“Yes, please.”

Chief of Staff Kang Kyungsik took the tablet out of his pocket. The “OS Entertainment Vice President Contract” was displayed on the tablet’s screen.

“This is the reason why I invited CEO Yoon ‘Gayeon’ today.”

Oh Haneul handed the contracting tablet to Yoon Gayeon.

“Please accept the position of vice president of our company. Well, she’s the vice president, and she’s practically the CEO. Please take a look at the practical work for me.”


“We set the terms and conditions beyond the highest standards in the industry. Please let me know if it’s not enough.”

After finishing his speech, Oh Haneul poured wine into Yoon Gayeon’s glass.

However, Yoon Gayeon could not see the contents of the contract.

“For me. . . . You’re giving me this opportunity.

Yoon Gayeon’s heart was pounding in contrast to her seemingly nonchalant demeanor.

“Why are you offering me this?”

“The CEO who got kicked out of the company.”

“The CEO who turned down severance pay because she had something going on.”

“The representative who couldn’t bring the actors she trained.”

It was incomprehensible given the current public perception of herself.

Her “passion” began to burn again in her chest to say no.

The entertainment industry was forced out of the CEO position and vowed never to look at it again.

But she was given a chance to go back there.

“Can you believe this?”

Yoon Gayeon was worried.

Like the employees she believed, she was afraid that Oh Haneul would sell the company for money.

If you lose the company you built from nothing again like that, you’ll surely collapse.

“Well, I’m just asking out of curiosity.”

At that time, Oh Haneul said with a meaningful smile as if to ease Yoon Gayeon’s worries.

“I heard that Yoon Entertainment was sold for 45 billion won this time, right? I heard it roughly, but I wanted to get confirmation from the official.”

“As expected, —. Were you going to sell it after you built it up?

Yoon Gayeon looked at the sky coldly. Then Oh Haneul shook his hand and said as if not to be misunderstood.

“Don’t look so scary. I don’t want to make money by breaking the rules.”


“And if the company I founded was really worth that much…”

Oh Haneul said with a confident look.

“I’d rather have paid for it, but I’m not going to sell it just to make a few more dollars.” It’s a company created by ‘me’, not by anyone else.

Oh Haneul seemed to read all of her thoughts as she had just done.

Otherwise, there is no way for you to tell me what you are worried about first.

It doesn’t matter.

There is enough money, and the company’s vision is clear. With such a person in the CEO’s seat, all he or she has to do is run the company right.

A company that finds and nurtures actors with talent, skill, and personality.

Yoon Gayeon picked up a tablet and checked the “salary” written at the bottom of the contract.

The alertness that had been on her face before had disappeared, and she was full of interest instead.

“Definitely the best in the business, more than that if it’s that kind of salary.”

“I told you before, but if it’s not enough, let me know. I’ll try to match it as best I can.”

“No, there is no shortage. Rather, I would like to propose something from my side.”

“It’s a counter-proposal. It’s fun. Tell me.”

“Yes, I have made enough money to spend until I grow old and die. So I don’t need much money.”

Unlike before, Yoon Gayeon’s voice was confident. Oh Haneul said with a smile as if he liked the momentum.

“Then what do you need if not money?”

“What I need is authority. Please delegate all practice and responsibility.

Yoon Gayeon marked the amount with her fingers.

The amount was half of the amount written in the contract.

“Then I’ll work with this salary.”

Oh Haneul looked at Yoon Gayeon’s face and took out a tablet.

“That was my original plan, but this is great. I want to save money.”

“What? What is this…”

“I told you earlier. Actually, Vice President Yoon Gayeon is the ‘CEO’. Should we go with it then?”

“Wait a minute. Did you really mean what you said earlier? Do you really want me to play the representative role?

“Yes. I’m not a punter with this kind of thing.”

“— You ate a shot.”

“Wow. A verbal contract is still a contract, so please sign it. Vice President.

She was the representative of Oh Haneul who played on Yoon Gayeon’s head all the time.


“Did you come to audition?”

“Yes, but I didn’t expect you to take this audition too!”

“Uh, uh, yeah. That’s how it happened.”

“Wow, this drama is going to be great? Jinseok, you have a 100% success rate. I have to go to this job!”

“Ha ha, ha ha.”

Even with a 100% success rate, I only entered two works.

Min Kyungsoo, who had been talking about this for a long time, suddenly spoke to Moon Jongchul with a straight face.

“Hey, Moon Jongchul. Why don’t you answer me? Didn’t you hear me?”

A completely different face and voice than when you talk to me. It feels quite cold, if not to the extent of openly expressing hostility.

“Seo, Senior. “Did you know Kang Jinseok?”

“Why? Can’t I know?”

“Oh, that’s not true!”

“Enough, just answer what you asked earlier. Why did you do that earlier? I was just passing by. And you started the fight.”

Moon Jongchul rolled his eyes.

Leaving him behind, Min Kyungsoo said to Lee Homin, who had a poop-chewing look on his face.

“Who are you?” I’ve never seen you before. I think I’ve seen the friend next to you somewhere before.

Lee Homin and the actor standing next to him bowed their heads.

“My name is Lee Homin. “Senior.”

“I am Kwon Youngsun.”

“Kwon Youngsun? Oh, he was in ‘Zero to Base’ before. It’s directed by Ha Seokchan.”

Kwon Youngsun replied with a big smile as if he was happy to recognize him.

“Yes! That’s right!”

But Min Kyungsoo’s words were cold.

“If you’re here for an audition today, you’ll have to do better than that.”

“—- Yes.”

Min Kyungsoo said to Lee Homin this time.

“Lee Homin. Um. “Oh, the friend who got the right shot in the BDD?”


“I heard that producer Na Jinho and writer Jo Seokwon threw a tantrum at the audition for Nakamura’s Broadcasting.”

Lee Homin managed to control his expression, but he answered with a sharp attitude when he could not kill his temper.

“— That’s right. But this time it will be different.”

Min Kyungsoo looked at Lee Homin slowly.

As if you were thinking of something.

“I guess you’re confident now that you say that.”


“Okay. Then it’s fate that we meet like this, so I’ll give you some advice.”

Min Kyungsoo pointed at Moon Jongchul and said.

“No matter how hard you try, you can’t hide behind someone like that and strike forward.

Moon Jongchul, who was pointed out, had a hard face, but Min Kyungsoo didn’t seem to mind and finished talking.

“The only thing you can trust on this floor is your skill. As long as you have skills, someone will recognize you and people will come together. Like this one.”


“Of course, skills also include acting skills and personality. Do you understand?”

Min Kyungsoo felt like the “idiot brother next door” who always talked to Park Woohyun and received Lee Narin’s pitiful eyes.

But look at you now.

“Is this a veteran?”

Whether it’s because you’re confident in your skills or because you have a solid career.

Listening to his advice, the words were powerful enough to make him nod automatically.

“Then I’m done with what I have to say, so I’m going to go. I think everyone is here for an audition, so prepare well.”

Min Kyungsoo said as he led me into the waiting room.

“Hey, Jinseok.”


“You, man. I think there’s a lot of waves.”


“What do you mean, … ?”

“You know what they say. “When a man goes out the gate, seven enemies are waiting for him.”

I’ve never heard that. But you don’t have to say you don’t know.


“But you seem to have many enemies. I think it’s about 77 people. Ha ha!”

A little while ago, the crowd disappeared and Min Kyungsoo, whom I know, returned.

“Today’s audition. You’re playing the role of ‘Omanho’, right?”

“Yes, how did you know?”

“How did you know? I just know.”

Then he spoke again with a subdued voice.

“This audition is…” You have to be a little nervous. In many ways.

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