Possessed 10 Million Actors

Chapter 194:

Chapter 194:

[ Original Author, After watching the movie, "It felt like I saw an Andy Miller I didn't know."]

[Is the Kang Jinseok in the mirror the real Kang Jinseok, or is the Kang Jinseok outside the mirror the real one?]

[The voice of ‘Kang Jinseok in the mirror' is not a special effect?]

["Why does it take so long for the movie to be released? It's because it takes a long time to capture Kang Jinseok's acting with my limited abilities. That's the only reason." Director James Won's previous statement is highlighted… It wasn't just lip service to Korean fans.]

However, like any well-received work, also faced criticism.

[Even if you only watch the first 5 minutes and the last 5 minutes, you understand the movie. The middle 100 minutes were unnecessary.]

Most of the criticism was unreasonable, but the article's title was provocative enough to attract a lot of readers.

Of course, it didn't receive much applause.

This was because the scenes of Jinseok portraying a gruesome murderer had an immersive quality that couldn't be ignored for a moment.

So, riding on its popularity, achieved the top spot at the domestic box office.

Another big news broke out.

[Kang Jinseok to produce a movie titled depicting his life story.]


In the conference room of OS Entertainment's ‘Kang Jinseok Team.'

Jinseok, Jang Sunho, the PD, and the writers were in the midst of a meeting.


Author Jo Seokwon sighed briefly as he set down the bundle of papers on the desk.

It was Jinseok's synopsis.

"So, this is the synopsis for that you wrote, right?"

"Yes. How was it, by any chance…?"

As Jinseok spoke, checking for Jo Seokwon's reaction like a student inspecting his homework, Jo Seokwon chuckled lightly and said, "It's a bit lacking in the structural aspects compared to synopses written by professional writers. I suppose it's because you haven't written many synopses."


With somewhat negative feedback, a sigh of disappointment escaped Jinseok's lips.



"The content itself is very good. The idea of embodying characters who lived lives similar to the roles and acting is fresh. Although there is a fantasy-like feel that needs refining, overall, it's a synopsis with plenty of potential."

Following Jo Seokwon's positive words, Jinseok's face brightened.

Next, Director Yeo Jaeyoon said, "So, does this mean our Hyemin will also be cast if the production is confirmed?"

"I haven't even thought about who to cast yet. It's not even confirmed, and it feels like jumping the gun to think about it."

"Even if it's not confirmed, all we need is money in the end. I'll invest."

"You, Director?"

"Yes. I think it'll be fun if I make this."

Yeo Jaeyoon's generous proposal left Jinseok surprised, and he widened his eyes in astonishment.

Finding Jinseok's reaction amusing, Yeo Jaeyoon chuckled and asked, "But there's a character named ‘Yeo Jaeyoon' here. Should I act on it? I can't act, though."

In response, the PD and writers who were with Jinseok threw in their comments.

"Right. For actors, we should probably use real actors, but what about the production team?"

"What about the Warehouse employees?"

"Oh, they might be a problem too. It's not easy to find people with those kinds of montages."

"I have acting ambitions. Can't I just appear in it?"

"Kim PD, trying to ruin the project?"

Even though the production wasn't confirmed yet, the atmosphere in the conference room had shifted towards the direction of making a movie.

At that moment, while others were discussing, Na Jinho, the chief, who had been continuously scrutinizing the synopsis, spoke.

"But Kang Jinseok, in the production intent written at the end of the synopsis, you mentioned ‘wanting to find your parents.' What's that about?"

"Oh, that's…"

With a slight wry smile, Jinseok explained, "As you all know, I am an adopted orphan. The reason I decided to become an actor was also because I wanted to find my parents. I had this vague idea that if I became famous, my parents might appear."

"But I still haven't found my parents. Despite becoming somewhat famous."

Jinseok's words cast a solemn atmosphere in the conference room. To be precise, it had become serious.

Jinseok continued in a calm voice, "Recently, I started thinking, ‘What if my parents don't recognize me?' I was abandoned when I was very young, so my parents might have forgotten who I am."

"So, is the intention behind this movie to widely publicize your life in the hopes of finding your parents?"


Jinseok nodded heavily.

A quiet stillness lingered in the conference room for a while.

"Is it good because there's a story?"

PD Ha Sarang broke the silence.

"Rather than just feeling like a movie about a successful actor who was once an orphan, it carries more weight as a movie made by an orphaned actor to find his parents. It's a bit different from the typical ‘production intent,' but it has a unique angle."

In agreement with Ha Sarang's words, others nodded their heads.

Feeling a more positive response than expected, Jinseok inwardly sighed with relief.

"Thank goodness."

Ha Sarang, who had been reviewing the synopsis, asked as if curious, "But, actor-nim, just in case I'm asking…"


"Is this real? Meeting ghosts in dreams and possessing and all that?"

When Ha Sarang asked, everyone in the conference room looked at Jinseok. They were all curious, but they hadn't dared to voice their thoughts, thinking, "No way, right?"

Seeing them, Jinseok gave a vague smile and said, "Well."


"Actor-nim, here are the audition applicants' profiles."

Jang Sunho handed him a tablet. When he turned it on, it displayed a familiar format that I often saw.

"You're busy; you don't have to make each one a PDF like this. You can just give them to us on paper."

"There are too many to give on paper, so I gave it to you on a tablet. It might take ages to choose otherwise."

"Is there that many?"

Curious about how many applicants there were, I checked the tablet.


"635 isn't that many, is it?"

"That's just the file for those who applied for the role of ‘Director Yeo Jaeyoon.' If you press below, you'll see another file for actors who applied for other roles."

635 applicants just for the role of Director Yeo Jaeyoon?

"So, how many people applied in total?"

"As of this morning, it was around 83,000 applicants in total. There might be some duplicate applications for various roles, so the actual number will likely be lower. But since there's still a lot of time left for audition applications, it could increase."


It's truly grateful that so many people are interested in the project I'm creating. However, this level of attention was becoming a burden.

"Can I see them all?"

As I made a hesitant expression, Jang Sunho lightly smiled and said, "If you work hard, eventually, you'll be able to check them all. And even though there are many document applicants, the actual number of applicants for the acting tests won't be that high, so it won't take too much time. Probably."


"If you run out of time, you can work overtime. This is a good chance for you to experience ‘office life' as an actor. It will be a great help when you later play the role of an office worker."

With that, Jang Sunho rolled up his shirt sleeves and finished speaking.

"Shall we start working in earnest then?"


After finishing the first overtime with Jang Sunho and the rest of the production team, I returned home and threw myself onto the bed. I should wash up, but I just didn't have the energy to do it.

"…Perhaps the company employees aren't just revering Manager Jang Sunho for no reason."

I found myself referring to Jang Sunho as ‘Team Leader' instead of ‘Manager.'

Of course, it's not like I haven't worked until this late before. It had been only a few years ago when I worked part-time until late in the evening and went out again for another part-time job in the early morning.

However, working overtime with Jang Sunho was not only more challenging than other jobs but also equally, if not more, exhausting. He worked tirelessly, like a machine equipped with AI.

While I had experienced judging auditions on an audition variety show before, evaluating profiles side by side with Jang Sunho was entirely different from that time.

"But I should at least wash up."

Dragging myself to the bathroom like a seaweed, I hurriedly finished a shower.

Afterwards, I collapsed onto the bed once again.

The familiar scent of the pillow and blanket, the ones I always used, felt unusually comforting today.

"Let's sleep quickly. Manager Jang Sunho said he'll pick me up at 7 a.m. tomorrow."

Even though I was tired of thinking about creating my project, it wasn't unpleasant or burdensome.

As I lay in bed with my eyes closed, I drifted off to sleep without realizing it.


"…Why did I end up here?"

It's a dream, a white space. The place I would come to when I needed to act in a different role.

But now wasn't the right situation.

"Who called me here?"

I looked around. Usually, around this time, some ghost or spirit would approach me and start a conversation, but this time, no one appeared.

Then, it happened.

"Long time no see, young one. You've worked hard."

I turned toward the direction of the voice.

There, an old lady I had helped long ago at the subway stairs was standing.

Seeing her, I felt surprisingly calm.

I walked briskly toward her and greeted her warmly, "Hello, Grandma. What brings you here? I thought I'd never see you again. How did you come?"

"I came to express my gratitude for helping my son and to grant your wish."


The son she mentioned was probably referring to Park Jinsu, the head of the Maserati Korea branch.

I feel like I received more help, but anyway…

"My wish?"

I asked, and Grandma nodded with a kind smile.

"The reason you've been living so diligently until now, wasn't it to find your parents?"

"Ah… yes."

"I will grant that wish for you."

After Grandma finished speaking, she gestured behind me.

She didn't say anything specific, but it seemed like she wanted me to look in that direction.

I turned around slowly.

There stood a man and a woman in their early thirties, strangers I had never seen before.

However, upon seeing them, I instinctively knew.

They were my parents.


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