Possessed 10 Million Actors

Chapter 179:

Chapter 179:

 After the completion of the filming, three months later.

The film was released simultaneously in Korea and Japan, and controversy erupted immediately upon its release.

[Controversy Surrounding the Ending of

[Kim Dani, a film critic, "It was perfect that the two protagonists died. If they had lived, it wouldn't have been different from any other romance."]

["Actor Kang Jinseok," Director Yeo Jaeyoon, "As a fellow filmmaker, I respect Director Katahiro's choice of ending. However, as an audience member, I want to ask. Did they have to all die for it to be satisfying? – Column, ‘This' movie of this film.]

While reading internet articles, Jang Sunho muttered, "It seems controversies arise when the work is successful."

His words were somewhat sarcastic, but a small smile adorned Jang Sunho's face. The current controversies were not due to the artistic quality or the actors' performances but rather because the work was exceptionally well-made.

At the center of this pleasant controversy was Jinseok's acting.

[Director Katahiro on , "When actor Kang Jinseok acted, I truly thought he had lost his memory. He repeated the best performance every time."]

[‘K' Entertainment President, "If you felt sorry, frustrated, and annoyed by the protagonist, isn't that proof that you fell into Kang Jinseok's acting?"]

[The leading actress of her debut film turned Korean-Japanese top star ‘Inoue Masaki,' talking about the acting prowess of her ‘co-star'.]

Whenever he read such articles, Jang Sunho felt a mix of joy and a slight anger. He hadn't seen Jinseok acting on set because he was busy preparing to counter KL Entertainment's scheming.

Because of that, Jang Sunho's animosity towards the villain, KL Entertainment, was piercing the sky.

"But I've prepared thoroughly for it… I'll have to repay them properly soon."

Jang Sunho sighed and opened the small refrigerator next to his desk. It was filled with unidentified medicinal herbs, all gifts from Jinseok.

"Since it's something the actor gave me, I should take good care of it."

Originally, Jang Sunho was meticulous about every ingredient when it came to food. However, he wasn't too particular about the medicinal herbs Jinseok had gifted him, especially since they came recommended by the staff at the herbal medicine store. He could trust recommendations from those knowledgeable people.

After downing the medicinal herbs in one go, Jang Sunho grimaced.

"No matter how good it is for the body, it's a bit too tasteless even for medicine."

After taking a brief break to ingest the herbal medicine, Jang Sunho returned to his desk. Despite Jinseok's recent film having just been released, numerous advertising offers and program invitations were already flooding in for Jinseok.

"This one's a rejection. No matter how much they're offering, the concept and image don't suit the actor. This brand looks good; it's even a luxury brand. Next…," Jang Sunho smoothly evaluated various proposals.

As he adeptly reviewed the offers, a loud ringtone emanated from the mobile phone placed on the table.


It was an unfamiliar number. Contemplating whether to ignore it, Jang Sunho decided to answer it for now. If it turned out to be unnecessary, he could end the call promptly.


[Hello. May I speak with Manager Jang Sunho, the manager of actor Kang Jinseok?]

"Yes, that's me. May I ask who's calling?"

[Ah, I'm Manager Kim Hyun, representing Director James Won.]

Jang Sunho didn't respond immediately; he took a moment to ponder.

‘If it's James Won… could it be the Hollywood director James Won?'

Jang Sunho didn't memorize the names of every director, but someone of James Won's caliber was a director even ordinary people might have heard of. It would be strange if Jang Sunho didn't know him.

Moreover, most importantly, James Won and Jinseok had some interaction.

‘He came to our dinner in Japan suddenly and said hello. He mentioned being a fan of Actor Kang.'

As Jang Sunho thought, he didn't say anything. Kim Hyun spoke up when there was no response.


"Ah, I apologize. I was briefly attending to something else. You're Manager for Director James Won?"

[Yes, that's correct. I wanted to reach out and say hello before formally sending an official letter.]

"I see. About the official letter… what is it about?"

Kim Hyun replied with a smile, [It's regarding an audition request for our director's next project.]


KL Entertainment conference room.

Once again, this room was filled with various heavy topics for discussion.

Oddly enough, most of the agenda items were somehow linked to Jinseok.

"Why did the ‘Apple' advertisement that Kim Joonhyun was supposed to shoot suddenly fall through?"

President Lee Youngkyung calmly spoke but with a clear hint of displeasure asked the 4th floor director.

Swallowing dry saliva, the 4th-floor director cautiously replied, "Well… the advertiser wanted to change the model suddenly, before sealing the deal."

"To whom did they change it?"

"… to Kang Jinseok."

As soon as the 4th-floor director mentioned Jinseok's name, an even colder atmosphere filled the meeting room. The source of this coldness was Lee Youngkyung.

"Again, Kang Jinseok? He already snatched the ‘Hermes' advertisement from us."

"Well… uh…"

"Stop with the vague explanations. Get straight to the point. And why was it taken away? Originally, Seo Hyeji was supposed to do it. Why is a female model's advertisement being snatched away?"

"Hermes seems to be changing their marketing strategy for Q2, moving towards a gender-neutral, unisex feel. They seem to be leaning towards hiring a male model rather than a female one."

"So, this time, they're hiring only a male model?"

"… They are also using a female model, but according to internal data, they're considering using actress Yeo Hyemin, who previously worked on , and she fits well with Kang Jinseok's image."

Lee Youngkyung, annoyed at the 4th-floor director's hesitant attitude, cut him off.

"Enough. 4th-floor director, if the marketing strategy is shifting towards a neutral tone, can't we use our male actors as models?"

"… I apologize."

"Come to think of it, it was ‘Pizza King' last time, right? That was snatched by Kang Jinseok too, wasn't it?"

"… Yes."

"Why does that guy keep snatching everything?"

As Lee Youngkyung criticized, the 4th floor director silently thought to himself.

"Because Kang Jinseok is doing well."

However, that response remained confined to his thoughts. The 4th-floor director wasn't foolish enough to say aloud in front of the CEO that Kang Jinseok was doing well.

As the 4th-floor director stared silently between his desk and the empty air, Lee Youngkyung spoke to the 3rd-floor director this time.

"3rd floor director."


"3rd floor director, there were complaints about Kang Jinseok interfering by having all our actors cast in the auditions for the upcoming project he's auditioning for."

"… Yes."

"How's that going?"

When Lee Youngkyung asked, the 3rd-floor director hesitated as he fumbled through some papers. It wasn't really a search for documents; it was an attempt to stall, even if just a little, to calm Lee Youngkyung's anger.

However, Lee Youngkyung wasn't one to tolerate such evasive actions.

"Haven't you prepared for the meeting properly?"

"Oh, no. According to my findings, Kang Jinseok is auditioning for James Won's next project."

"James Won? The Hollywood director?"

"… Yes."

Lee Youngkyung continued with an impressed expression, "Kang Jinseok auditioning for James Won's work? Are you sure?"

"It's almost certain. And although it's just a rumor, it's said that the director personally proposed the audition to Kang Jinseok. It wasn't Kang Jinseok applying for the audition himself."

While it might seem obvious, there's a vast difference between an actor applying to audition because they want to be part of a project and a director proposing an audition because they want that actor in their project.

Moreover, the director who proposed an audition to Jinseok, ‘James Won,' wasn't just any director. He was one of the most successful Asian directors building a prominent career in Hollywood.

Given that such a director had personally proposed an audition to Jinseok, it was natural for Lee Youngkyung's expression to distort.

Lee Youngkyung no longer concealed his annoyance and said, "So, are you just going to stand by and watch?"

"Oh, no. We were also preparing for the audition on the 3rd floor!"

"Preparation? What kind of preparation?"

"Thoroughly analyzing actors suitable for Director James Won's next project, not only from our 3rd floor but also from actors in other companies—"

Interrupting the 3rd floor director's explanation, Lee Youngkyung asked sharply, "Tell me briefly. Whom are you planning to cast?"

"…Currently, we are compiling a list of actors to consider. It hasn't been organized enough to report to the President yet, but we will provide updates as it gets finalized."


Lee Youngkyung scowled at the 3rd-floor director's words, rubbing his forehead harshly.



"James Won offered an audition to Kang Jinseok, right? But when did that happen that you still haven't finalized the cast?"

"I apologize."

"Apologies won't cut it. Working this slowly, what excuses will you come up with when the casting is finally confirmed?"

The tone of Lee Youngkyung's sharp voice seemed to pierce the 3rd-floor director's ears.

Yet, as the 3rd floor director, he had something to say. The news of James Won proposing an audition to Jinseok had just arrived today, and considering that, the 3rd-floor director's response had been quite swift.

However, even so, the 3rd floor director couldn't say anything. Just as the 4th floor director mentioned earlier, in this atmosphere, any words spoken would only further enrage the President.

Still, he had to respond, so the 3rd floor director bowed his head and said, "I'm sorry."

"Don't just apologize. Do it properly."

Lee Youngkyung, expressing his displeasure at the 3rd and 4th floor managers in succession, then turned to the 2nd floor director.

"2nd floor director. Is the preparation for Kang Jinseok's past revelation going well?"

"Yes? Oh, yes. Of course. We can expose it anytime."

Though she tried to sound nonchalant, there was a certain awkwardness in the 2nd floor director's voice.

Chewing on her lips, she thought, ‘There's something that's bothering me… but I shouldn't unnecessarily provoke the President by saying it out loud.'

While she hesitated, Lee Youngkyung continued, "Well, do it properly."

Looking at the 2nd-floor director and the atmosphere, it was clear that the recent rumors about the frequent meetings between the CP and Jang Sunho were the source of her concern.

Meeting other programs or variety show PDs wouldn't have bothered her much. However, it was inevitable that she would be concerned, especially when she happened to meet the CP while manipulating rumors about Kang Jinseok.

It was like a thief getting caught red-handed.

After a moment of contemplation, the 2nd-floor director raised her head.

‘Don't worry too much. Only the President and high-ranking directors know about this matter. There's no way the information leaked.'

At that moment, Lee Youngkyung asked the 2nd-floor director, "2nd-floor director, regarding Kang Jinseok's school violence, you said the preparations were complete earlier, right?"

"Yes, that's correct."

"Then, can you brief me on what you've prepared? I trust the 2nd floor director, but considering the gravity of the situation, I'd like to check it myself."

Caught off guard by the sudden request from the President, the 2nd-floor director felt flustered. However, the atmosphere didn't allow her to refuse outright.

‘Nothing can be done about it.'

The 2nd-floor director rose slowly from her seat and began explaining the ‘Kang Jinseok Revelation' that she and the other directors had prepared.

"First, we simultaneously posted articles on anonymous internet communities, and our gathered 50 or so journalists published articles simultaneously…"

Lee Youngkyung listened intently to the 2nd-floor director's explanation with his eyes closed for a while.

"That's enough."

When the briefing by the 2nd floor director concluded, Lee Youngkyung expressed a satisfied smile and said, "Proceed with it."


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