Possessed 10 Million Actors

Chapter 162:

Chapter 162:

"Then let's part ways here as promised. I hope you have a great trip."

As the headmaster and Tadano got off the train, the headmaster lightly tapped Tadano's shoulder and spoke.

After leaving a brief farewell, the headmaster truly left Tadano alone at the station, heading somewhere else. It was a somewhat odd situation, but Tadano didn't seem to mind at all.

Once the headmaster was far enough, Tadano headed towards the ticket counter. His intention was to board the next train back to Tokyo.

"Um I'm sorry. The trains to Tokyo are all sold out today. Even the standing tickets are sold out. The last train has just left."

Sold out. Tadano sighed at the ticket counter employee's words and asked.

Then when is the next train?

There aren't many trains from Sapporo to Tokyo. It should be tomorrow afternoon at the earliest.

That's too late. Is there any way to go back by bus?

"I don't know about that either."

I guess I'm stuck here for now, at least until tomorrow afternoon.

After a moment of contemplation, Tadano spoke to the station attendant.

"Then, please arrange the fastest train back to Tokyo for tomorrow."

"Understood. Oh, and please be aware that the station will be closing soon, so make your way out in time."

Tadano walked out of the station into the crowd. Inside the station, there weren't many people, but as he stepped outside, he found quite a crowd.

As he absentmindedly observed the people, a loud voice echoed, audible enough for others nearby to hear.

"Come to think of it, I haven't eaten anything since lunch yesterday. I should grab something to eat"

Near the station, even at a late hour, there were many restaurants still open. However, most of them seemed too crowded, making it too noisy. Tadano didn't mind the taste much at the moment; he just wanted to go to a quiet restaurant.

Then, Tadano's eyes caught a group of people entering an alley behind the station.

-Now that our stomachs are full, how about having a light drink and heading back?

That sounds good. I know a decent street stall.

-A street stall? I'm not a fan of noisy places. The restaurant we just visited was too loud; it gave me a headache.

-There are not many customers in the restaurants inside the alley. Well, except for the ramen shop. That place is always busy.

-Then it's fine.

"Shall we check over there?"

It seemed like he knew the restaurant he wanted. Tadano kept a reasonable distance and followed the people entering the alley.

In the dark alley, there were various street food stalls and shabby shops scattered around. He saw a run-down place nearby and decided to enter, not wanting to look strange by going into the same place as the others.


"Welcome! It's Rockil!"

From the outside, it looked like a shabby place with no customers, but once he stepped inside, it was bustling with so many customers that there were no available seats. Looking at the menu, it turned out to be a ramen restaurant. It seemed like this was the busy ramen place' that people mentioned earlier.

Of all places, I had to walk into a crowded one.'

Considering the rather noisy atmosphere, Tadano briefly contemplated leaving, but since he had already entered, he decided to just go with whatever was available.

As Tadano was scanning the menu, a waiter approached him and asked.

"Nice to meet you. What can I get for you?"

"Oh, yes. Um just give me the regular, please."

"Sure! You mean the Raku-il Set.' Excellent choice. And what type of ramen would you like?"

"Just anything, please."

"Anything? Okay! I'll bring you the Miso Ramen. Please wait a moment!"

Not long after, the food arrived. Despite the term set menu,' the offerings were quite simple. Ramen, rice, a fried egg, accompanied by what seemed to be a rather strong alcoholic beverage and mozzarella.

I have no idea why mozzarella is served in a ramen shop

Just as Tadano made a nonchalant gesture to start with the rice.

"Um Excuse me?"


"The seats are all taken right now. Would it be possible for me to join you?"

The waiter who had brought the meal a little while ago approached and asked. While it was naturally uncomfortable to share a table with a stranger, Tadano didn't pay much attention to it, so he nodded in agreement.

"Yes, that's fine."

"Phew, thank you. As a gesture of service, let me bring one more plate of our house specialty, mozzarella."

"That's not necessary."

In response to Tadano's cool words, the waiter flashed a faint smile. It was a brief moment before they turned to someone standing near the door and spoke.

"Yomi, come here! This person said it's okay to join."

"Wow, really? Thank you so much!"

The waiter, already quite energetic, seemed to be overshadowed by the even more spirited voice of the woman. Tadano furrowed his brow slightly. He had intended to quietly enjoy his meal, never expecting to end up sharing a table with someone like her.

"I guess I should eat quickly and leave," Tadano thought to himself.

With that thought in mind, Tadano picked up his spoon again.

"Thank you for letting me join. I eat here every day before going to work. Um but you're someone I haven't seen before, right? It's strange. Usually, only regulars come here."

As soon as she sat down, the woman extended her hand and spoke with a lively voice. It seemed she was quite talkative. Anticipating that she might continue chatting endlessly, Tadano put down his spoon and spoke coldly and firmly.

"Let's eat in silence. I'm not in the mood for small talk with you," Tadano said, coldly and with determination.

Tadano, thinking his somewhat impolite remark would quiet her down, was surprised when the woman bent slightly, looked up at him, and spoke in a friendly tone.

"Hehe. Seems like you've had a rough day. Well, you're here at this place, after all."


"Oh, if I put it that way, you probably won't understand. Then, um what should I say?"

The woman continued with a thoughtful "Hmm," as if to convey that she understood.

"This place attracts a lot of people who are going through tough times, like you and me. Other customers are the same. Isn't that interesting?"


"I thought the same when I first heard it. But it's true. Only people with stories come to this place."

"How do you know whether I have a story or not, and why would you say such things-"

"Hey, you can tell by looking, right? I had that exact expression too. Even that old guy next to you, chuckling away like a mountain bandit with a hairy face."

"Hey! Yomi! Calling me a mountain bandit with a hairy face! Isn't that too much? I'm still in my 30s! Not an old guy!"


Tadano had remained emotionally unchanged throughout the day. However, the audacity of the unfamiliar woman claiming to know his "story" irritated him.

For the first time, Tadano spoke with a hint of anger in his voice.

"I have no idea why you keep talking to me, but just have your meal. And, seriously? People with stories come to this place?"

"Why did you come here, then?"

"Just by ch-"

"Just by chance?"


"There you go. Everyone says they came here by chance. I did too. Seems like there's something about this place."

As they continued their conversation, the woman's meal also arrived. The menu was the same as what Tadano had ordered, the "Rak-il Set."

Pouring drinks into her glass and Tadano's, she spoke.

"Since we've met like this, let's exchange names. I'm Yomi. Haruna Yomi."

With a cheerful smile, Yomi's words marked the return of the scene.

Once again, they were in the principal's office at Tokyo University.


"Okay, cut. Great."

With Katahiro's distinctive low voice, the second shoot concluded. Once again, Katahiro couldn't wipe off the satisfied smile on his face, thanks to Jinseok's sincere performance that lived up to expectations.

"This project I can afford to be a bit ambitious this time."

As Katahiro was deep in thought, a staff member approached and spoke.

"Director, um We just got a call from Toho.

The Vice President wants to join the celebration dinner for the first day of shooting. What should we do?"

"Toho's Vice President? Why would that guy"

"I'm not sure. I didn't ask for the reason. I just told them I would check with you."


Katahiro's expression turned slightly annoyed.

"Why would he come?"

While they had reconciled with Toho, their relationship hadn't reached the point of sharing laughs and meals. Moreover, with the actors attending tonight's dinner, he wasn't keen on bringing in outsiders without good reason.

"But it's kind of ambiguous to refuse when the Vice President is coming."

He was confident he could complete this project well even without Toho's assistance.

However, acknowledging Toho's help could bring about greater success not only in distribution but in various aspects. There was no need to be overly picky about it.

"I'll give the Vice President a call."

After a brief moment of contemplation, Katahiro spoke.


Katahiro reached into his pocket, stepped out of the office, and called Toho's Vice President.

After a few beeps, the Vice President's voice came through.

[Oh, yes. Director Katahiro. What's up?]

[Yes, Vice President Honda. I heard you might attend our celebration dinner today. I know you're busy, so I was wondering if it's necessary.]

Although Katahiro tried to phrase it politely, his words carried a subtle nuance of "It's better if you don't come unless absolutely necessary."

Nevertheless, the Vice President seemed unyielding.

[Even if I'm busy, I should attend. It's an opportunity to apologize and greet the other staff and actors.]

[Well you don't have to go that far. I've already spoken.]

[That's even more reason to go. If the person involved doesn't apologize, it might lack sincerity.]


He's clueless. Was he always this oblivious? It doesn't seem like it.'

Eventually, Katahiro had no choice but to be straightforward.

"Vice President, to be honest, it's a bit inconvenient for you to come to the celebration dinner. I feel that way, and I'm sure other staff and actors do too."

After saying this much, Katahiro expected the Vice President to step back.


[Is that so? Still, I feel like I really should go.]


[There's someone it would be good for the Katahiro Director to meet. Other actors especially Actor Kang Jinseok, too.]

Katahiro, who had been silently expressing annoyance, quickly turned his attention, asking with interest.

"And who is this guest that you're so insistent on me meeting?"


"Thank you for coming to Japan so quickly at my request, even though I'm sure you're busy, Mr. James."

Vice President Honda, after ending the call with Katahiro, spoke to the man beside him. The man had slightly tousled blond hair and blue eyes.

"Don't worry about it. We're good between us."

The man shrugged, and the Vice President nodded slightly.

"So, the actor is coming too?"

"Yes. However, the director mentioned that since today's gathering is for a dinner party, he'd prefer not to delve into complex business discussions."

"Anyway, today is just about exchanging greetings, so it's fine. More importantly"

James trailed off, then asked Honda with a long-winded follow-up.

"Mr. Honda, are you sure about this? I worked really hard to include Japanese auditions for my project, and now you're giving that opportunity to another actor. Not just any actor, but a Korean one. I know relations between Japan and Korea aren't great."

"It's not as bad as it used to be these days. And it's a matter of conscience, I suppose. I caused a lot of trouble for that actor's project, so I feel like I should make it up in some way. Also, the Japanese actor I was considering suddenly became involved in some issues."

"Hmm Well, I did want to meet that actor at least once, so I thought it worked out well. I really enjoyed The Way They Chose.'"

"In that case, I'm glad."

At James' words, the Vice President smiled faintly.

However, at that moment, James spoke sharply.

"But here's the thing."


"Is that actor really remarkable enough to cross the threshold of Hollywood?"


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