Possessed 10 Million Actors

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

“Ha… it’s tough.”

After finishing my part-time job, I returned home.

My entire body felt like it weighed a ton. The fatigue was so overwhelming that even washing up seemed like an insurmountable task, and I collapsed onto the bed.

Normally, I wouldn’t be this exhausted, even after a demanding day of work. However, working under the constant, enthusiastic gaze and attention of customers proved to be more challenging than I anticipated.

‘Nevertheless… I don’t feel bad. Actually, I feel good.’

A weary smile graced my face.

It was just a fleeting moment, but it truly felt like I had stepped into the shoes of an actor. I could grasp, even if just a little, what celebrities might talk about, and what it feels like to thrive on the love of fans.

‘Maybe, someday, I can be like that too, right?’

Even though it felt like I had already savored a comforting bowl of kimchi soup, the thought lingered in my mind. That’s how good it felt.


Just then, my phone rang. Glancing at it, I saw a text message from senior Lee Narin.


Jinseok, did you catch today’s broadcast?

I’m dropping a message because I thought it might catch you off guard a bit. I didn’t expect them to put so much emphasis on you in the editing…

I apologize if it took you by surprise. Nevertheless, it’s a positive turn, so try to see it in a good light.

Oh, and I’ve attached the recommendation letter for you.

Alright then, look forward to seeing you on the day of shooting.

P.S. I’ve also enclosed a letter of recommendation from senior Kyungsoo.

P.P.S. Producer Kim Mansoo and Woohyun sunbae mentioned they would write letters of recommendation too, so I’ve included them for you as well.


It was quite a lengthy message. I promptly replied with a thank-you text.

‘By the way… others wrote letters of recommendation too.’

I hadn’t requested recommendations from anyone else. However, somehow you knew, and I’m sincerely grateful that you took the time to write one for me.

I examined the recommendation letter.

Even with a cursory glance, it was evident that it was composed with great care. I went through it meticulously and saved the recommendation letter to my email.

‘Now, the remaining schedule…’

I checked the calendar on my desk, a comprehensive planner for crucial dates such as part-time jobs and photo shoots.

Usually filled with part-time jobs and audition schedules, this month, there was the addition of an actual filming schedule.

It filled me with pride.

‘Applications for Seoguk University are due in two weeks on Monday… ‘Dream of the Sun Rising’ is set to start filming soon.’

Fortunately, I had adjusted my part-time job schedule, so there were no clashes.

‘Oh right, I need to address Kang Hoshin’s request as well. It’s probably best to do it as soon as possible… Maybe tomorrow?’

Despite feeling a bit tired, I drifted into a comfortable sleep.


“May I enter?”

Early in the morning, I found myself at the Seodaemun Prison History Museum. The purpose was to address Kang Hoshin’s request: ‘Please apologize to Lim Insook.’

The challenge lay in the fact that Lim Insook was an unrecorded independence activist. If he had a resting place, I would have gone there to convey my apology.

After careful consideration, I chose Seodaemun Prison, the place where Insook passed away and Kang Hoshin served.

Here, representing Kang Hoshin, my intention was to extend apologies to Lim Insook and the countless independence activists he had apprehended.

[Are you an adult? Admission is 3,000 won.]

I paid the fee and entered.

Though I merely stepped over a threshold, the atmosphere inside was unexpectedly weighty.


Maybe it was the early hour, or perhaps it was the scarcity of visitors, but a profound silence enveloped the Seodaemun Prison History Museum.

After thoroughly exploring the museum, I made my way to the ‘memorial space,’ my final destination. A bouquet of flowers adorned the lectern in the memorial area.

Even though it was an outdoor memorial, it was meticulously maintained, giving the impression of regular care.

“How remarkable. A young man making the journey here.”

At that moment, a voice reached me from behind. Turning around, I encountered a man who seemed to be an employee, offering a friendly smile.

“Usually, even those who come to visit don’t venture all the way here. Most initial visitors are students on educational field trips. I spotted a young man strolling around with a bouquet of flowers early in the morning, so I followed out of curiosity.”

“Ah… yes. I hope it’s permissible to leave flowers here.”

“Of course. It’s absolutely fine. If anything, I appreciate it.”

The employee approached with a warm smile. He then surveyed the memorial space with a silent gaze and chuckled sadly.

“In the past, during the peak of dramas and movies depicting the Japanese colonial period, there used to be a considerable number of people here. But over time, those productions dwindled, and so did the visitors. Perhaps, as public interest shifted away from history, it naturally became less of a subject for creative works.”


“In truth, such changes are not unique to Korea but rather a global trend. Still, it’s a bit disheartening. Despite the fervor surrounding the ‘Korea-Japan War,’ this place remains quiet. I wish more people would come…”

The employee, speaking with a tinge of disappointment, turned away, smiling awkwardly.

“Haha, sorry. I rambled on a bit. You’re a cherished visitor.”

“No. That’s appreciated.”

We lingered in front of the memorial space a bit longer. After a while, the employee addressed me.

“Well, I’ll take my leave then.”

With a slight bow, the employee turned away.

Watching him go, I made my way towards the exit at a leisurely pace.

‘I hope more people come.’

The employee’s words flowed effortlessly, yet their sincerity resonated. Perhaps, he mused, it might be the unspoken desire of those who had perished there.

‘If <In Spring Without Flowers>, the drama I’m in does well, that could become a reality. The staff member mentioned earlier that during the popularity of Japanese colonial era dramas, there were many visitors.’

Originally, I had planned to give my all to this project, but now it felt like I had a purpose to strive for.

Lost in my thoughts, I found myself at the exit.

Perhaps influenced by my mood, the air around me felt lighter and warmer than when I had first arrived.


“Create an ID here and recharge your time. If you don’t know anything else, look for help there.”

“Haha… yes.”

I offered a hesitant nod at the somewhat annoyed voice of the PC room part-time worker. Scratching his stomach, he ambled back to the counter.

It wasn’t my first time in a PC room, but it had been a really long time, and the place was different from what I remembered.

‘In the past, you’d give money to the boss, and he’d hand you a PC room card… ‘The system has changed.’

Even during vacations or military stays, I rarely frequented PC rooms. It seemed like a waste of money, time better spent honing my acting skills.

I found myself in a PC room now to apply for admission to Seoguk University. Due to my home laptop’s low specifications, it kept shutting down while I filled out the application form, leaving me with no other option.

Lost in contemplation, I navigated to the Seoguk University website.

“Brother? Jinseok oppa, what are you doing here?”

A clear female voice cut through the din of gaming noise at that moment.

“Uh? Yeonsu. Why are you here…?”

“I came to play a game. Do you play games too?”

Yeonsoo’s voice held both surprise and anticipation.

“No, I don’t play games. I just came here to do something.”

Seo Yeonsoo’s expression dimmed a bit at my response, but she quickly regained her usual bright demeanor.

“What did you come to do?”

“I’m planning to apply to Seoguk University’s theater department. I feel the need to deepen my understanding of acting.”

Seo Yeonsoo responded in astonishment, “Oppa, you’re using our college?”

“Huh? Huh. Why? Is there an issue?”

“An issue? No, I’m thrilled that my brother is coming to my school…! Actually, my school is really great!”

Seo Yeonsoo continued, somewhat hesitantly, a rare occurrence for her.

“But why school? you can audition for dramas, so do you need to learn acting again?”

“Oh, just… for personal reasons.”

“Personal reasons?”

“Huh. The seniors I met during readings also mentioned that it would be good for me to go to college.”

Unable to reveal the true reason involving a dream and a ghostly request, I fabricated some excuses. Fortunately, Seo Yeonsoo didn’t seem to detect anything unusual in my explanation. She smiled and remarked,

“Hey… I’m actually learning acting in college, but I don’t really know what I’m learning. Lol.”

Seo Yeonsoo leaned on my shoulder, gazing at the monitor.

We weren’t this friendly when I was working part-time, but things felt a bit different when we met outside.

‘Is it because we’re outside…?’

After a while, Seo Yeonsu, who had been observing the screen, spoke up.

“Want some help with the application? Our school’s application is quite complicated. There’s a lot to write.”

“Are you sure about that? Weren’t you playing a game?”

“Is the game more important than algebra? My older brother might join as a junior. Plus, I can play the game later.”

Without asking, Yeonsu grabbed a chair and settled down next to me. “Ahem!” she began with an uncharacteristic cough.

“First of all, you have to fill in your personal information. You know that, right? Have you considered how to introduce yourself?”

“About Me?”

“Yes. You talk about your motivation for applying, what you want to learn when you come to school, etc. For your information, our school requires a video submission.”

I was oblivious. Due to my recent hectic schedule, I haven’t been able to devote proper attention to college matters.

“And? Is that all?”

“No. You also need to film a free-acting piece and submit it.”

There was more to this process than I had initially thought.

‘It’s like any other audition…’

Surveying the screen with a slight frown, Seo Yeonsoo reassured me with a smile.

“Don’t look too serious. I’ll help you.”

Then, as if she had almost forgotten, she clapped his hands—

“Oh, right. Did you find someone to write a letter of recommendation? I usually ask my school teacher, but who should my brother ask?”

“Oh, the recommendation letter is sorted. At least four people wrote one.”

“Wow, really? Who is it?”

To Seo Yeonsoo’s inquisitive question, I responded nonchalantly.

“Senior Lee Narin, Senior Min Kyungsoo. And senior Park Woohyun and producer Kim Mansoo.”

Speaking casually, I noticed Seo Yeonsoo tilting her head.



“Oh, no. Could it be that current actors wrote letters of recommendation?”

“Uh. And the PD too.”


Seo Yeonsoo glanced at me and mumbled to herself.

“···That’s too much of a cheat.”


“···It’s no big deal. Never mind.”

Seo Yeonsoo muttered and began searching for an ‘entrance exam filming studio’ on the Internet. Various studio homepages popped up on the screen.

“Self-introductions and free acting are usually filmed in the studio. It’s pricey, but the videos turn out pretty good.”


“If you go to an academy, you can get it done there. Since my brother doesn’t go to an academy, you have to use a studio. You can’t enroll in an academy just for this, right?”


‘Well, it’s studio rental…’

Of course, there’s a vast difference between the quality of a video shot in a studio and one shot at home.

I was aware of that, so I began the search for a studio to film my entrance exam video.

‘Why is it so expensive…?’

The basic cost for studio rental included filming, recording, and editing, totaling 1 million won.

In the cutthroat competition for college entrance exams, the expense of renting a studio might be a bold but necessary investment. Still, for me, it was a significantly burdensome amount.

‘Are reservations nearly full?’

However, the real issue wasn’t the cost.

Perhaps due to the ongoing entrance exam season, most studios were fully booked and unavailable. The few remaining options were either exorbitantly expensive or unable to accommodate my entrance exam schedule.

‘Hmm… What should I do?’

While I was contemplating alone, Seo Yeonsoo spoke cautiously.

“It’s expensive, right? That’s why I felt really sorry for my mom and dad when I was filming it. I’m glad I passed.”

“But even so… Reservations are almost full. Is it because it’s entrance exam season?”

“To? The studios are fully booked?”

Seo Yeonsoo asked again and peered at the screen together with me.

“And… It’s true. When I filmed last year, it was tough to secure reservations at well-known studios, but even the others weren’t this full.”

“Is it particularly bad this year?”

“I think so. Were there many N students this year?”

“Hmm… I’ll search a bit more. It seems like all the studios are fully booked.”

After hearing my words, Seo Yeonsoo responded as she returned to her computer.

“Then I’ll look too. I was quite close with the owner of the place where I filmed last year, so I’ll try contacting him.”

“No, it’s okay. You’ve already helped a lot but do your own thing. You said you came here to play a game.”

“Since I’ve assisted you this far, I’ll help you until the end. Plus, it’s more enjoyable for me to help my brother than to play games.”

“In that case… thank you. I’ll treat you to something delicious later.”

“Tteokbokki, okay?”


“All right! Isn’t it the best?”

Seo Yeonsoo spoke with confidence, immediately making a call, while I searched the portal site for any potential studios.

After a bit of searching, Seo Yeonsoo wore a dejected expression.

“Brother, I’m really sorry for sounding so confident earlier… All the good places are fully booked.”

“No, don’t worry. Why are you sorry? But it’s true, there really doesn’t seem to be any availability. Is the studio you used last year fully booked?”


Seo Yeonsoo sighed, sinking into the chair.

“Times like these make me wish I knew someone who owns a studio or is a photographer. If it’s someone I know, they might even shoot late into the night.”

“I agree. Or, maybe if you know someone, you could ask for an introduction to another studio… Ah!”

‘…Why didn’t I think of him?’

As I casually responded to Seo Yeonsoo’s words, a person suddenly crossed my mind.

‘He probably knows a lot of filming studios and directors… Shall I ask him?’

With that thought, I pulled out my phone.

“Yeonsu. I know someone; let me ask him a question.”

“Do you know someone?”

“Yes. I was given a phone number at a company dinner… it’s this one.”

But when I actually attempted to press the call button, I hesitated.

No matter how kindly she might think of me, honestly, I was a little apprehensive about contacting this person.

‘…What if she scolds me for reaching out without a good reason?’

After contemplating it for a moment, I pressed the call button.

[This is Eom Hyeryeong, the director of photography.]

“Hello, Director Eom Hyeryeong! It’s Kang Jinseok. Have you had dinner? The weather is really nice today. I apologize for reaching out on the weekend…”

It was Eom Hyeryeong, one of the top cinematographers in Korea.

TN: Errors such as he/she and his/her are common in TL so please be more understanding I’m also trying my best to avoid errors. 


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