Possessed 10 Million Actors

Chapter 130:

Chapter 130:

Go Seoyoung checked the documents handed by Jang Sunho and asked, "Is this a compilation of rumors' about Kang Jinseok and Yeo Hyemin circulating on various online communities?"

Rumors circulating on online communities are often not very credible. While there are occasional instances of truth, most are written without fact-checking, aiming to attract attention with sensationalism.

However, the contents of the material Jang Sunho provided were not something to be dismissed lightly. Go Seoyoung quickly skimmed through the documents, biting her tongue.

"It's written in great detail. I've never seen anything like this."

The document contained a post written by an anonymous author titled Reasons Kang Jinseok and Yeo Hyemin Are Dating: Fact.' To Go Seoyoung, it all seemed like a joke, but to the general public, it was written in such a way that it could be believed due to its meticulous details.

"Well If the quality is this good, reporters might take the bait. Nowadays, many articles are written based on There's a post like this on community M.' Moreover, once it's turned into an article, the public tends to believe it is true We might actually have a dating scandal on our hands."

Go Seoyoung, still flipping through the documents, commented awkwardly. However, her voice showed no signs of trouble; rather, she displayed confidence as if finding it amusing.

"Do you have any good ideas then?"

Jang Sunho, sensing Go Seoyoung's confidence, asked.

"Wait a moment. Let me finish reading it first. Regardless of who wrote this, it's really entertaining. Is this a romance novel? Is the author someone in the industry? How did they write this in such detail?"

After Go Seoyoung finished reading everything with a grin, she spoke, "First, let me confirm one thing. Kang Jinseok and Yeo Hyemin, really have no relationship, right? Is there any chance that Kang Jinseok likes Yeo Hyemin, or vice versa?"

Jang Sunho pondered for a moment before responding.

"As far as I know, Actor Kang Jinseok doesn't have any personal feelings for Actress Yeo Hyemin."

"Well, that's a shame personally. They really suit each other."

"So, how should we respond?"

"It's simple. Sue the person who wrote this."

"Sue? Really?"

"Yes. If you sue, you can correct it right away."

"Are there no other solutions besides suing?"

"The reason you proposed this position to me in the first place wasn't to effectively deal with these kinds of articles? In that sense, this has crossed the line."

Having confidently expressed her opinion, Go Seoyoung glanced at Jang Sunho, and when his reaction wasn't negative, she continued.

"Sometimes agencies consider not responding as the best response to rumors like this, but it depends on the situation. In the case of scandals, there is a need to respond quickly, even considering the fans."

"Yes, indeed. You're as great as I expected."

"Haha. Of course."

Encouraged by Jang Sunho's praise, Go Seoyoung clenched her fist, displaying a confident posture.

"But, Manager No, Team Leader."


"Which community did this article come from? I usually check most communities, but this is the first time I've seen such an article."

Go Seoyoung was genuinely curious. If the quality of this article was this high, it should have been published much earlier.

Jang Sunho glanced at the document as if it was nothing special and replied, "I wrote it."


"I wrote it for today's interview for you Reporter Go Seoyoung. Did you forget? We are in the middle of an interview right now."

After a moment of dumbfounded expression, Go Seoyoung shouted at Jang Sunho, seeming to understand the situation, "No, you said there was no interview earlier!"

"That's also part of the interview. It's to see how effectively you handle unexpected crisis situations."

"What, do you think I'm joking? I can't work with someone like you!"

Go Seoyoung stood up abruptly and headed towards the door without looking back.

However, just as she was about to leave without any regrets, Jang Sunho calmly said, "I need your help, Reporter Go Seoyoung."

Overwhelmed by the serious look in Jang Sunho's eyes that she hadn't seen before, Go Seoyoung sighed and returned to her seat.

"Fine, what do you need me for? What kind of situation is this?"

"I need your opinion on the most effective way to prevent scandals."


"Prevent scandals from happening? Jang Sunho, is this guy trying too hard?"

As a member of "The Kang Jinseok Team" rather than a journalist, Go Seoyoung came to the filming site of "Absolute Unlicensed Counseling" to contemplate solutions.

She looked at Yeo Hyemin, sitting not far away, thinking about how to prevent scandals.

"You came early today too. Have you had breakfast?"

At that moment, Jinseok arrived at the filming site and greeted Yeo Hyemin. Yeo Hyemin, initially taken aback by Jinseok's arrival, quickly jotted something down in her notebook and showed it to him.

Although Go Seoyoung couldn't discern the content, she gathered from Jinseok's response, "Yes, I had breakfast too," that it was probably about whether he had eaten.

They seem to get along well. Even their drawings look nice.'

Having been a journalist for a long time, Go Seoyoung had encountered numerous actors good, bad, peculiar, and those with a stark difference between their public and private personas.

When viewed through the lens of a journalist,' Jinseok and Yeo Hyemin appeared to be good people,' albeit this judgment might be a bit premature.

Leaving that aside Manager Jang Sunho's concerns seem valid. Indeed, Yeo Hyemin sees Kang Jinseok in a slightly different light.'

There's a certain intuition that women share. Yeo Hyemin's gaze towards Jinseok seemed to convey an ambiguous feeling, closer to friendship than love.


While Go Seoyoung was contemplating, Yeo Jaeyoon called Jinseok.

"Actor Kang, can I have a moment?"

"Yes, Director!"

Jinseok and Yeo Jaeyoon disappeared together, leaving Yeo Hyemin alone.

Maybe I should bring up the topic now while they're not around.'

There wouldn't be a better time to discuss it since there wasn't any suitable topic to broach when others were present.

With her thoughts organized, Go Seoyoung walked towards Yeo Hyemin.

"Hello, Actress Yeo Hyemin."

Offering a friendly smile, Go Seoyoung extended her greetings. Yeo Hyemin responded with a wary look, scrutinizing Go Seoyoung.

"Oh, I'm Go Seoyoung from Kang Jinseok's team."

Go Seoyoung took out her business card from her wallet and handed it to Yeo Hyemin. It was the new business card that Sunho had prepared for Go Seoyoung even before she joined OS Entertainment.

Yeo Hyemin accepted the card, stood up, and greeted with a slight bow. Despite being a rookie who had landed a lead role, there was no sign of arrogance.

People really are complicated.

So, Go Seoyoung felt even more uncomfortable. Having to prevent a kind and beautiful person from admiring a certain man.

Jang Sunho, that guy is really something. Making me deal with this kind of situation. He'll definitely pay for this in the future.'

Muttering to herself, Go Seoyoung pulled over a folding chair and sat next to Yeo Hyemin.

How should I bring this up Let me try it once.'

Yeo Hyemin seemed to have some feelings for Jinseok, but it could be otherwise. So, it might be a good idea to ask and turn it around.

"If you look at the business card, you'll see I'm in charge of promoting and marketing for Actor Kang Jinseok."

With a nonchalant tone, Go Seoyoung spoke. However, simultaneously, she observed Yeo Hyemin's reaction.

Indeed, Yeo Hyemin was staring at Go Seoyoung with a face that said, "Why would someone like you?"

"Recently, there has been a lot of talk about you and Actor Kang Jinseok being a very compatible couple. Have you heard anything about it?"

If Yeo Hyemin had feelings for Jinseok, there would surely be some reaction to this question.

Yeo Hyemin quickly took out her notepad and began writing. After filling in about half a page, she showed it to Go Seoyoung.

-I admire Actor Kang Jinseok.

-Not only for his acting skills but also for how he treats the staff, his relationship with the manager, and his attitude in accepting Director Yeo Jaeyoon's demanding requests.

-Thanks to Actor Kang Jinseok, I was able to greet many people without hesitation for the first time. It's a lifelong favor.

-Being able to say such things to someone I met for the first time, like Assistant Manager Go Seoyoung, is also thanks to Actor Kang Jinseok. In the past, I couldn't even make eye contact with someone I met for the first time.

Indeed looks like she likes Actor Kang Jinseok.'

Discovering the affection hidden behind admiration, Go Seoyoung tried to force a smile at that moment.

-So, I'm sorry for being linked as a couple' with Actor Kang Jinseok.

-I hope he won't suffer because of me.

To an unexpected question, Go Seoyoung swallowed a gasp, taken aback.

Instead, she could have said something like, "I like Kang Jinseok," even if it was just a pretext. If she had done that, she might have been more decisive.

"No, it's not like that"

"I know why you came. You came to check if I have feelings for Kang Jinseok, right?"

The moment Go Seoyeong saw the written words in the notebook, she realized her rash approach toward Yeo Hyemin.

This way, Yeo Hyemin's feelings for Kang Jinseok might get hurt. She regretted drawing such a clear line.

Feeling remorse for her impulsiveness, Go Seoyeong was about to say something when Yeo Hyemin quickly wrote in the notebook and showed it to her.

"I know too. So, don't worry."

"It's not like that, Yeo Hyemin! I just wanted to say that the two of you"

As Go Seoyeong looked bewildered, Yeo Hyemin gently smiled and took out her mobile phone, showing it to Go Seoyeong.

"This is"

It was the application form for the OS Entertainment audition. Reading through the form, Go Seoyeong could sense Yeo Hyemin's determination.

"I applied for the OS Entertainment audition too. If I want to stand beside Kang Jinseok, I need to be recognized as an actress, not just as Yeo Jaeyoon's daughter."

Seeing Go Seoyeong staring at her blankly, Yeo Hyemin met her gaze with a determined look.

"I'll postpone confessing my feelings for Kang Jinseok until later. Until then, I'll be satisfied with the acting' as lovers."

Watching this, Go Seoyeong realized.

She would confess her feelings when she became a confident actress.

When that time comes, no one will be able to stop her confession.



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