Political Marriage With a Friendly Enemy

Chapter 76

Chapter 76


When Kwanach squeezed my breasts tightly, I involuntarily shivered all over. The struggle was short-lived. It wasn’t easy to move because Kwanach was holding me down from above.

Not knowing where to put my shaking hands for a moment, I grabbed Kwanach’s shoulders.

My whole body was numb. The heat that had started on my mouth, where Kwanach’s tongue had passed through, dropped instantly to my throat, chest, and lower abdomen.

It felt like my insides were on fire. I thought I was long accustomed to the kissing, but I was not. I seemed to have forgotten how to breathe.

“Hmmm, ummm……”

My eyes were burning and moans came out.

Kwanach tilted his chin back and forth, biting and licking my lips. He sucked in my saliva. My legs contracted and my toes curled every time his rough hands stroked down over my bare skin.

Suddenly Kwanach raised his upper body. I took a hasty, choked breath.

With an impatient hand gesture, Kwanach grabbed the hem of his shirt and lifted it up. In an instant, his clothes were off, revealing his nakedness.

I remained still on the bed and looked up at Kwanach. My eyes were moist and my vision was blurry, but I could see his body somewhat clearly.


Kwanach called me in a low voice. His throat bobbed up and down. As soon as the low, wet voice permeated my ear, I felt the heat burning through my body become more intense.

Kwanach’s body was very different from mine. I could hardly believe it was the same person. It was so hard and big, and his dark skin was covered with all kinds of scars.

It was proof of a man who had conquered this vast continent. These were the marks of that fierce battlefield.

“Usphere, if you are okay with it……”

Kwanach cautiously opened his mouth and pulled my gown up to my neck, trying to peel it off completely.

I left it completely to him. Eventually, my gown came off and fell to the floor, leaving me completely naked.

Kwanach slowly looked at my body as he spoke.

“It’s beautiful …….”

His chest raised up and down as spoke. Such a strong, tough man wanted me. The gaze that pierced my body was filled with urgency and desire.

I couldn’t help but raise my hand involuntarily.Then I put my hand on Kwanach’s upper body, which was as seamless and hard as a rock.

Kwanach gulped heavily and flinched. A long heavy scar touched my fingertips.

“The scars are …… many.”

“Is it ugly? I’m sorry.”

“No …… no, it’s beautiful.”


“All of them were made during the battle? It must have been hard.”

Kwanach squeezed my hand on his chest.

“It wasn’t hard. It was a journey to reach you.”


“To be a man worthy to marry you, it was worth it.”

I slowly folded my hands, which Kwanach was holding. Again he bent over and gently brushed his lips against my cheek.

A violent surge shook my heart. I stretched out my arms to encircle Kwanach’s neck.

“Why do you love me so much……”

There was no one in the whole world who loved me as much as Kwanach. For one reason only: I gave him just a small kindness when we were children. It really wasn’t even a big deal.

Kwanach breathed out roughly and hugged me. I could feel his arousal as we touched.

“I want to have you…….”

Kwanach murmured, his lips pressed close to my ear. It sounded pleading and earnest. I nodded, still holding him.

Kwanach relaxed his arms for a moment and looked down at me with eyes that were a mixture of excitement and restlessness.

“…… it might hurt. It’s the first time.”

“I’ll be fine.”

I had already asked Marianne what would happen. I finished preparing my mind and came into the bedroom.

The first experience would be painful. And even if I didn’t see it directly, there was no way I wouldn’t have any problems with that thing coming inside me, it looked huge.

However, even though it would be painful, it was okay. Because it was Kwanach.

Kwanach’s thick eyebrows furrowed. He bit my lip and said.

“I am now…..I’m out of my mind with desire….but you must tell me if you don’t feel well.”

“Um, I have some perfumed oil ready for you.”


As I spoke with embarrassment, Kwanach reached over and grabbed the oil bottle on the small bedside table. He climbed on top of me again, holding a bottle of perfume oil in his hand.

His wispy hair was scattered everywhere. I carefully placed my hand on Kwanach’s manhood.

Kwanach pened his lips a little and exhaled. He poured the oil on my hand. A sticky sheen drifted over his skin.

“If it’s too hard for you, you can hit me to stop me. It will stop right away.”

“Oh, you don’t have to stop.”


“I really …… want to do it with you today, too.”  

(*Good job, Usphere😁)

Kwanach turned his chin and kissed me again. A thick mass of hot breath rushed into my mouth.

Kwanach’s manhood, sticky with perfumed oil, came up closer to my womanhood. I paused for a moment, then put my arms around Kwanach and clasped his shoulders tightly.

Soon a tremendous heat entered my body and completely tore me apart.

* * *

Blink. I moved my heavy eyelids slowly. The morning sun was making my tightly closed eyelids itch.


It hurt and ached as if someone had slit my throat with a sharp object. I opened my eyes after several attempts.

“Are you awake?”

There was a handsome face in front of me.


I then began and took a good look at my surroundings.

I was naked on the bed, held in Kwach’s arms. Kwanach was also naked.

The covers over us both were thick and the heating was on maximum, so it wasn’t cold. No, it was rather stifling due to the heat from Kwanach’s body.

Kwanach stared at me. I see his face every day. And yet, this morning I was a little embarrassed to see him.

Last night’s afterimage flashed through my mind in an instant. The moaning and the thrusting messily. My sore throat was proof of that.

Kwanach’s body was still marked from last night. His thick arms and chest were full of little scrapes, as if I had scratched him with fingernails. Even the teeth marks on Kwanach’s shoulders were clearly etched.

‘Did I bite him too?’

I dug up a scene from my hazy memory.

It was when I swayed beneath him, entranced. I think I bit his shoulder in an effort to manage the surging excitement and numbness.

Little by little, the evening was becoming more and more vivid, and a multitude of emotions rushed in. I thought the embarrassment would be the biggest, but it wasn’t what I expected.

The affection was much greater than that. It was the feeling of being completely one with Kwanach. There was no discomfort at all when he held me naked like this in the morning, and it was completely peaceful.

Did Kwanach feel the same way?

There was a shimmer of tenderness in his eyes as he stared at me.

“Did you sleep well?”

There was warmth in his low voice.

This man was my man. It was so true now that no one could deny it. Suddenly my heart was full.

I groggily dug into Kwanach’s arms. I murmured as I leaned on his firm chest.

“Yes. …… Um, did I oversleep? What time is it?”

“No, it’s on time. I gave you such a hard time yesterday.”

I gave a small cough and hid my face completely in Kwanach’s chest.

“Hard time…?”

“Wasn’t it hard?”

Kwanach said with a laugh and gently stroked my hair with his hand.

I gradually recalled last night’s intense experience. It was a little painful at first. It wasn’t unbearable, but there was enough pain to make my whole body tense up and my breathing became labored.

Then Kwanach stopped and pulled away. He was so aroused that he looked like he was about to go berserk, but he grabbed hold of his reason and tried to help me first.

It was I who pulled him into me first, trying to accept even the pain. The pain became more and more familiar with time. The pleasure that welled up from below was even greater than the pain.

‘To be honest….it was much better than I imagined.’

The more I remembered, the fuzzier and dreamier it seemed. Did I really do that with him? Was it all real? It was completely different from the acts I had vaguely heard about in the North. I didn’t know about it before I did it.

It was more of a pleasure than being sacred, and the act was more instinctive than obligatory. I thought it would be short, but it wasn’t. I spent almost the entire night in physical contact with Kwanach.

Even if we weren’t connected, I was very happy just to catch my breath for a while and hold him close to me, our lips pressed together.

‘I can’t believe I’ve been putting it off for so long…’

It was a shame to have wasted so much time before the bonding.

Education will have to be done again in the North. The night I spent with my husband was very wild, but lovely in its own way.

Kwanach said, kissing me on the ear.

“How’s your body?” 

“Ummm…… not sure.”

It was a little different from my regular mornings as there were places that were aching.

“First, let’s eat and then bathe. I’ll bathe you myself to help you loosen up.” (Kwanach)

“…… you will? Aren’t you busy?” (Usphere)

“I knew this would happen, so I skipped the entire morning schedule.” (Kwanach)


*okay guys, congratulations to the husband and wife!


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