Pokemon: Master of tactics

Chapter 6 - Pokemon Master Of Tactics: 6

Immediately afterward, these Team Rocket soldiers carried those who were dying or were injured after being attacked by Pokémon and sent them to the emergency room for treatment.

Alex thought, "I'm lucky that I knew that wild Pokémon are very dangerous, or that would have happened to me too." ​​

Soon, the entire ground fell into a dead silence again. The overwhelming majority of rookies looked at the Pokéballs in their hands with fear.

Lisa said sadistically, "Oh~ it looks like none of you losers will get the rewards today. What a pity. By the way, I forgot to tell you. The Pokémon in your hands were harvested in the wild not long ago. You should hurry up. If you can't conquer your Pokémon in a week, then you have to start as Team Rocket lackey. By the way, 80% of all Team Rocket lackeys do not manage to rise to Team Rocket members. Well, I don't want to talk any more nonsense. I will give you a week. No matter what method you use, only those who successfully tame Pokémon in their hands can become the real members of our Team Rocket. Those who can't do it will all be starting from the Rank lackey. Our Team Rocket will never raise trash.

The rookies heard the words of Lisa and looked anxiously at the floor. Only about 20 people still looked at Lisa. Alex belongs to this group too.

At this time, Lisa was also watching the performance of the rookies. After discovering that there were still a few good seedlings in this batch of the rookies, she was a little relieved in her heart.

She is currently a recruit instructor, and it is her job to train rookies for the organization. If she fails to meet the minimum training targets, her promotion path will be considerably affected.

Lisa is a dangerous person in the Team Rocket organization.

Almost all-female Team Rocket members are cold or sadistic, but Lisa is particularly bad. She likes to r*pe and torture good-looking boys. Of course, she can't just r*pe Team Rocket members. There are rules. As long as a subordinate doesn't provoke her, she can't attack him. But as soon as the subordinate steps out of this line, she can do whatever she wants with him.

The organization allows these elites to train rookies, and the intention is also very obvious. One is to Assist them to train more outstanding Team Rocket members, and 2 to allow them to grow their influence within the organization.

Team Rocket Elite Captain, who wants to become a Team Rocket Executive, needs a strong influence in the organization. Thê sourc𝗲 of this conte/nt n/o/v/(𝒆l)bi((n))

Of course, if you are very powerful, you can be promoted directly by Giovanni.

Lisa clapped her hands and said, "Follow the Team Rocket members."

Subsequently, the Team Rocket soldiers who received the order also acted, like escorting the prisoners, and took Alex and other Team Rocket rookie out of the room.

After being taken out of the Room, Alex and the others entered the large secret base built by Team Rocket underground in Pewter City and were finally brought to the public dining hall.

Alex and the rookies ate there for 10 minutes before they left the public dining hall.

Then the soldiers brought the rookies to the recruit dormitory where every rookie gets a room to live.

As soon as Alex entered his room, he saw that the room was simple. There was a bed, table, kitchen, bathroom, and even a computer on the table. Although the room was small and simple, it was better than the apartment Alex had rented.

In the closet, Alex saw 2 Team Rocket uniforms that are worn by recruits.

It is worth mentioning that these 2 uniforms are not simple. They are made of excellent materials by Team Rocket. They are not only light and strong. But also have functions like fire prevention and electricity prevention.

Alex also spotted a device on the table which looked like a cell phone.

Though it seems to have more functions. The more Alex discovered, the more shocked he was by this cell phone.

This device is called TRH, and every Team Rocket member has one.

In addition to the identification function, it has many more functions, such as space backpack, communication, and similar bank cards.

Inside Team Rocket, the universal currency is a virtual currency called TR Points. This virtual currency is essential in Team Rocket. As long as the integral points are sufficient, you can exchange them in the Exchange System inside Team Rocket for different items.

"Team Rocket is more powerful than I thought."


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