Pokemon: Master of tactics

Chapter 382

Chapter 382

Area 4 #

Danger level: Orange

Pokemon leader: High Elite Scyther

Rare Pokemon: Scyther, ???

Rare items: Pecha Berry. ???


In Area 4, Alex and his team started entering this area and checking if the information from the map is correct.

after a few minutes, Alex's team found a bush full of Pecha berries which was a good sign. and After Alex's team went deeper into this area, he started finding even some Scyther(s).

Alex's group was quickly found by the Scyther leader, who quickly ran in the direction of Alex's team with several other Scythers following him.

Gardevoir and Crobat warned Alex in advance so that this "visit" came as no surprise to Alex or his team.

Alex saw 8 Scythers running fast through the forest and getting in front of his group.

He immediately looked at the information from the strongest Pokemon in this group, because it has the highest chance of being the leader of this pack.

Scyther species respect strength very much so it only makes sense that the leader is the strongest of these Scyther(s).


Pokemon: Scyther

LV: 58

Type: Bug / Flying

Abilities: Swarm

Gender: Male

Potential: Deep Gold


- Blank, Quick Attack, Focus Energy, Double Team, Feint, Fury Cutter, Wing Attack, Agility, Slash, Razor Wind, Iron Defense, X-Scissor [E], Night Slash, Bullet punch [E], Double Hit, Swords Dance [E],

- (Innate Talent) Protect [M], (Innate Talent) Aerial Ace [M], (Innate Talent) Rain Dance [E]


The other 7 Scyther(s) weren't weak either. The weakest was still a mid-Elite at level 50. But none was at the high-Elite level like the Scyther leader.

They were all between levels 50 and 54. Also, each of these Pokemon had at least a Shallow Gold or better Potential. That each of these Pokemon had S-rank potential didn't really surprise Alex.

How should these pokemon get to such a high level if their potential is too bad?

While it's possible for A-rank Wild Pokemon to reach a similar level, it's very rare for Alex to see a Pokemon at that level with such Potential.

Alex even remembered a mid-Elite level A-rank Pokemon that got weaker because it got too old and became a low-Elite level Pokemon.

For A-rank Wild Pokemon, the Mid-elite level is almost the absolute maximum.

Although a Professor's Studie has suggested that it is possible for A-rank Pokemon to get to level 60, this has never actually happened. It's only theoretically possible and is never happened in this world.

Maybe, only a Ghost-Type Deep Silver Pokemon with optimal training for +100 or 1000 years can reach this level.

In one of the basic books about Pokemon in this world there is also this table:


Normal Pokemon max lv is 39

Bronze Pokemon max lv is 49.

Silver Pokemon max lv is 60.

Gold Pokemon max lv is 75.


This shows that theoretically, a Deep Gold Pokemon can reach level 75, although Alex doesn't believe that something like that will ever really happen in this world.

According to Alex, Ditto, with his Deep Gold potential, started not leveling up at the fastest level speed after level 50. Although it doesn't differ much in the first level to an SS-ranked Pokemon, the differents get after each level more potent.

Alex didn't believe that Ditto could reach level 60 in 1 or 2 years, let alone how many years it would take Ditto to reach level 75. even if that happens, he doesn't think he's still alive at this point.

Scyther (Leader) looked at the many Pokemon in Alex's group and started to show a solemn expression. He could roughly estimate the strength of these Pokemon.

He had a lot of experience and also knew that trainer's Pokemon were stronger at the same level, so he didn't attack immediately, even if this group entered his territory.

Alex saw this and smiled. At that moment, a plan came to him that could help him win this test as he saw it.

Scyther (Leader), "Scyther" (Human, what do you want?)

Alex showed a neutral expression as he said, "I want to offer you a deal."

Scyther (Leader) only looked at Alex with cold eyes when he heard that. He said angrily, "SCYTHER" (NO, leave my territory)

Alex was already used to Wild Pokemon's rude responses to humans, so he just put on a calm expression when he heard Scyther's angry tone.

"I will give you something that will not only evolve you but also your group into a Scizor. There is also a chance that during the evolution you and your group will improve your potential... And what you have to do for it is completely harmless and easy to do for your group."

Scyther (Leader) would normally refuse immediately no matter what the human said but the thought of becoming stronger made him hesitate for a second.

He didn't say anything for a few seconds.

Alex said with a small smile, "Let's settle this in a Scyther way. My Scizor against you."

"If my Scizor wins, you will help me and your group will still get the items... And if you win, not only will I leave your territory, but I will give you the items as a price."

He looked at Scyther with a small smile as he said, "What do you think?"

Scyther (Leader) thought for several seconds but couldn't resist the temptation. Also, he didn't think he would lose to Scizor.

"Scyther" (Ok, let's get started.)

"Scyther" (But human, no tricks or you'll regret it. I promise you that.)

Alex nodded with a calm expression. He had no intention of cheating on these Pokemon anyways.

Scizor and Scyther started fighting and Alex realized that this Scyther is about as smart as the average trainer.

about 1 minute later, Scizor and Scyther both had hardly any HP left.

"Scizor use Metal Claw 2.0"

Scyther started preparing his Master-rank [Aerial Ace] when he also has [Protect] ready to use.

[Protect] on the Master-rank not only can be used twice in long battles but also can be used when preparing another move. Contrasted with [Protect] on the Expert and Normal-rank where you can't do that without canceling the preparing move.

Although doing so greatly increases the preparation time for this move.

Because of this disadvantage, Scizor also finished first, even though he only prepared a Normal-rank move.

Scizor was using Metal Claw 2.0 which had nothing to do with the [Metal Claw] move and was just the move [Feint].

Scizor hit Scyther through [Protect]'s shield on the head with his move.

A critical hit.

Scyther fell to the ground unconsciously.


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