Pokemon: Master of tactics

Chapter 241 - Pokemon Master Of Tactics: 241

After this fight, it appeared that Jasper had finally decided to challenge Elise.

He slowly stepped towards the battlefield and said with a smile hiding the thrill he was feeling, "I want to fight the first person."

His tone sounded normal to others, but Alex knew what a crazy character Jasper was.

Elise responded with a confident smile, too, and went to the opposite side Jasper had gone.

Both Elise and Jasper released their Pokémon almost simultaneously.


Pokémon: Fearow

LV: 23

Type: Normal/Flying

Ability: Sniper (Hidden Ability)

Gender: Male

Potential: Shallow Gold


- Growl, Peck, Leer, Pursuit, Focus Energy, Fury Attack, Aerial Ace, Mirror Move

- (Innate Talent) Feather Dance [E], (Innate Talent) Tri Attack, (Innate Talent) Drill Run [E]

- (TM) Protect


Pokémon: Arbok

LV: 24

Type: Poison

Ability: Intimidate

Gender: Female

Potential: Shallow Gold


- Leer, Wrap, Poison Sting, Bite, Glare, Acid

- (Innate Talent) Toxic [E], (Innate Talent) Crunch, (Innate Talent) Screech

- (TM) Protect, (TM) Rock Slide


Alex saw that Arbok was stronger than Fearow and could understand better why Andrew had ranked him first, especially since he wasn't privy to the same information as Alex.

Although he was a bit surprised that Arbok reached the Shallow Gold, it wasn't as surprising as it was with Elise.

Jasper's father has a Pokémon over level 35 and is almost an Elite trainer.

Although he is not very rich, he should be able to buy a good quality item for Jasper if he had saved his money beforehand. Or maybe he had an item of his "stepmother."

The thoughts about why Jasper was in the first place initially took over Alex's mind for a while.

He knew that the main reason why he was ranked first was probably Jasper's Arbok having a level higher than Elise's Fearow. And also, maybe Andrew saw how his Ekans knows [Rock Slide] and therefore put him first.

Alex was not sure how much Andrew really knew about both Pokémon or whether he had just roughly estimated things about their Pokémon.

He felt that if Andrew really had the same information as Alex, he would probably put Elise first.

Both of her Expert-rank moves are very effective against Arbok in combat.

And even with the slight level handicap, Alex would estimate that Elise has a 60% chance of winning.

Before the fight starts, Jasper went to Arbok and gave a big warm hug before whispering something in her ear.

Arbok, who heard what Jasper was saying, made a tender expression and began to wriggle around Jasper's body.

'Really? In the middle of the battlefield?' Alex couldn't stand this scene anymore.

Crobat, who was hovering behind Alex, said with a disgusted expression, "She really has no control over her body as she shows her arousal so openly. What a perverted Arbok."

Alex, who heard Crobat's words, was astonished.

To him, it looked like Jasper was the bigger pervert of the two, but Crobat clearly had the opposite idea.

After a few seconds, Jasper and his Pokémon stopped hugging, and Jasper turned to go back to his position.

As he was walking back, Arbok gave a slight smack to his butt with her tail.

Jasper turned his head back and only gave a slight smirk in response.

Not only Alex, but all rookies and the Pokémon who saw it were stunned.

'Fuck! Why did I have to meet so many perverts in the last couple of weeks? First Lisa & Lars and now this shit,' thought Alex as he questioned his luck.

After his brief shock, he said aloud, "Participant Jasper, stop wasting time."

Alex was starting to get really pissed off watching something like that.

Jasper just gave a slight nod as he said, "Oh! I didn't mean to make anyone jealous. I'm deeply apologetic."

Alex was momentarily speechless.

He was mentally defeated and just wanted to get through this tournament and never talk to Jasper again.

A Team Rocket Member acted as referee and slowly started counting down from 5.


"Fearow, start with Feather Dance."

"Arbok, use Toxic."

Both trainers started immediately to use their status moves which might play a critical role in this fight.

Arbok and Fearow both finished almost simultaneously and hit each other with the moves.

"Fearow, use Focus Energy."

"Arbok, use Screech."

Both trainers had decided to continue the use of status moves even if they were not on the Expert-rank.

Alex wasn't exactly sure, but it seemed to him that Elise had a bigger advantage after these exchanges.

Fearow has the Hidden Ability [Sniper]. And together with the move [Drill Run], the chance of critical damage is very high.

And after using Focus Energy, there should be a good chance you will deal a crit hit in 3 or 4 attacks.

Both Pokémon finished almost simultaneously again.

"Arbok, use Rock Slide."

There was suddenly a confident glint in Elise's eyes as she said, "Fearow, use Drill Run."

Both Pokémon went to the offence with this round.

Elise finished first, and since Arbok couldn't move while preparing her move, she was hit heavily.

Although she was able to prevent a hit to her head, Arbok took a good deal of damage from that attack.

"Fearow, carry on with Drill Run."

Arbok also got done preparing [Rock Slide].

Fearow could still move while preparing [Drill Run]. So she tried to evade the rocks falling from the sky like rain, but she was hit by one of them at the end.

And it wasn't a normal hit either but a hit on the head. A critical hit!

Fearow suffered great damage from this hit and even had to cancel his prepared move.

Elise showed a grimaced face but said in a calm voice, "Fearow, use Drill Run, again."

"Arbok, carry on with Rock Slide."

Jasper saw that Fearow had taken good damage. Together with Toxic, Fearow would not last much longer.

Once again, Fearow finished first and used [Drill Run] against Arbok, who couldn't move.

Fearow hit again but failed to deliver a critical hit by hitting Arbok in her weak spot.

"Fearow, try to avoid [Rock Slide] but as soon as you realize that you can't, use Protect."

Fearow has a high Speed stat, so it was not impossible to avoid Rock Slide while preparing the move. But if it doesn't work like the previous time, using Protect now was the best choice since she can't let this fight go on for long due to the [Poisoned] status.

Arbok finished her move, and big rocks immediately started falling from the sky.

[Rock Slide] is a totally random move, so it is sometimes easier to dodge depending on the luck.

This time, Fearow somehow managed to dodge the rocks just alone with his speed while preparing [Drill Run].

Jasper's face turned grim. Even though he was angry and filled with anxiety, he didn't know what to do about it.

[Rock Slide] was his most important move. If it didn't work, then he might lose.

"Arbok, use Glare."

Even though he was wasting 1 turn of attack move, he knew he had to stop Fearow from evading.

Fearow used the Expert-rank move [Drill Run] for the third time, and Arbok had to go through some serious injuries due to it.

Now both Arbok and Fearow looked equally bad even though Fearow had to endure a critical move.

Fearow was slightly worse as it was taking additional damage from its [Poisoned] status every second since the start.

Elise said next, "Protect yourself from Glare."

When Arbok used Glare, Protect blocked it.

"Fearow, use Drill Run."

"Arbok, just use Rock Slide."

Jasper realized that the fight was getting tight, but he still thought that he had the higher ground.

Arbok still had more than 40% HP left and should be able to take at least two more hits from [Drill Run].

But Fearow, who was poisoned, only had to be hit once by [Rock Slide], and the poison will do the rest of the work.

Again, Fearow finished first and used [Drill Run].

This time, Fearow hit Arbok particularly well, and Arbok cried out in pain. It was a critical hit!!!

Arbok tried to stay conscious but failed to do so and fell to the ground.

Jasper was shocked to the core and cried out, "WHAT!!!!??"


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