Pokemon: Master of tactics

Chapter 178 - Pokemon Master Of Tactics: 178

Alex, Steven, and Steven's bodyguard went to the cold mountain top on the mountain chain to find valuable stones or Pokemon.

Everyone had warm clothes and everyone had at least 2 Pokemon outside to protect them in an emergency. ​​

After two days with no particular discoveries, Steven and Alex were in a relatively bad mood.

Steven only found one stone that he found interesting and alex found absolutely nothing that interested him.

Alex always looked at the info of Pokemon he encountered, but none of these Pokemon met his high requirements.

Gardevoir who is outside with Crobat suddenly showed a serious expression as she said telepathically. "Father, I can feel a Pokemon Egg here that is in a cave. There are also no Pokemon near this egg."

"That's really strange. Normally, mothers of Pokemon never leave their children alone. I'll have a look at it, I might find something interesting." thought alex

At this moment, alex was also happy that he has Gardevoir that can find the Pokemon where sound waves cannot reach them.

Crobat has a longer range but Pokemon that are under the ground cannot discover which is sometimes really less than ideal.

Alex looks him in the direction of Steven and said, "Steven, I found a Pokemon egg. Let's go in there and look at it."

Steven smiled and started following Alex.

Alex knew that Steven would not rob him even if this egg is valuable so that he has no problem telling him what he found.

As both agreed beforehand, the person who first discovered a Pokemon or an item may first decide whether he wants it.

After a few minutes, Alex came in front of a cave entrance that had been shot and was thickly covered with snow.

It looked like the whole cave collapsed completely.

Gardevoir saw Alex with a slightly confused expression and said "Father, the cave entrance is only blocked by a 2-meter wall of snow and stone. I can easily clear that with Psychic in 5 minutes."

Alex knew that there was a faster way to go nodded to Gardevoir. He had the feeling that this method is very safe and does not risk that the egg is accidentally injured because too much power is used.

After 5 minutes the path was clear and Alex saw a dead ninetales wrapped around an egg.

Alex, who already had a bit of experience, could roughly estimate how long this ninetales has been dead. He would estimate that this ninetale is dead around 3 days.

He also saw how stones and snow were laid evenly on the edge of the cave. He looked like this ninetales tried to escape this cave but died shortly before the end.

Alex couldn't see how many meters she dug, but he could see that it was at least 20 meters from his position.

"A ninetales huh?"

Alex didn't really want this Ninetales Egg and thought about what to do with it.

He has high requirements for foreign Pokemon before he begins to accept them in his family and does not want to have a ninetales where he does not know the potential.

Gardevoir who saw this position had very different thoughts.

She couldn't help but think of her mother who sacrificed her life for them when she saw this ninetales use her own body to keep her child warm.

Gardevoir began to ask with a sad expression "Father can't we take this egg?"

Alex who heard this showed a surprised expression and looked at Gardevoir.

Gardevoir showed a nervous expression when she said "I know that it crosses my limits but I think that these ninetales would be a good fit for us. I can also see that the mother's age of the egg is the same as mine and already has this strength without a trainer. She was at least level 30 so I think the potential was very good and her kid can't be too bad either. "

Alex who heard this just smiled as he thought.

Although he knew that Gardevoir had to pick up this egg because of her mother, he had to admit that she was not entirely wrong.

If the mother of this Pokemon really reaches such a high level in a few months she probably has at least one Shallow Gold talent. If the child's father has a similar talent, it may well be that there is a Gold Pokemon in this egg.

"hmm also, it's not bad to have another fire-type Pokemon when Combusken has the move Sunny Day to the expert rank and that move is an Innate Talent move."

Alex thought about it for a few seconds but found no reason not to take this Pokemon. Even if this Pokemon is a silver Pokemon, he can train it to the gold rank with enough money.

When he took the egg in hand, he felt the smooth skin of the egg and he couldn't help but remember Gardevoir that came from such an egg.

Steven saw Alex take the egg carefully and said with a smile "haha Alex is that your new Pokemon now?"

Alex who started this Pokemon to close his heart said seriously "No. It's my family."

Although alex has great demands, he is very gentle as soon as he accepts a Pokemon.

Even if this Pokemon was a bronze Pokemon he wouldn't give up and still try his best to make it stronger.

Although it would be a waste of money as with ditto, alex would still do it.

Family and strange Pokemon are treated completely differently by him

Steven who knew Alex enough nodded seriously and began to seriously say "Alex I recommend you leave this mountain quickly. This cold for a baby Fire Pokemon is really not optimal."

"It's a miracle that this egg survived at all."

Alex looked in the direction of Steven and said, "Steven, I'll go now. I'll see you later."

Steven gave a smile and said, "See you later".

Alex said "Gardevoir teleport us to our room." and disappeared in front of Steven and his bodyguard.


Guest room in the villa of the Stones family.

Alex, Crobat, and Gardevoir appeared in the room at the same time.

Although Alx was able to teleport into the room, he was only able to do it because the psychic-type guard from the Stevens family allowed it.

A stronger Psychic-type Pokemon can interrupt teleporting from a weaker Psychic-type Pokemon if it wants to.

But because Alex is an excellent guest of Steven Stones, he is allowed to teleport to his room.

When Alex was about to go to the bathroom he suddenly heard a strange noise. it was quiet but it sounded like something was breaking.

Alex looked in the direction of the noise and saw the Ninetales's Egg start to hatch.

"ahh, already?"


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