Pokemon: An Icy Path

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

It’s not long until Bea and Flannery are sitting across from me. The two of them are looking at the red bowl of food in front of them while their faces are a sight to behold.

“Go ahead! It is very delicious. I had some just the other day.” I tell them with a smile on my face as I take a piece of my tart and take a bite. I let out a moan in happiness as I kick my feet slightly at the taste. This tart is absolutely divine.

I look up and see the two of them with a bit of a blush on their face before Flannery takes a spoonful of her dish and puts it in her mouth. A moment later I see her eyes widen as she quickly starts eating the Mapo Tofu in front of her with the speed of a shonen protagonist. Bea, seeing Flannery inhaling her food, takes a cautious spoonful into her mouth. Everything seems fine for a moment until she starts to sweat heavily and her face flushes.

“Wa-water!” Bea gasps while attempting to cool herself down with her hand and panting heavily. Her current expression is unfairly sexy as I hand her a glass of water which disappears down her throat a moment later. She then realizes she made a mistake as the heat hits her for a second round. She glares at me with teary eyes as I hold back my giggles and hand her a glass of milk instead. 

Bea takes the milk and sips on it slowly. A smooth white hand reaches over and grabs her Mapo Tofu and pulls it over in front of Flannery who is all smiles. Bea starts to calm down and glares at me while grumbling. I reluctantly give her a slice of my tart, the smallest I could without feeling guilty, which she takes as she grabs the tablet to order a proper meal of her own.

“So, thanks to Zephyr evolving way earlier than her species normally does, I need to take her to get checked over… again.” I start as Bea’s new breakfast appears. It looks to be a high protein breakfast of an egg omelet with chicken and veggies.

“Can’t you send her to your grandpa again?” Flannery asks. I notice that both bowls of Mapo Tofu are gone and the bowls look spotless. I raise an eyebrow at her and she just smiles back with the cutest little smirk. Damn her adorableness.

“Not this time. Because of the Rockets we took care of in Mount Moon, he is busy researching the pokeballs they were using. Instead, he referred me to a friend of his near here. His name is Bill.”

“That name doesn’t ring a bell for me.” Bea says as Flannery nods in agreement.

“I haven’t met him before myself, but I trust Grandpa’s judgment. My question is, do you two want to travel with me to see Bill? Or we can meet up in Vermillion City. I know I plan on doing some training on my way to Vermillion.”

“I’m going with you! It’s more fun to travel with others than it is alone.” Flannery answers quickly.

“Who is going to be your sparring partner if I don’t go? It’s not like we are in any hurry.” Bea responds a moment later.

I give the two of them a happy smile. “Well then, let’s head out after breakfast. It shouldn’t take long to reach his lab.”


The midmorning sun warms our bodies pleasantly as we crest the top of the hill. High above us, Zephyr soars through the air as the rest of our pokemon walk or play around us. It has been about two hours since we finished our breakfast and set out.

From the top of the hill I can see the water shimmer like a jewel in the sunlight and an old lighthouse on a cliff overlooking a white beach. From what Grandpa told me, Bill bought the old lighthouse a few years back and turned it into his research lab.

“Say, how long do you think it will take for him to check out Zephyr?” Flannery asks while enjoying the view.

“I’m not sure, why?”

“Well, if it is going to take a while… want to see if we can play on the beach?”

“We could also take that time to train our pokemon.” Bea says as she does some shadow punches in the air, Machop and Makuhita following her example.

“It wouldn’t hurt to ask after we get there.” I say as we continue on our way. I have to admit, seeing the two of them in swimwear would be a very pleasant thing.

We continue to chat and laugh as we walk towards the lighthouse on the cliff. Before long, we are standing at the wooden door that a small path leads us to. I reach my hand up to knock on the door and knock gently. From inside I can hear the sounds of a large number of pokemon but I can’t quite make out the call of what type it is. 

A moment later the door opens only for a flood of fluff to envelop us. I fall backwards as a herd of Eevee rush out the door to greet us. I start giggling uncontrollably as a few start to lick my face and fingers and legs. 

“Alright, alright break it up! Leave the girls alone.” Says an unknown male voice. No sooner does he speak that the mass of Eevees move away, only to circle us while yipping happily. All except for three.

One of the three seems to like me and refuses to get off my stomach as I try to sit up. I gently grab it and sit up before setting it back onto my lap and begin petting its soft fur. Skadi, upon seeing me petting another pokemon, makes her way over and climbs into my lap as well before lightly biting my hand and demanding to be pet as well. I smile softly at them and tune out the world around me all except for the fluff in my lap.

“Excuse me, but is one of you Frost Oak?” Asks the male voice.

I look up from my lap where two abysses of fluff are holding it hostage, to see a young man, somewhere in his mid to late twenties standing in the open door. He stands about one hundred and fifty centimeters and has brown hair and eyes. His outfit screams that he comes from money but the huge Celfairy face on his shirt detracts from that. 

“Oh, that is me.” I tell him while both my hands keep petting the fluff balls who vibrate with a gentle purring sound.

He lets out a good natured chuckle. “I am Bill Masaki. I heard from your Grandfather that you need to have a pokemon checked over.”

“Yes sir. My Zephyr went through an early evolution as well as a type change. Currently she does not look like any known pokemon.” After saying that I looked towards the sky and call out for my big bird.

“Fros~!” A moment later Zephyr dives out of the air and lands in a flurry of diamond dust but does not kick up any sand around us. She stands beside me proudly as a number of Eevee’s come up to her and start checking her out in curiosity.

“What an interesting specimen! You said she evolved early, what line is she from?”

“Fletchling line. The change started at her second evolution where she gained an ice aspect, but this evolution is completely different.”

“Indeed, indeed. She looks similar to a Flametalon, yet at the same time completely different. Alright, I should be able to get her checked over by tomorrow morning. In the meantime, you girls are welcome to stay.”

“Is it alright to go to the beach?” Flannery asks. I happen to see her and Bea with a matching pair of fluff balls in their arms. 

“You are welcome to enjoy the beach. There should not be any aggressive pokemon in the area.” He steps back from the doorway before calling out. “Come along now Eevee. Time to come back inside.”

“Vee!” x 50

The herd of Eevee starts to run into the house and before long they all disappear except for the three that we are petting. When I try to move the one on my lap, it wraps its tail around my wrist and lightly holds my clothes so that it won’t move. I swear I have had cats easier than this to move.

I hear Bill chuckle at our predicament. “Well it seems like those three like you. If you are not opposed to it, I will allow you to take them. Consider it as payment for getting to check out a unique pokemon.”

I look at my girls, only to see Bea shrug and Flannery nod in response to the question. “We would be delighted! Thank you!”

“Eevee~.” x3

“It seems like the three of them like this arrangement as well.” Bill says. “Now go ahead and register them. I hope you take great care of the three of them.”

"""We Will."""

“Come along Zephyr, let me get you checked out so you can travel with your trainer again.”

Bill nods and then disappears into the house, closing the door behind him. I look at my friends and give them a big smile before reaching into my bag to pull out an unused pokeball.

“Eevee, would you like to travel with me, become stronger and make a lot of friends?” I ask the ball of fluff in my lap. I get a happy sounding yip that can only mean yes before I gently tap Eevee’s head with the pokeball. 

Eevee disappears into a flash of red light followed by an instant ding that notifies that the capture was successful. I smile and let it back out before pulling out my phone and opening the Pokedex and scanning Eevee.

[Eevee, the evolution pokemon.]

[The question of why only Eevee has such unstable genes has still not been solved. Its genes are easily influenced by its surroundings. Even its face starts to look like that of its Trainer. Its ability to evolve into many forms allows it to adapt smoothly and perfectly to any environment.]

[This Eevee is Female.]

[This Eevee has the ability of Adaptability.]

[Eevee knows the following moves; Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Yawn, Rest]

“It looks like I have a sleepy head on my team.” I tease my new pokemon lightly. She looks at me and then turns her head away in a pouty manner that causes me to giggle. I lift Skadi into my arms before making my way to my feet so I am no longer on the ground.

“So, it seems like we are here till the morning… Beach?”


The three of us start giggling as we make our way to a path that Bill had pointed to when we asked about the beach. We make our way down the well kept path which turns out to be an easy walk down to the white sands of the beach. The gentle sounds of the waves and a light breeze coming from the water just fits the clear blue skies above.

“So, who's up for a swim?”

“Do either of you have a swimsuit?” Bea asks. Flannery and I both shake our heads.

“It’s just us girls and our pokemon… Not like anyone is going to see us…” I say cautiously, wondering what Bea’s reaction might be.

“Nope! Never thought of buying one.” Flannery says as she puts an arm around Bea’s shoulder. “Like Frost said, it’s just us here, no need to be shy.” Flannery gives Bea a mischievous little smile that gives me a few Butterfrees in my stomach. She has no right to be that cute.

“Well… I suppose you are right…” She says, still sounding a little unsure.

“It will be fine!”


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