Please Stop Summoning Me!

Chapter 65.2

Chapter 65.2

Everything around was shrouded, and soon only white remained in the villa.

Stepping out of the gray fog, Shen Yi calmly looked at Byron who was already on one knee, and the brown-haired ponytail girl who had passed out.

Passed out again She passed out every time, yet she still took part every time It seems that Byrons assistant must be very loyal to him.

Byron sounded a little excited and immediately said: Mastering everything, overflowing the world, the white mist across the shore, I brought you spiritual water!

Shen Yi played the part of the White Mist and nodded slightly while looking at Byron who was not far away.

I accept the sacrifice.

A purest information emerged in Byrons mind, and then he saw a thumb-sized bottle fly out of his arms and disappear into the white mist.

The Great Him accepted his sacrifice.

From Shen Yis perspective, a thumb-sized bottle flew into his hand, and there was some kind of completely transparent liquid inside.

Is this the spiritual water?

Through the soul ball left by Yare, he stumbled upon information about spiritual water.

It was said to be an important material used to create souls.

But throughout the thousands of years of mortal history, there were only a few beings who can create souls alive.

For most people, spiritual water was useless, almost equal to ordinary water.

But it might be useful to an Extraterrestrial god.

Thats why Byron thought of offering it to me Heh, its really a good plan, but it was pretty useless for meIm a fake god, and could not create souls.

Well, never mind.

Lately he has been doubting something. When he saw Aina and Byron in his dream, what they saw was obviously different from what he saw.

Could it be that, in the state of summoning, the image they see was also different from his perspective? Coupled with the breath of an extra-worldly god, they will be subdued, without any doubt.

This possibility was very high.

Oh, wait a minute If my idea is correct, wouldnt the previous few disguises be a bit Forget it, forget it, after all, I am not an extra-worldly god .. I still have to play well, so that the summoners cant see any flaws.

After pondering for a while, he decided to impart a new piece of knowledge to Byron.

Last time he used the sentence from Xiao Yao You(Wndering Beyond the Boundaries), he seemed to be quite acceptable to it This time lets use this one.

Byron has been kneeling on one knee, expecting new knowledge to be conveyed to his mind.

However, the White Mist hadnt responded for a long time.

He had heard once that sometimes if the Extraterrestrial god wasnt satisfied with the sacrifice, he would not respond, and might even impose some kind of punishment.

Howhow could this be, is it that the great He is not satisfied with my sacrifice?

With this thought, Byron immediately became flustered. Compared to before, his strength had improved a lot, but in front of the Great He, he was still nothing more than a strong worm.

As long as the other party has a thought, he could crush him to death at any time!

Since his daughters resurrection, he has become a little afraid of death.

At this moment, Shen Yi finally spoke.

Things are nothing other than that, and things are nothing other than what they are. If you are from that, you will not see it, but if you know yourself, you will know it.

[Things are nothing but the thing itself. If they are other things, they cannot be seen or known. If they are their own things, they will naturally know and understand them.]

Therefore, it is said: what comes from what is, what is also because of what is there. That is the theory of birth. Although, what is born is what dies, what is dead is what is born; what is possible is not possible, what is not possible is possible; what is right is not what it is, what is not right is what is not. Because it is.

This time Shen Yi chose to bestow a part of Equality of Things.

Qiwu means: All things are the same in the final analysis, there is no distinction between right and wrong, beauty and ugliness, good and evil, nobility and lowliness.

Zhuangzi believed that all things were unified, and they were constantly changing to their opposite, so there was no fundamental difference.

A large amount of information poured into his mind. Each word was tumbling and changing, eventually combining into the appropriate knowledge.

Byron was dumbfounded and shocked beyond control!

It turned out to be the legendary Unity of All Things, the knowledge bestowed by the White Mist belongs to one of the highest taboo knowledge of alchemists.

He deeply understood that if the legendary Unity of All Things could be fully comprehended and mastered, the user could even decompose and reconstruct all things!

This was definitely great forbidden knowledge, no worse than Beyond Binding.

They were all unimaginable gifts from God!

Byron immediately said respectfully and sincerely.

I will serve you forever, great White Mist across the Shore. Your blessing is my luck, your command is my destiny, your greatness reflects my insignificance!

He couldnt help showing a satisfied smile. In order to gain more knowledge, he could even sacrifice his entire life.

Shen Yi calmly listened to the compliment, and just as he was waiting for the summoning to end, Byron suddenly spoke again.

Still excited, he said, I have recently joined the Dust of Lightness. However, they havent revealed the real secret to me, and asked me to wait until I complete the test.

Byron knew in his heart that the reason why Dust of Lightness wooed him was obviously because he had come into contact with the Extraterrestrial god, and the purpose of those guys was probably also in a taboo area.

Thats normal. At least half of all wizards have done illegal things, but as long as they didnt get caught by the Bureauits not a big deal.

And the top wizards were naturally more likely to break taboos. After all, at this level, most of the knowledge that was not taboo was not mostly unattractive.

Byron said happily: nce I kill the Light Chaser and complete the test of the Dust of Lightness, I will bring you more and better offerings.

By that time, I will also have much more knowledge.

Hearing a familiar word from Byrons mouth, Shen Yi was slightly taken aback.

Light Chaser!

The original witch once said that the light chaser was about to come to Beland, and would use her life to eradicate the Pseudo God, and she took her own knife in the colorless city and gave it to the light chaser.

Is this pseudo-God referring to himself?

Shen Yi fell silent for a moment, thinking about how to respond to Byron.

But in his current state If he talks too much, it would lower his style and there was a risk of being seen through.

Well, there was a way It was the best way to direct Byron.

The summoning time was almost over, and the gray mist had resurfaced.

Before leaving, Shen Yi calmly gave an order.

Go to the place where you meet my messenger and find him.


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