Please Stop Summoning Me!

Chapter 48: Yare Villard

Chapter 48: Yare Villard

Please come and have a seat here.

Shen Yi pointed to a seat not far away. It was a seat with a poor view.

It was very far from where he wanted to sit just now. For some reason, he didnt want the two to see his coffee and snacks.

Excuse me, Boss Shen.

George nodded, walking towards the seat on that side, followed by Su Ling.

Before we talk about things, order two cups of coffee and help me with a little money to fix the door.

He continued with a smile. The weather has been so bad lately that there arent many customers. If you guys dont come again, Im afraid Ill be close to bankruptcy.

Shen Yi revealed a bitter smile and truthfully said his recent situation.

He was indeed running out of money.

I understand.

George nodded in understanding, but his understanding was completely different from that of Shen Yi, he naturally thought that Boss Shen was just joking.

How could such a big shot need money?

George understood very well the psychology of extraterrestrial creatures like Shen Yi, who hid among the commoners and mortals, observing peoples joys and sorrows and obtaining some special pleasure.

Maybe thats enough for them.

Paying for coffee a little at a time was a sort of ritualistic practice. George knew very well that if he did send over $1.8 million in cash, Boss Shen would feel insulted.

We will come more often, rest assured.

George had no idea that he was bored. On the contrary, he thought that Boss Shen needed to watch more interesting things to get pleasure.

Shen Yi asked, What do you want to order?

Latte. As usual, George ordered the same coffee.

Su Ling wanted to try something new, so she pointed to the certain coffee on the menu.

I want this one, Brevet

Shen Yi nodded lightly and continued to ask. What about the snack?

Su Ling raised her hand and propped her chin up, and said, Lets not order the snacks, Im not very hungry today.

Shen Yi and George were both stunned for a moment, and the two of them looked at Su Ling with incredulous eyes.

Whats wrong?

Su Ling was a little embarrassed by being stared at with such a look and quickly turned her face away.

Then Ill go and prepare, you two wait here for a while.

With that Shen Yi turned around and went to the bar and started brewing the coffee.

Su Ling thought for a moment and suddenly asked. At the end, you wanted me to go upstairs first so that I could take credit?

George did not deny it and said bluntly: You joined as a B-class investigator. As long as you survive, youll become an A-class investigator, its just around the corner. All you need is more experience.

What Im doing is just giving you the experience you need.

This time Su Ling did not talk back and remained silent for a while, saying: Thank you.

How does it feel to arrest those cultists with your own hands? George suddenly raised such a question. It is said that everyone has different thoughts in mind when arresting others for the first time.

Su Ling looked at the ceiling light and said slowly. I thought of my father.

Looking at her face, George said earnestly. The crimes your father committed were not your fault at all. You dont have to feel guilty.

Youve already made up for the victims a lot, so lets call it a day.

Su Ling shook her head, not wanting to talk about this topic.

George sighed, knowing that psychological problems were hard to solve, and there were too many investigators in the bureau with psychological problems.

He took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth, but it did not light it.

After a while, Shen Yi came with two cups of hot coffee and skillfully put them down.

He still had a gentle smile on his face.

So lets start. Is this about Yare Villard? whom you want to talk about. I remember he is the priest of the Quiet Word

George nodded in response. The information given by Boss Shen had mentioned Yare Villard, which means he also knew something about this man.

But no one in this world knew Yare Villard better than he did.

George recalled his memories and continued. Yare Villard was a very dangerous man. Many years ago, he, I, and another wizard, the three of us formed a small team with the goal of seizing lost and mysterious artifacts from around the world.

The wizard and I were both young at the time, but Yare Villard has lived for more than a hundred years. So naturally, he was the leader of the small team of three.

Weve done a lot of things, got a lot of mysterious relics, and gained fame in just a few years.

But none of us wanted to stop there, so we took a different path.

His tone gradually became solemn.

Yare Villard is a crazy man at heart. Although he appears calm and composed on the outside, he has the most insane core.

Shen Yi just listened silently, but Su Ling on the side couldnt help but ask, Is he strong?

George nodded lightly and said. In fact, he can be regarded as half of my teacher, and most of my combat skills are taught by him.

Hearing this Su Ling was stunned because she knew how powerful George was.

His fighting ability ranked among the top five in all of Nolan. Even with the same physical fitness, the worlds top killers, martial artists, and athletic champions couldnt pass him by two rounds.

All along, George had been fighting against monsters the size of buildings and hills, dealt with all kinds of dangerous situations, and survived many desperate situations in all sorts.

The teacher who taught him combat skills was Yale Willard. Even if that man might not be as powerful as George, he would definitely not be something that ordinary people could handle.

George said seriously: Su Ling, if you meet this man alone, remember not to fight but to run away immediately.

Su Ling was silent and did not reply.

George shook his head and said, An investigator like you wont last long But you may not know that the enemy you met is him because this guy can change his appearance. Even if he is standing in front of me now, maybe I wont recognize him at all.

At this point, George paused for a moment, and suddenly looked at Shen Yi very seriously.

I want to confirm one thing.

Shen Yi nodded, Go ahead.

George continued. The Priest of the Quiet Word we captured is not Yare Villard. Is there a discrepancy in the intelligence, or is the Quiet Word mastermind still in Beland?

Shen Yi closed his eyes and began to think about what Byron had been up to. One thing he could be sure of was that Byron had no possibility of deceiving him.

This man did not hesitate to summon the extraterrestrial gods for his daughter, so he definitely would never deceive the messenger of God for his daughter.

The latter. He gazed into Georges eyes and answered seriously. But its also the former.

There is indeed a deviation in the information. Even if I had not investigated it, there would be two priests in Beland.

George looked grim and nodded heavily. I understand.

He looked at Shen Yi and said solemnly, All along you have helped me a lot, thank you very much.

Shen Yi was taken aback by his solemnity, then he smiled and said sincerely, We are also friends.

George nodded and began to savor the still piping hot coffee.

After the duo left, Shen Yi calmly finished his coffee and ate his food, but his heart was not at all calm.

Yare Villard

This name was undoubtedly the author of The Language of Silence.

He lived for more than a hundred years and had written The Language of Silence in his early years. He also had adventures with George, captured mysterious relics around the world, and taught young George combat skills. Finally, joined the Language of Silence because of his dedication to the study of the occult and became a high-ranking cult priest.

Even though he had never met the man, he already figured out his life experience and knew that this was an excellent and dangerous man.

It was getting late.

He looked out the window and found that the rain was still pouring and persisted longer than he thought.

It was just that the drizzle had become very small.

He vaguely saw a black figure in the alley outside the cafe, slowly approaching, looking somewhat abnormal.

He frowned and stood up, he was sure that this was not a guest.

Because no normal customer would come to the cafe at this time.

The black shadow was like a broken mannequin, approaching the cafe at a lumbering slow pace, with very incoherent movements.

From the very beginning, he knew that one day he would face the battle head-on. The more he went on the more he felt the situation would happen.

But this was all an imaginary situation he thought before, this was the first time it really happened.

Supernatural combat.

At last, the shadow came to the cafe door and revealed its true appearance.

Gray plants putrefy the bodys organs and swelled like a gourd in its skull.

It was a rotten-smelling human puppet, still maintaining the appearance of life, with no vitality in its eyes, but a peculiar dullness.

It was like a living corpse.

Coke hiding from Shen Yi in the corner also saw it, but he didnt have the slightest desire to attack. Instead, he raised his two front paws to his mouth and made a small gesture of wanting to vomit.

Wailing as a plant-laden living corpse raised its rotting arms and approached Shen Yi, who was not far away.

The speed is very slow.

Shen Yi somehow understood that his opponent was very slow, even slower than a normal person.

Such a rotten corpse, what kind of combat power did it have other than horrible?

The living corpse opened its mouth. A large number of green plants emerged from the mouth that grew rapidly. Along with the rancid smell, the green plants sprang straight to the Shen Yi in front of it.

A dozen vine green plants pierced Shen Yis body, but not a trace of blood flowed.

He calmly looked at the monster, and his body began to turn into a white mist little by little and easily floated in the mid-air.

A terrifying breath descended.

The coke in the corner shivered all of a sudden, even the lifeless living corpse felt the shock at this moment.

In another part of the cafe, Shen Yi reverted to human form and calmly stretched out his left hand, easily aiming at the monster.


It only stopped for five seconds.

The monster could move again.

Just when he wanted to continue fogging and dodging the attack, he found the living corpse hiding in the corner with extreme fear, holding its disgusting head and crouched down.

Whoo! Whoo! The living corpse tremblingly shrieked with great fear.

Like a living corpse, Coke also hid in another corner, afraid to come out, and looked frightened.

The only one still standing in the middle of the cafe, like a perpetrator was Shen Yi himself.


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