Please Stop Summoning Me!

Chapter 44: Eternal Despair

Chapter 44: Eternal Despair

He had already prepared himself to play every extra-worldly god.

Because he long checked it out in the library about every extra-worldly god, and what gifts they would bestow on its believers when they were descended.

The Quiet Singer was the extraterrestrial god of winter.

Winter was the ruler of silence, finality, and things that would not pass away(stillness).

He would give his believers stillness or give them peace of mind.

Things that were still were naturally easy to understand. As long as they were consistent with the principle of not moving, they were all feasible.

As for peace of mind

At first, he thought that the peace of mind sought by the followers of the Quiet Word was death. After all, the descriptions of the two were too similar.

But he later learned the truth from the book.

The Eternal Peace of Mind sought by the Quiet believers was not death; they did not reject death, but only because of the belief that that there was an opportunity to obtain eternal peace of mind after death.

The Eternal Peace of Mind didnt refer to death. But to be led by the Singer to outside the world and become an immortal without desires and emotions.

An immortal has neither desire nor affection but also an eternal life, which was the closest thing to Peace of Mind in the doctrine of the Quiet Word.

Live forever like a plant.

No pain, no struggle, no indignation, no joy, no anticipation, no longing, no love.

As long as there were no desires and feelings, there would not be any ripples in the mind, and if you let go of everything, naturally there would be no more distress and agitation.

Complete peace of mind. Eternal peace of mind.

Of course, even if Shen Yi could understand what eternal peace of mind is, he would never identify with it.

Because it was a state that seemed too inexplicable to him, although he could understand the meaning, but he did not want to agree at all.

What he wanted was a peaceful life, but he didnt want to become a plant.

His thoughts could even be said to be opposed to those of the Quiet word.

All he wanted to do was to sit quietly in the cafe, observing peoples joys and sorrows, and then join in the fun with them and share his stories with friends, or listen to their joys and sorrows.

Everyone, everything, whether it was good or bad, he wanted to accept.

Society was a collection of people. He never wanted to escape from everything and pursued the so-called eternal peace of mind alone. Instead, he was more eager to enjoy the emotions emanating from people.

He saw the ancient cross floating in the black lotus in front of the priest.

So thats it It is a sacrifice this time, isnt it Ill take it

Miserable mortal, I accept your sacrifice.

Without any hesitation, he nodded. Sure enough, at the next moment, the ancient cross floating on the lotus automatically flew into his hands.

The priest of the quiet word, there was neither emotion nor any fluctuating voice in his mind.

It wasnt a human language at all, but more like a tune whose meaning they could understand.

Like silent snow, melting ice, and passing wind.


It made him more and more serene, almost unaware of the fact that he was human.

Not only did he hear it, but all the quiet worshipers around him, as well as the investigators on the ground, all could not help but listen to the sound of Shen Yis nihilistic voice.

It was the only song in a world where sound did not exist.


Shen Yi looked at this ancient cross, completely unaware of its use and effect.

For him, it must also be a mysterious relic with special effects.

Lets go back and check again.

The first few times, he thought that the summoner had used some kind of invisible art to make the sacrifice come to him automatically, but now he could probably understand it.

This may be some kind of special rule, whereby the self-acting as God of the Outside World chooses to receive sacrifices, then the things selected as sacrifices will automatically belong to him.

He couldnt help but think of a possibility.

The first timethe time of the living sacrifice

In the first summoning, he turned down the Witch of Blood and FleshAina, who was a sacrifice.

And if, just as a possibility, if I had agreed to the sacrifice, would Aina have automatically flown into my hands?

Or would there be a different form of expression?

He was not sure of the answer.

While the investigators below had all fallen into a state of despair, barely keeping their normal will, except for George and Su Ling.

They still did not fall to their knees, but because of the influence of the quiet singer, became calmer and calmer, and gradually accepted their own end.

The priest waited in the high sky, hoping that the great Quiet Singer would grant himself real peace of mind.

He no longer cared at all about the investigators of the Anti-Magic Bureau. Those miserable mortals were nothing more than larger molehills, and they were meaningless in front of the extraterrestrial gods.

After His descent, even the entire Nolan could be destroyed!

But he was different.

He finally had a chance to get real peace of mind!

At this thought, the priests heart rose for the first time, and he soon realized that his mood swings were terrible, that they were completely at odds with the serene language of reassurance.

But the excitement was hard to calm because he was a human being.

As he struggled to calm his excitement, the strange aura that appeared from the Quiet Singer gradually calmed him down, leaving nothing to think about.

By the time, Shen Yi also noticed the people on the ground, but the distance between the two sides was as far as a hundred meters, so he really couldnt see who the people were.

In short either a cult or an investigator from the Anti-Magic Bureau Because ordinary people wont come here at this time.

Instead of looking to the ground, he turned to the priest of the Quiet Words before him.

About your request.

I refuse.

The priest was stunned, he didnt know what he was rejected for. He stood still in the sky and didnt react for a long time.

The congregations at the top of the abandoned building were also astonished by what they saw. For them, the priest was one of the people who had the most access to the ticket.

Why is this happening?

It was the first time Shen Yi rejected the cults wishes.

In every previous case, he almost played along with the idea of the summoner, only slightly changing his role when rescuing Aina.

But now it was different.

Because he mastered the power of fogging to escape and didnt know about his true identity, even if he was not an adversary of a cult, he could delay the process for 10 minutes until regression.

Above all, he knew that his Extra-Worldly God aura was definitely heavier and more terrifying than usual.

After the last attempt to release the breath, neither George nor Su Ling dared to make a move on him.

So, as long as the cultists still had remaining sanity, they would never defy him.

So he refused decisively.

But what he didnt know was, that the priest did not even have the slightest idea of revolt and battle, and such thinking did not exist in his mind in the slightest.

It was impossible for man to confront an extraterrestrial god.

No matter how well-trained and strong an ant was, it could not be a match for an extraterrestrial meteorite.

In fact, there was no such thing as a fight between the two.

It may not be appropriate to compare them together. Perhaps not quite right, would be to regard them as incomparable.

Destruction, and what did it have to do with it.

In fact, Shen Yi loathes the existence of the Quiet Word.

Whether it was the harm they did to Aina or the threat to the city that made him feel uncomfortable, there was nothing to hide.

Shen Yi said softly.

I refuse to grant you peace of mind, forever.

The priest trembled all over, his face was full of fear, despair, and horror as if he had heard the biggest and most incredible thing in his life.

His eyes were wide open, his whole body trembling, his mouth opened to speak, to plead, but he simply couldnt make any noise.

Even if his whole family died in front of him, or the monster ate him alive, as a priest who has had many years of training and has been seeking peace of mind.

Could not possibly show such an expression.

Especially in the current special atmosphere, almost everyone was becoming calmer.

Only the complete collapse of faith and complete repudiation of what he had pursued all his life would have caused him to suffer to such an extent.

Moreover, it was a direct oracle from the One, which could not be refuted and had no chance of fighting.

Even so, he could not help but ask questions frantically, trying to find ways to make up and redeem.

Shen Yi has many why, why, why, and why in his mind.

But he didnt answer, and why would a Quiet Singer have to explain to a mortal?

Under the white bone mask, his face did not show the slightest expression.

There may be different answers to how to make a person miserable and desperate to the limit, but Shen Yi had already learned something through various investigations.

How to make a cultist of the Quiet Word fall into the limit of despair.?

It was nothing more than to refuse to give him eternal peace of mind as a quiet singer.

Shen Yis thoughts and plans were all correct, and in a few simple words, he broke the Quiet Word priests heart defense.

He kept staring at priests who couldnt shake off shock and despair.

Watching the other party fall little by little from despair to confusion, then to seek remedy and redemption, then, completely into the collapse.

He savored the entire process, but there was no discomfort or a trace of sympathy in his heart.

Instead, he had a real and unreal thought.

Bullying the villain was quite enjoyable.

The questioning voice in his mind finally stopped.

The priest of the Quiet Word finally fell into eternal despair.

The original wrinkle-free face was instantly covered with wrinkles, and there was no trace of brilliance in the two eyes as if they were already dead. The body shriveled up and fell from high in the air.


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