Please Stop Summoning Me!

Chapter 41: The Night of the Decisive Battle

Chapter 41: The Night of the Decisive Battle

East Bayland was an industrial and a workers residential area, and many people would not come here if they had nothing to do.

On the edge of East Beland, near the city, was an abandoned industrial zone with old buildings and factories, which sometimes became a den for criminals.

But few people know that abandoned industrial zones were the places not just for the perpetrators live, but also the largest stronghold where mysterious associations the Quiet Words are hidden.

Tonight, they were raided by the Anti-Magic Bureau.

In order to clear the shame of the blatant attack and to face the worlds apparent skepticism, the Anti-Magic Bureau sent a large number of combat forces into tonights siege, with ten B class and above investigators.

Inside the abandoned factory.

The fierce battle has been going on for a long time.

Su Lings black boots stepped on the limp corpse and pulled the black blade upward, red blood flowing down from the blade.

Her face was covered in rain, her black trench coat fluttered and rattled, and dozens of gray-robed bodies lay nearby, blood flowing on the light black ground.

They all had a deadly knife wounds on their torso.

Su Ling took a deep breath and slowly raised her sword, ready for the next battle.

A terrifying monster suddenly emerged from the ground, like an arthropod insect. It had six mantis legs, and its swollen tail was full of wriggling tentacles. Its eyes were all blood-red, and it had a completely real, almost excruciating desire to kill.

It whistled shrilly and rushed toward Su Ling.

Su Ling had already ready for this, waving her arm and pointing at it with a black knife, and she unleashed the power of this mysterious relic in an instant.


The invisible force suddenly appeared, and the giant monster fell down, and it was crushed to the ground in a moment, unable to move.

The monster tried to struggle, but to no avail, the heavier the body the harder it was to resist in front of multiple gravities.

Su Ling calmly crossed the black knife in her hand and continued to point at the arthropod-like monster not far away.

She watched the ground gradually crack, listened to the monsters harsh screams in her ears, and waited until it burst on the spot, the black and red liquid crushed on the ground before finally dropping her arm.

Oh, ribs.

Su Ling frowned and covered her chest, it was clear that another rib was broken.

This was the price to pay for each activation of the Twisted Grade Relic Gaia Tis Blade, the location of the bone fracture is random, if the user is unlucky, the skull can break.

In any case, each time it was activated, it would hurt.

There are more enemies than expected. She muttered to herself.

As they went deep into the place, the team was swept away by a wide range of invisible techniques, followed by a flood of enemies.

Su Ling was one step ahead of everyone and came close to the core of the Quiet Words stronghold.

She left the abandoned factory and came into the stormy night.


A bullet came from not far away and bounced off her shoulder, leaving only a tiny wound.

Su Ling was stunned and didnt respond to her current physical strength.

This was one of the benefits of joining the Anti-Magic Bureau. She has injected Neutralized Ancient Deep-Sea Blood to make her bodys strength reach physical level 2, which would be immune to damage caused by all conventional thermal weapons.

She turned her head to look, the wind and rain hit her delicate face.

In the darkness, a thin man in a gray robe with a mask on his face slowly walked out.

The man threw away his useless pistol.

He also held a long knife in his other hand, a white blade that shone with light.

Two blades, one black and one white form a sharp contrast in the night.

Su Ling leaned down and lowered the blade while the man raised the blade above his head. The two had completely different styles.

For a moment, the intangible spirit met.

The two quickly rushed past each other, their blades collided and immediately separated after a brief tussle.

Soon, the second match unfolded.

Su Lings second slash was faster, more powerful, and more deadly.

The mans left arm was severed and flew up into the air, with blood splattering everywhere at the broken opening.

As if he had no sense of pain, clutching the blade his right hand fiercely swung toward Su Ling again.

Su Ling had already cut off his third knife.

She held the knife in both hands, the strength was greater, and the speed of the slash was faster.

Before the mans blade fell, he was struck hard in the chest with a black knife, and the thin body appeared to be a broken kite, drawing an irregular bloodline in the space.

Su Ling didnt have the slightest idea of stopping and continued to chase after him, making sure to completely decapitate the other partys head before the battle was over.

The man on the ground suddenly thrust a white blade into his chest as if he were committing suicide, and as if he was performing some unique ritual.

A large amount of death aura swept around and flooded into Su Lings five senses, causing her to retreat involuntarily.

A terrifying cry rang out, and black arms stretched out on the ground, holding up the mans body, turning him into a black stench of blood.


A monster like a huge worm crawled out of the vile blood, and its body grew to a length of seven or eight meters, and hundreds of strange hands grew out of its enlarged body.

It smashed to the ground and swam wildly, attempting to attack Su Ling not far away.

Su Ling quickly retreated and fought as she retreated, cutting off his approaching arm with one knife after another.

The monster wailed and screamed miserably, and even though a large number of arms were cut off, it still kept growing its arms outward, and its huge demented body squirmed wildly on the ground.


Su Ling pointed her sword indifferently, and the huge monster was immediately pressed down by the invisible force and howled miserably.

The ground cracked the next moment, and the monsters body was still struggling to support it.

Having no choice, Su Ling stacked her abilities once again.


The monster that was still holding on, its flesh suddenly burst open in full force, and gravity completely pressed the blood that burst out in one location, without splashing a bit in all directions.

She covered her aching chest and gasped.

Not bad.

All the injuries were ribs. Although Su Ling looked pale, she could sustain herself.

She took out a tube of injection, and the red liquid in it was boiling.

Su Ling injected all the red liquid into her chest, and one of the benefits of the Anti-Magic Bureau was, Strange Blood-K232, it can speed up the recovery of the injury.

George and five investigators in black suits came from the other side of the factory.

All five investigators were covered in blood and dust, but each one looked relaxed, not at all like they had just fought a fierce battle and saved their life.

As for George no trace of blood could be seen on his black trench coat, not even a dirt, almost as if it had just been taken out of the dry cleaner.

Only the tip of the black umbrella he was holding had red slowly trickling down.

As he approached the abandoned factory, he saw Su Ling covering her chest and gasping for breath, standing beside the corpse.

You guys like to act alone, I knew that from the very beginning.

George sighed, obviously the two were partners, but she disappeared right after the battle began.

He knew that this was the personality of the newcomer and could not be changed easily, so he didnt say much.

Personality sometimes makes newcomers pay a heavy price, but sometimes, personality was also the motivation to support them to become stronger.

George could see that Su Lings mental strength and pains were supporting her, and once she lost her personality and became stable, she would not become stronger or better but would quickly become mediocre.

He was afraid she would die faster or return to a quiet, normal life.

The latter was actually quite good, but he felt that the probability is the former.

So George felt it was better to maintain the status quo.

Su Ling just silently put away the black knife and stood beside George with a pale face.

She pursed her lips and said, Ive solved the trouble, we can move on.

George didnt come alone. Beside him were five colleagues from the Anti-Magic Bureau, all of whom were investigators with C-level qualifications.

Ordinary investigators needed ten years of seniority to reach C rank, and the most common investigator in the anti-magic bureau was D rank.

The five investigators stood behind George, each waiting for his next instructions, all maintaining respect for this legendary investigator.

People respect not only for his great power but everything he has done for mankind.

George drew out a cigarette expressionlessly but did not light it immediately. The initial prediction of the battle was very far from the current one.

The Anti-Magic Bureau should have crushed the enemy and made Nolans inner and outer world feel the power of order, which should have been the case, but as a result, they fell into a tug-of-war in the industrial zone.

Even Though this attack was sudden But they had been prepared for it A large number of traps were made beforehand with the invisible arts, and many monsters were summoned.

The wind definitely got out, and George couldnt help but begin to suspect a question that he didnt want to think about before.

Whether it was the unison attack on the investigators at off duty a few days ago, or the odd circumstances of this siege, it could only mean one thing.

Theres a mole in the bureau.

Moreover, the mole rank will not be very low.

Because, investigators below the B level would not know the specifics of the operation and would only follow orders when they were ordered to strike.

He put the cigarette into his mouth, lit it, and silently exhaled a smoke ring.

~Inner mole, who is it?

He also knew very well that everyone must be suspected, and it was not uncommon for investigators to be compelled and seduced by cultists.

Many people were not determined enough, but their hearts were unable to confront supernatural forces or their families were threatened.

We cant find the mole for now.

Besides, they had to do something more important first.

George said in the headset, We must find the place of sacrifice quickly and take care of the priests here.

There was one unfortunate thing, Nolans only S-class investigator was on a business trip to Emery.

Hes working with a local member of the Xu Foundation to deal with a special existence that Once you know it, you escape; when you come into contact, you die.

The monster wont be able to make it back, otherwise, things would be much simpler.

George puffed out his cigarette and said, The invisible technique of holding back ordinary people can last for up to two hours, and if the problem will not solved after that time, everyone will have to go one by one to erase the memory again.

As long as the priest is killed and the sacrifice is stopped, the layout of the Quiet Word in Beland is over.

At this point, George was silent, recalling the information shown on the pages of the memory book.

When he accessed the memory pages at that time, his complexion changed dramatically because he recognized the priest sent to Beland by the Quiet Word was his old friend who had gone astray.

The man called Yare Villard, the author of The Silent Language, a man who lived for more than a hundred years.

George closed his eyes, he still remembered all the past of the two of them back then.

Himself, Yare, and the aristocratic bastard named Byron, the three explored all over the world in search of ancient secrets and seek mad excitement.

Both he and Byron were young at the time, and the long-established Yare Villard was the dominant person in the small group.

A few years later the trio parted ways, eventually embarking on three distinct paths.

He opened his eyes and said calmly, Our first goal is to kill Yare Villard, the priest of the Quiet Word, and end this night of chaos.

Georges face was calm, and his heart quickly made up its mind.

The man was a real immortal, he must use disaster-grade relics at the right time to end him.

Second blade Absolute Death.

Night rain drizzled.

Deep in the abandoned industrial area, there was an abandoned building near the edge of the city that was on the verge of demolition.

On the top floor of the abandoned building, unadorned floor, there were hundreds of gray-robed people sitting on the ground.

Every one of them kept absolute silence and did not make any movements.

Outside the abandoned building, the sounds of battle could still be heard from time to time, but the congregation sitting on the top floor seemed to hear nothing.

Its very Quiet.

Their doctrinal goal was to achieve absolute peace of mind, and for this goal, they believed in the quiet singer, a symbol of peace of mind and calm.

An old man sat in the middle of the crowd.

As the priest of the quiet word, he never makes a sound in front of the believers.

Priests used their thoughts to communicate their thoughts.

All the believers had a white paper in their hands, and if there was a black letter on it, it would pass quickly, and the next sentence would appear.

And the white paper floats in turn.

The foolish mortals have discovered us, and time is running out to move.

At present, the ignorant mortals have the upper hand, and our strength is temporarily no match for them.

With the Quiet Word, there is no longer any possibility of defeating these foolish mortals, and we are still not strong enough in Beland.

But we also have a chance, a chance given by God.

At this point, he paused.

The Quiet Word had received an important piece of information in the past few days, completely credible enough to change the course of the war.

The whole of Beland has become some sort of special place, and, It will be very easy to communicate with the gods in this special place.

The embers of Chaos have successfully contacted the heretical and false gods of their beliefs several times because Beland has undergone a mutation.

We have to perform a sacrifice.

Belands mysterious power will help us to reach the great singer.

All the words appeared one by one on the white paper, then blurred and disappeared. The gray-robed worshippers still did not make a single sound, but they all knew the priests thoughts.

Only his power could defeat the mortals of the Anti-Magic Bureau.

Immediately hold a necessary sacrifice, begging the Great One to send down a great divine gift.

The power of the singer will bring peace to everything, and everyone will get real peace of mind.

In the end, we will sacrifice Beland to our esteemed singers.


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