Playing With Other Supernaturals

Volume 1 7 - A kitten

Volume 1 Chapter 7 - A kitten

*BOOOM!!* A large explosion was heard at the distance several seconds after Vince's overly grown body was forcibly teleported.

"Whew, good thing I learned that Kidou from Hachi, it proved to be useful at times like this." Kisuke wiped his nonexistent sweat. Kisuke then started walking towards the place where Vince first looked for Issei and Irina.

This part of the factory is relatively unscathed, which is almost a miracle after those bombardments by the devil.

After Kisuke reached the place, he swiped his right hand in the air and a line of light was drawn in its trajectory. The line then split the air revealing both the unconscious Issei and Irina inside a pyramid-shaped barrier.

"Kudos to me setting up barriers for these two," Kisuke said to himself while lightly smiling.

Aside from the barrier for these two, he also set up an auditory, visual, repelling, and aura concealing barriers around the abandoned factory before he came out to face Vince, or else, waves of onlookers will be outside with the noises they made.

"This is wonder though, more and more activities from these supernatural beings are occurring all over the town. Maybe I should take a look, I need more information about them anyway, this is a good chance." Kisuke muttered while clearing the rubbles around the two children.

'I should move this two first.' He thought to himself and started by carrying Issei to his back. He could carry the two with ease, but it is still broad daylight outside and carrying two people with his size will only attract unwanted attention.

Kisuke chose Issei first because he is nearer than Irina's and it'll only take 30 minutes or so to go back and forth.

While going back to the factory to get Irina, he saw people gathering towards the outskirts of the town, specifically, towards the wide plain with only grass on it. That is where Kisuke sent Vince when he tried to self destruct.

Increasing his pace, he got back 5 minutes earlier than estimated but he saw Irina already woke up with tears threatening to fall from her eyes and looking around in distress. 'Oh crap, I don't have my memory-changer-kun yet, how should trick her?'

Kisuke saw her not being able to walk straight and presumed that she tripped herself while looking for him and Issei in panic. 'I should remove the barriers first before she notices anything weird.' Kisuke went out for a few seconds before coming back in showing himself to Irina.

"Kisuke-kun~!!!" Irina shouted in delight and run to Kisuke's direction despite hurting her foot.

Irina jumped in Kisuke's embrace and he has no choice but to catch her or she might hurt herself again. "Kisuke-kun!!! Thank God, you're safe. You didn't know how worried I was when I woke alone in a ruined building. Right!! Issei-kun!! Where is Issei-kun!!?" Irina said all of this in one breather while bawling. Kisuke felt guilty leaving her all alone like this, though he really didn't expect her to wake up so fast.

"Issei is alright. I already sent him home while you're sleeping, so you don't have to cry, here let me wipe your face, your snot is everywhere." While reassuring Irina, Kisuke took out his handkerchief to wipe off the dust and tears on her face.

"Mmh, that's good… wait, what!? You left me alone here?! Why!?" Irina manages to notice the hidden meaning of Kisuke words. 'So you get it huh.' Kisuke thought.

"Now, now, calm down will ya. I'll explain everything to you. So for now, let's get out of this place first before people started gathering. You don't want to talk to the police, do you?" Kisuke used the stern image police to scare Irina.

Like most children, Irina immediately became nervous at the thought of talking to the police. "Let's leave!" Irina tried to run outside but, "Ow! I forgot I sprained my foot."

"Hahh, come here and climb to my back, I'll carry you out." Kisuke thought that he should heal the sprain while carrying her.


2:00 pm at the park.

The sun is the past midpoint, but it is still very hot. Irina and Kisuke are sitting on the chair with a tree's shade. The wind is softly blowing and caressing their faces which is quite comfortable.

'How should go with this? Hmmm… Alright, let's just go with a ridiculous tale and be done with it.' Kisuke decides to concoct an unbelievable story that a child can bite.

"Hey, when are you going to tell me what happened?" Even though Irina asked casually, the fear in her eyes didn't escape Kisuke's observation. Trauma is not a good thing, especially for a child, one reason why Kisuke opts for a ridiculous story.

"Irina, what I'm about to tell you is a big secret. Can you keep a secret." Kisuke put on a serious look while look at Irina.

"Secret? What will happen if I tell others?" Irina asked in wonder.

"I will die." Kisuke gave stress to his words, and he continued, "Since you already know that I will die, you are already part of the secret, so if you tell others, I will die."

"Die!? I promise! I promise I won't tell anyone so please don't die!!" Irina was obviously shocked at the revelation.

"I won't as long as you don't tell anyone what happened." Irina looks like she is in danger of breaking her neck from nodding at Kisuke's words.

'Part one, success.' Kisuke did a gut pose inside his head.

"Now just keep quiet as I tell you everything that happened in there." Kisuke looks at Irina who is ready to listen.

Kisuke inhaled deeply and started narrating, "The man in white snapped his fingers after entering, and the two of you suddenly lose consciousness. I was panicking when the man suddenly introduced himself as alien from planet Novarasc and he is there to confiscate my hair. I was really scared at that time since I love my hair, and I don't want to lose it. He suddenly did something and the factory was destroyed before I knew it. He probably did that to show his powers. Since I can't leave you two even though I love my hair so much, I gathered my courage and fought back. I threw everything that I was able to hold at him but that do anything to him until I managed to pick up a bottle of water with a little bit of water left. I threw it at him and the water hit him, he suddenly very hurt. I discovered that water is his weakness but there is no more water left. An idea suddenly hit me and I started spitting at him. After I hit him a few times, he got scared and immediately escaped riding his UFO while shouting that he will never return to this planet again. End of story."

"… W-What?" Irina is understandably confused, but Kisuke didn't let her continue.

"You see, before he left, he cursed me. I can only tell this to one other person or I will die, so please don't tell this to anyone! I don't want to die." Kisuke looked at Irina's eyes while closing their distance.

"I won't!" Irina immediately answered putting a smile on Kisuke's face. "It's an alien? not a ghost?"

Irina asked uncertainly.

"Not a ghost, nor a devil and a youkai. It's an alien" Kisuke replied back.

"He will never come back?" Irina asked the most important question for her.

"Never. We have a lot of water after all." Assured by Kisuke, Irina sighed in relief, "Thank you, God."

Looking at Irina, Kisuke thought that he was able to move his attention from the destroyed building to the 'never-coming-back alien' which also made Kisuke sighed in relief.

"Then why did you leave me and rescued Issei first?" This sudden question of Irina caught Kisuke off-guard.

"Well, because you know how scared and timid he is when he entered the factory and his house is nearer, I figured I should carry him back first. After all, you are tougher and more masculine than him." Kisuke just blurted out what is in his mind.

"WHAT!!?? Who is more masculine!!?? I'm a girl!!!" Irina shouted at Kisuke's comment.

"Issei probably thinks you're a boy, even I'm not sure if you're a girl until you told me just now." Replied back by Kisuke, which makes Irina more infuriated.

"What did say!!!?? Dammit, I'm going home now! I'll show you that I'm a girl too later!" Irina runs off while tears are about to fall again from her eyes.

"Hahaha, what a cute reaction," Kisuke said to himself.

"I'm tired, I should go home too. I need to prepare a lot of things if I want to join in the fun." He continued muttering while stretchering his arms and yawning.

But at that time, he felt something unbelievable. With his eyes wide opened in shock, he used Shunpo(Flash Step) in quick successions to enter the forest behind the park. 100 meters deep, he suddenly stops and looks in front of him.

There he saw a kitten.

A black kitten with golden eyes that is releasing a very familiar Reiatsu signature. A signature that shouldn't exist in this world.



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