Playing With Other Supernaturals

Volume 1 5 - Vince, The Devil

Volume 1 Chapter 5 - Vince, The Devil

"So this is the abandoned factory that you found?"

Kisuke inspected the factory and its surrounding area, "The building itself is in a pretty good state, why would somebody abandon this? Or maybe it's for sale with no prospective buyer?" He commented.

"Let's stop standing around and enter!" Irina excitedly ran for the door at the side, it's probably the staff's entrance, Kisuke thought.

"Say, we shouldn't be doing this. What if something jumped at us? Look, it's too dark inside." Issei said while already regretting his decision of him coming with the two.

"You're such a wimp, Issei, man up will ya." Irina shot a look at Issei and saw him trembling like a new chick.

The trio entered the premise and the reached the what seemed to be factory proper from the side door. It's dark but the lights of the sun entering from the windows and holes in the roof are enough to navigate around. There are no equipment or tools around that are used in its factory days, just some wooden boxes and metal drums.

While they were wandering around and peeping at the empty wooden boxes and rusty metal drums, Kisuke suddenly got hold of a stench that doesn't bring any good news, especially in a place like this, the smell of blood.

"Alright you two, there is nothing here, let's leave." Kisuke immediately decided to leave. Even though he has the ability to protect this two from common dangers, he didn't want to pointlessly risk their safety and there is always a possibility that the situation is currently out of his league, in that case, he isn't completely sure if he can protect them from harm.

"Ehh~? But we haven't seen any ghosts yet. Let's look around longer." Irina protested at Kisuke proposal. While Issei immediately seconded Kisuke's decision, "Irina, Kisuke is right. We should leave. There is nothing here."

While they were bickering around, Kisuke felt an evil aura entered the factory from where they came from. 'Too late, huh?' he thought.

A blond Caucasian man around the age of 30 wearing a white suit and white hat is at the door when they turned around and finally decided to leave.

"Oho? What's this? Some free food came running for me at a place like this. Lucky~." The blond man muttered while looking at the trio and giving off a cold and chilling sensation that even the two kids felt. He also has this sinister smile on his face showing off his sharp teeth that isn't very human-like.

"Issei, Irina, come look this way for a bit," Kisuke called out to the two that were frozen in place.

The two awoke and clamored to Kisuke "Kisuke! What is he!? What did he mean by food!? What's with sharp teeth!?" Irina immediately panicked while Issei kept shaking and muttering "Is it a ghost!?"

Kisuke put both of his hands over their faces, and whispered "Inemuri(Forced Slumber)." The fell unconscious and collapsed to the floor kicking up dust. He drags them away for a bit, settling them at the corner. Kisuke returned and looked at the man in the western suit still smiling but with a clear look of confusion his face, although he still let Kisuke drag the two and see what happen.

"What did you kid?" The man wasn't able to his curiosity anymore and asked.

"Oh, That? Just a technique to force someone to sleep, not anything impressive~." Replied Kisuke in a jovial tone that doesn't match the atmosphere.

The man's smile finally disappeared and furrowed his brows, something is not right in the situation he thought, "Why are you happy? Is that magic? but I didn't see any magic circle nor you used any tools. Martial Arts? But you didn't touch them. You are obviously a human child and not some devil or angel hybrid nor some old human mage that has access to chantless and circleless magic even at a low level. Who are you?"

"Woah, take it, easy mister. I can't answer all of that if bombard me with questions." Kisuke raised up his hands in mock surrender.

"Let me introduce myself first. Urahara Kisuke, just a humble primary schooler. Pleased to make your acquaintance. " Kisuke reached out for his head and then suddenly stopped, 'Damn, I don't have my hat. I should make my favorite hat if I got some free time.'

"Are you mocking me?" Veins became visible on mister's head.

"I'm not lying though. You can check for my profile at Kuoh Academy. I'm first in my grade you know." Kisuke responded at the angry man.

For a few seconds, the two stared at each other trying to find out more about the other.

"Haah… Well, it doesn't matter." The mister sigh and straighten himself up. The smile returned to his face and said, "I guess it's my turn to introduce myself. The name is Vince, Vince Pearce." His blue eyes suddenly flashed red and a malevolent aura came from his form, crashing down onto Kisuke. "And I'm a devil."

Vince looked at Kisuke shaking. Although he couldn't see the look on his face since his eyes were covered by his light blond hair, the devil is pretty that he is shaking from too much fear and this gives him a lot of delight.

"Pu…" A sound escapes from Kisuke's mouth then, "PuHaHaHaHaHa, seriously!? What the hell!? Does someone actually do that in real life? How cliche, and this is obviously not your first time doing this." Kisuke is trying to rein in himself, but he clearly needed more time to stop shaking.

"Ehem. Sorry to rain on your parade, but I few comments in your actions just now. First, is you clearly watched too many horror movies, please don't copy those even though you thought it was cool, they are not. Second is what do you hope to achieve by scaring a child? Showing that you are the bigger bully? Just so you know, there is nothing more annoying than a bawling kid, you and your sh*t taste." Kisuke continued while trying to put on a serious face but failed miserably.

Vince listened to those words and finally responded. A crazed look took on his face a shouted to the kid in front of him, "You bastard!!! I'm going to torture before killing and eating you!!!" He finally lost his cool.

From Vince's hands, claws of three inches with metallic sheen shoot out of his fingertips. He dashed towards Kisuke's location and tried to swipe his claws to his left shoulder. But when he is about to hit, Kisuke suddenly disappeared. Before he could react, Kisuke's voice suddenly resounded behind him, "Sai(Restrain)." His arms suddenly moved towards his back and he can't control it.

Scared of this unknown spell that controlled his body, he jumps forward in an attempt to shake off the 'devil' behind him. But this is futile since Kisuke appeared to his front and planted a foot at Vince's face.

Vince somersaulted in the air a few times. While trying to regain his posture in the air, he was able to shake off the control over his arms. Before he could rejoice, the 'devil's' voice resounded again, "Byakurai(White Lightning)." And he saw a bolt of white lightning pierced his right shoulder.

"WHAT!!!?" Vince shouted in disbelief.

"Now then devil-san, please don't suddenly die on me before I test a few things on you~." Vince listened to Kisuke in distress and he finally realized if he doesn't give it his all, he might just really die today.


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