Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 1150 Trigger part 3

Chapter 1150 Trigger part 3

While Tanis was breathing flames at her feet, the communicator on the Arrancars suddenly rang and a voice came out of it, [You there, the girl with animal ears. Can you hear me?]

'This voice... That Captain Kurotsuchi?' Kunou turned to the source of the voice and said, "Yes."

[Good. Warn your friend over there. Sakahone Saizou is a Poison Master and he can even solidify his poison to form various things. Not only that, his presence is masked as long as he's within his poison field but he can also choose to manipulate where his presence would appear.]

'I see... So that's why he could fool Tanis' senses.'

[His weakness is that he's not as good as his peers with swords and he's the weakest in terms of strength. Finally, he's also affected by his own poison so for him to be safe against his own poison, he had to modify it so that it won't take effect on a Shinigami. Open the door again and let me through. He's weakest against his fellow Shinigamis and I'd also like some samples of his Poison.]

"And what? And snatch these weakened ladies and gentlemen amidst the confusion?"

[...] Mayuri is silent because he's really intending to do just that, [Sadly, it may be too late. Aren't you going to help your friend?]

Saizou had already approached the immobilized Tanis and was ready to bring down his sword on her neck.

"Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi, was it? Tanis is a Dragon."

[...And what of it?]

"Dragons, unless it is specifically tailored for them or it has Dragon Slayer properties, no poison could ever affect them."

The next instant, blood sprayed out, but not from Tanis who was 'paralyzed'.


Saizou was looking at the smirking Tanis who suddenly sprung into action with the fastest speed she has ever shown today and pierced his chest and through his heart using her hand. Of course, it didn't just stop there as multiple golden chains suddenly sprouted out of the ground and tied around Saizou, stopping him in place.

Finally, Tanis opened her mouth and unlike before, she didn't breathe in and just expelled blue flames from it in an instant.

[So she was holding back and pretending to be poisoned all this time.] Mayuri commented as Tanis jumped back and carefully watched the burning old man while also preparing some sealing techniques to finally cripple him.

"In terms of experience, it is very obvious that we can't match them. However, it's also obvious that he's a prideful and overconfident one."

[Good thinking. But don't expect this to work the second time.]

Kunou felt weird that Mayuri was being amicable and was about to say something when she felt something weird and hurriedly stood up while turning to Claire's direction while taking some distance.

Mayuri on the other side of the line also went quiet but the camera on Nel's body transformed and grew bug wings and turned to the direction Kunou is facing.

Kunou couldn't be bothered with him right now and trying to understand what's happening. She also noticed that Tanis became distracted and her sealing slowed down, "Tanis, continue the sealing. I'll watch her!"

From Claire's position was a massive amount of Holy Power that she shouldn't be capable of releasing.




When the muscular man started following her, Claire took further distance. Since his ability is very well documented, she knows exactly what he's capable of and Claire doesn't want him to give Tanis a hard time or target Kunou who was treating their rescue targets.

After creating a suitable distance, Claire finally stopped flying away and turned to the muscular Shinigami.

"I'm offended that you think that I'll assist the old man and target the non-combatants." He first said when he stopped running.

"Why wouldn't I? It's clear that you attacked those Arrancars after they were paralyzed."

"But that wasn't even a fight. They just dropped down and my job was to capture them."

Just as the Shinigami stopped speaking, the space behind Claire suddenly became a jaw with giant rows of teeth, opening and swallowing her in one swift motion.

'That easy?' The Shinigami questioned himself but suddenly felt a threat behind him so he used Flash Step to dodge.

When the Shinigami looked back, he saw the girl who was just swallowed holding a knife, 'How did she escape my senses?'

Claire, on the other hand, thought, 'It's now certain that they can't feel Ki. Even then, he was still able to dodge.' She immediately figured out that she'll lose in a straight-up fight against him, 'Then my only chance, for now, is a surprise attack.'

Another set of teeth appeared behind Claire but she was able to dodge it by flying up a bit. However, it didn't end there as another jaw opened on top of her and she had to immediately change her direction.

The Shinigami just watched from the side as he kept spawning these jaws that could prove fatal for his opponent. Nevertheless, the Shinigami still wanted to observe the girl and figure out how she was able to suddenly appear behind him. The Shinigami was very cautious of doing any big movements that would open up opportunities for counterattacks.

'How is she moving this fast? And there isn't much movement from the Hell's Blessing to support her.' The Shinigami had already figured out that their unexpected guests could somehow utilize the power only available in Hell but it still doesn't explain her sudden burst in movement, causing him to miss and even predict her movements wrongly.

Claire has only been dodging for a minute or two until she finally got what she needed and materialized her Soul Gear which was a bow aimed at the Shinigami while gathering both Demonic Power and Holy Power to make her arrow.

As the swirling black and white arrow instantly took form within the bow, the Shinigami immediately sensed the danger and tilted his head to the side.

Unlike the Quincies of this world, Claire's arrow took an explosive start like a high-caliber sniper rifle instantly reaching her target.

The Shinigami gritted his teeth as his right ear was completely blown off. Nonetheless, the next arrow was already coming and summoned the jaw in front of him.

Different from the first arrow, however, the one she released this time was a lot slower, matching the speed of a normal Quincy arrow. The Shinigami immediately got a bad premonition and jumped back.

The black and white arrow hit the rows of teeth as he had expected but what came next startled him as his defense was completely obliterated from a huge explosion that ensued.

"!? Guhhh..." The Shinigami summoned multiple jaws in front of him to mitigate the shockwave that was about to crush him and sent him flying. Alas, Claire's sudden switch to the offensive didn't stop there as the Shinigami felt a few more arrows coming at him.

Without much choice, the Shinigami dropped to the ground. As soon as his feet touched the soil, the ground instantly transformed into an enormous jaw that swallowed him.

Claire's arrows curved and followed their target, however, that's all they could do as even if they contain the destructive property of mixing opposing attributes, it still couldn't break through the at least 3 feet thick teeth.

Claire smirked as this is exactly what she was waiting to happen. Aiming his bow directly downwards, Claire gathered as much Holy Power as possible and sharpened it to the utmost. This time, she didn't mix it with Demonic Power because she needed that for something else.

Claire's grey eyes glowed and she stared down at the closed jaw. At this moment, the arrow in her hand already enlarged to several feet and shone down on the entire region, 'Now!'

A dangerous glint went through her eyes and the jaw started crumbling back to earth, revealing a very shocked Shinigami inside it. But it seems that fortune is not on Claire's side today, at least, for what she intended to happen.

Just as she was about to release the enormous arrow that could annihilate most things, Claire felt something snap, '...Huh?'

Her hand froze first before it immediately extended to her whole body. The arrow that could potentially obliterate all life stopped growing and actually started shrinking as the Holy Power moved back into Claire's body without her being able to control it.

Claire still wasn't able to process what was going on when the Holy Power that returned to her body kept increasing even though the arrow was already gone, 'W-where is this coming from!?'

Claire started panicking and tried wrestling away the control from the rogue Holy Power. In her attempt to do so, she finally figured something out, 'This is not mine!'

Even then, the Holy Power kept growing inside her body that it threatened the delicate balance it has against her Demonic Power and started wreaking havoc, destroying her from the inside.

She wanted to scream from pain but her entire body, including her throat and lungs, were frozen in place, placing her in a tortured state of her body being ripped apart.

Unbeknownst to her, an Angel's Halo manifested on top of her head, something that should have been impossible for someone with a Devil's lineage.




Back in their original world, the Four Great Seraphs were having their regular meeting when all of them suddenly shuddered and stood up, "A new source of faith!? Where is it coming from!?" Uriel shouted in shock.


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