Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 95 I Am Back 2



Bai Guiren wanted the best for his daughter. So he had sent Bai Ming abroad. He wanted her to experience the best knowledge of the business course she had decided to take since her acting career was not going well for her.

While she was there, she managed to catch the interest of a few business men and women who agreed to do business with the Bai Jewelries. Some of the friends she made over there even invested in the small branch her father had there, which she had handled.

"Really? I know Guiren will be so proud of you. I am proud of you too. Now he as someone that will be more capable than that Bai Renxiang to assist him in the company," Lin Ying said.

"That is correct. That girl had cost me my acting career. But instead of me to become shaken and broken, I am back as a strong business woman. I will make her pay one way or the other," Bai Ming said proudly.

"Yes, but you can't relax dear. The fact that she is missing does not mean that she might not come back one day to claim your father's business," Lin Ying warned.

"You have to work harder now to gain the favour of the board of directors of the company. Make them see you as a potential heir of Bai Jewelries," she added.

"I understand your concerns mum. But to prevent that from happening, we have to know her know where she has run off to hide," Bai Ming suggested.

"True words spoken. But before her disappearance with that sl*t of a mother she has, I heard that Jiang Meilin happened to have had cancer of the kidney. It was the severe stage," Lin Ying said with a happy expression.

"Oh. That is great news. Her mother would have died. I am very sure that she had no money to afford her mother's treatment because I never gave her the money when we met at the bar," Bai Ming said.

That was indeed true. Bai Ming only accepted to give her the money to be able to lure her into her trap. She never really wanted to give Bai Renxiang any money.

So it is possible for Bai Renxiang's mother to be dead. Bai Ming was sure that Bai Renxiang did not get help from anyone. She would have had from her friends at the company, but no one dared to even contact her in fear of loosing their jobs. Her father, Bai Guiren made sure of it.

"Why do not get an inkling that you have hand in this. I mean, you never care for unnecessary things except you are involved. So tell mum," Bai Ming asked suspiciously as she twitched her eyebrows up and down in fast repeated motion.

Lin Ying chuckled evily. Of course she would have a hand in it. If not her, then who else. She did not want any past memories it events to ruin her hard work for years.

"Since you know, why not just leave it at that," she said ambiguously.

Bai Ming and her mother discussed a bit more about until Bai Guiren arrived. He had summed up work and left quiet early, around one o'clock that in the afternoon. He was happy to see his daughter back. But he was more than happy, in fact, he was euphoric when her heard about the good business deals that his filial daughter got for the small branch he opened abroad.


Like every other week days, today, Thursday, is the same. Going to school made Bai Xiaojin all bitter inside but he did not want to show it on the outside.

No friends. Everyone treated you like trash. You are kind of isolated. Like kids do not even want to share their pen or books with you. You get bullied almost every time when especially when the bullies are from an elite family.

No one just cares. This is how school is like for Bai Xiaojin. Every single day, since he started schooling.

And today is just one of those cruel days repeating itself. Bai Xiaojin had just finished his exams and just like every other kid, he went out to be on his own.

"Wuu huu! Look who came out to play. It is the b*st*rd of our class," Su Quan shouted from behind Bai Xiaojin.

Bai Xiaojin increased his pace to avoid those troublesome pesty trio. Why can they not just leave him in peace? The troublesome trio chased his and when they got to him, they cornered him.

"Where did you think you are going? Are you not going to play with us?" Long Xin asked.

"Leave me alone. I do not want to play with any of you," Bai Xiaojin tried to by pas them but they pushed him back to their center.

"But we want to play with you, right Xin and Chao?" Su Quan asked his friends.

"Yeah," they said in unison.

"I do not want to play. Just...let me go," Bai Xiaojin pushed further but they were not paying any heed.

"Look. You should be happy we want to play with you. A b*st*rd like who does not belong here. You do not even have a daddy," Xie Chao mocked him.

"My mother told me that his mother slept around and does not know his daddy. Mummy told me she is a wh*re," Su Quan recalled what his mother had told him.

Bai Xiaojin was getting mad. How can they saw such mean words about his mummy? She is hard working so she is not and will never be what they are calling her.

"That is not true. My mummy is not a wh*re," he defended Bai Renxiang.

"She is. My mother told me. You are a b*st*rd and your mummy is a wh*re," Su Quan and the others laughed and called he and his mother names.

Bai Xiaojin got angry at what Su Quan and his friends were saying. He got so angry. What happened next stunned the troublesome trio and some kids watching.


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