Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 83 Awful Dates

"I did not say yes."

"What? But why? He is a good guy based on my ratings."

"I know. But I do not love him. I can't love anyone, Xiaozhi. My jerk of an ex made sure of it. I can't fix my already shattered heart not to even talk of loving someone. So I turned him down... politely," Bai Renxiang told.

"I hate that b*st*rd for what he did?" Ning Xiaozhi cussed Fu Bolin out loud, not minding her unladylike words.

"Xiaozhi,vthere is no need to water your harsh cursing on someone that cease to exist in my life," Bai Renxiang said as she hugged Ning Xiaozhi's slim waist as she is standing and Bai Renxiang is sitting.

"You really have an injured heart. Since you do not like him, you did a good thing by turning him down. You were kind enough to still wish him well and not rudely reject him," Ning Xiaozhi said as she caressed Bai Renxiang's hair as if she were a mother coaxing her child to sleep.

"Really? You are not going to scold me for rejecting your shy and cute guy?" Bai Renxiang teased. Everytime a man, especially some customers that visited the restaurant take interest in Bai Renxiang and she rejected, Ning Xiaozhi would scold and lecture her.

Saying that she needed someone to rely on and share in bearing her parenting responsibility.

"Why should I? You are too stubborn. But that does not mean I will stop arranging dates for you," Ning Xiaozhi's face had a mischievous look as she thought of the men she had prepared for her friend to go out with in the future.

"About that, Xiaozhi. I think you need to stop setting blond dates for me. They are all stupid and crazy," Bai Renxiang's face contorted to an angry expression.

"What do you mean? Are the ten I arranged not hot, handsome and gentlemanly enough?" Ning Xiaozhi asked in confusion.

"Gentlemanly my ass. Out of all ten, the last one made me want to strangle him even after his death," Bai Renxiang face turned beet red from her range.

"Woah girl. Cool down. I can literally see smokes oozing out of your overly red ears. Explain to me so I can relate," Ning Xiaozhi adjusted her white pants up a bit, a funny habit she shows only to Bai Renxiang when she wants more information or get mad.

Ning Xiaozhi dragged a chair towards Bai Renxiang so that she sat in front and close to her.

"Carry on. What did the duche bag say?"

"When he asked about me, I told him my age and what I do for a living and that I had a son,. Then did you know what he said?" Bai Renxiang listed while counting on her fingers and asked.

"No. What did he say?" Ning Xiaozhi probed further itching to hear more.

"That son of a b*tch said that I could 'forget' about my son because he did not want someone else's child. Like..he wanted to kill him," Bai Renxiang said.

"*Gasp* He said WHAT?!!" Ning Xiaozhi's voice was enough to blow of the roof of the building.

"'I could just end the b*st*rd's life or send him far away to a strange land since killing might be too harsh for you.' Those were his exact words, Xiaozhi. Outrageously audacious and dned right crazy," Bai Renxiang rained curses down on the object of their discussion.

"He must be mentally deranged. Tell me you did something to him?" Ning Xiaozhi shot up from her seat causing the chair to make a loud screeching sound.

"Oh you bet I did. I made sure he had a taste of my palm and the burn of the hot coffee I ordered," Bai Renxiang could not contain her range that day that she did not mind causing a scene in the restaurant.

"You did great girl. But if I were in your shoes, he would have looses his teeth and u would rather let his manly part feel the burn if the hot coffee," Ning Xiaozhi cracked her fingers at her suggestion.

Bai Renxiang and Ning Xiaozhi talked for a while before they agreed on Bai Renxiang leaving early from work today. Ning Xiaozhi would have allowed to work more but her absentmindedness had turned into anger because of the awful men Ning Xiaozhi wanted her to date.

"Go home take a nice relaxing bath, eat and cuddle with my little boyfriend and sleep. Just forget about today, hmm?" Ning Xiaozhi advised.

Bai Renxiang engulfed her best friend in a tight hug. She really needed one from all the roller coaster ride of emotions she experienced today.

"Thank you for being my best friend. Thank you for allowing me to work here and thank you for looking out for me."

"You are highly welcome and stop thanking me. I am happy to have met you, Rennie. Good night," Ning Xiaozhi waved her as she boarded her awaiting transportation.

"Good night Xiaozhi," Bai Renxiang waved back as Shane swerved back on the road and zoomed off.

Bai Renxiang really appreciated all what Ning has done for her since their two years of knowing each other.

She could not ask for anything else from the universe and God. Ning Xiaozhi is her second blessing after her baby, Bai Xiaojin.

Speaking of Bai Xiaojin, Bai Renxiang wondered how his first exam went. She could not wait to go home and see her bundle of joy.

On getting home and as usual, Bai Xiaojin came rushing towards her to give her a warm welcome. This little kid always seems to make her forget about her stressful day at work.

"Mummy welcome back. I missed you a lot," Bai Xiaojin greeted.

,m "I missed you too, my love. How was your exam? Was it tough?"

"Nothing is tough for me, mummy," Bai Xiaojin said shamelessly.

"Oh really? Then I am glad. I knew you would do well."


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