Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 67 Small World

The afternoon had come and the restaurant was still packed and lively. This was expected as it was a weekend. Lovers came for their dates, parents and their children came to have a nice family time and friends came to just chill with one another. The bell at the door jingled Everytime customers went in and out of the restaurant and like every other time, it jingle when the glass door opened and in came three godlike beautiful men.

The men attracted the customers seated in their respective tables on the restaurant, but the men seemed unfazed by the curious, envious and flirty stares that were thrown their way. A waiter approached them.

"Welcome to. Do you have a reservation here?" The waiter asked.

"No, but we want a secluded spot that will allow us to enjoy the view of your beautiful restaurant," the man in the middle spoke up.

"Okay, please follow me. This way please," the waiter lead them to a table close to the floor to ceiling window of the restaurant. It was just like they wanted, secluded and the view of the restaurant from where they sat was good.

"What would you like to order sirs?" The waiter asked politely.

"We heard you guys serve the best hot pot in this city. So, can we have that?" The first man spoke.

"That and a bottle of red wine, please," another man amongst the three spoke.

"Yes, you can. I will be back with your order as quickly as possible. Please be patient with us," the waiter said as he bowed before leaving.

"Their hosting gets a brownie point," Yang Chen commented.

"The waiter's seriousness scores," Ye Chaoxiang added.

"I liked the fact that he kept his genuine smile on. His looks are not that bad either," Li Fengjin passed his own comment.

"I hope his looks and sweetness is as good as the hot pot. I can't wait to try it," Yang Chen said excitedly.

"Such a foodie," Ye Chaoxiang snorted. Inside the restaurant were the chef were at work and dishes that had been ordered were being taken out, the waiter, Mike, that attended to the three hot and handsome men walked in to drop their order when someone called his name.

"Mike I need you to send out these deliveries now. It is an order from the boss. She needs it at the place she went to. Here is the address," the head waiter stated as he gave the address to Mike.

"I am so sorry senior, but I need to take these orders to take these to table twelve and-"

"Do not worry about that. I will have someone stand in for you. Quick boss needs it in thirty minutes. Thank you very much," the head waiter interrupted him

as he took the apron from Mike and gently pushed him out.

"You and boss owe me big time for always snatching me from my beloved job. Table " he whined.

"Yes yes. We know. Now hurry," he hurried him.

Meanwhile, Bai Renxiang had just finished attending to a table and cane in to return the used plates for washing. Being a waitress was tiring, troublesome, but at the same time fun especially when you are working in a nice environment for a caring and understanding boss and with friendly co-workers.

"Rennie, are you free now?" The head waiter rushed up to Bai Renxiang.

"Yes, senior. How may I be of help?" Bai Renxiang asked as she wiped the sweat on her forehead and sides of her face with her face towel before putting it into her apron.

"Mike is out on delivery and there is a table waiting for their order right now. Could you please attend to the table in his stead? I would have done it myself but I am equally busy with dealing with other customers," he explained.

"Okay, that is not a problem. Where is the order and to which table am I sending it to?" Bai Renxiang accepted. There was no way she could turn them down. Everyone had their played full at the moment and she was the only one available.

"Great, thanks a bunch. Uhh, this is the order and the table twelve is the awaiting table. Thanks alot," the head waiter thanked and hurried away as he was being called.

Bai Renxiang quickly gave one of the chefs the order, collected it and carefully rushed out to table twelve. She put on her professional polite smile and placed the order on the table.

"Welcome gentlemen. I am sorry for the delay in bringing your order," she said. She had failed to notice to faces of the three men sitting on the table while she was placing the dish on their table. But as soon as she raised her head, her eyes almost fell off their sockets.

"Doc-doctor Ye?" She stammered. How could she forget the face of the kind doctor that treated her mother.

"Miss Bai? My! The world sure us a small place. How are you and your mother?" Ye Chaoxiang was equally surprised. So this was where his patient wanted to come to when she had asked if her mother was fit to travel to another city.

"We are doing well thanks to your treatment. I never thought I would come across you," she replied. "Oh! How is little Ai? I have missed her a lot," she inquired.

"She is fine. She misses you too. She never fails to up around with the teddy bear you gifted her," Ye Chaoxiang said.

"I see. Anyways, we had an emergency so the waiter who first attended to you will not be able to continue with his service to you. I hope you all understand," she explained briefly.

"Oh, alright. I guess we are left in safe hands then," Yang Chen said while looking from Ye Chaoxiang to the waitress.

"I will take my leave then. Please if there is anything else you need, do call me out," she bowed and left to attend to other customers coming in.


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