Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 612 Date II



Hearing Bai Renxiang say she way starting to get bored, Li Fengjin stood up and walked toward her.

"What do you want to do? Should we–"

"Tag. You're it," Bai Renxiang tapped his shoulder and ran for it while giggling.

Li Fengjin was at first dumbfounded. He gay no time to even react. But understanding that he fell for get trick, he smiled.

"So you want to playchase, huh? Very will then," he murmured while rolling up his sleeves.

He undid two of his shirt's button before dashing after her. Bai Renxiang who had not gotten far was surprised by his speed. He was catching up to her.

With a loud squeal, Bai Renxiang took to her heels. She also increased her pace.

"You are going to pay for tricking me, Renxiang," Li Fengjin called after her.

"Not if you catch me first, Jin," She yelled back as she made her way into the feilds.

Li Fengjin made several attempts to catch her but Bai Renxiang managed to dodge all of it. It was surprising for Li Fengjin and funny for her.

"You may be fast but I smart. Bleh," she stucked her tongue out to him while wiggling her fingers beside her ears.

"Don't get to cocky now, damsel. Come here," Li Fengjun dashed at her again.

At a much faster speed this tume around. Bai Renxiang's eyes widen before she turned and took to her heels. However, she did not get to take much steps when Li Fengjin caught her.

"Got you," he lifted her off the ground.

"Aaahh! Hahaha," Bai Renxiang laughed and struggled.

And then

"Woah!" He lost his footing sending them both to the ground.

They both laughed so hard that tears almost spilled from their eyes. When their laughter finally died down, their laboured breath was what could be heard.

"That was–"

"Fun," Bai Renxiang completed.

"Yeah. I never knew you were good at playing tag," Li Fengjin pointed out.

"I used to play at school and with Tang Moyong when my childhood was good," she lightly shrugged. "I also did not know you run so fast."

"Well, I was a forerunner for my school back in my childhood days. Myself, Chaoxiang and Chen were also good. The school often made us run whenever there was competitin against another school. It was fun."

"Wow! That explains all those medal award I saw in the old room," Bai Renxiang said referring to one of the rooms in the Li mansion where old memorable things were stored neatly.

"My hubby has been such an ace in everything. I am so proud of you."

"Yeah. Me too."

Then silenced ensued. The two lovers gazed into each others eyes, getting lost in them.

"You are beautiful, you know that?" He asked as he swept hair away from her face behund ger ears.

"Yeah. I have a the most fine mirror that shows me that everyday," she was talking about his eyes.

Though not needed to be said with words, Bai Renxiang knew from just the way he would gaze at her every single moment he gets.

"You better know it," he said in a hushed voice.

Ever so slowly, with their eyes still locked on each other, their heads moved in closely and soon their lips met in a deep kiss.

Li Fengjin's hand around her waist tightened while the other went into her hair from the back of her head. He made a gentle fist and then massaged through her scalp.

Bai Renxiang sighed into the kiss as her hands tightened on his shirt. Both eyes drew close as they savoured each other thoroughly.

After what felt like ages, they slowly broke away. Misty eyes staring into each other. Lips ajar as both panted.

Their heartbeat synced and they both felt it with just how their bodies were pressed against each other.

Li Fengjin smiled and caressed her cheek with his thumb. "You wanna go for a swim?" He asked.

"I would love to both. I did not bring anything suitable for swimming," Bai Renxiang answered.

"That is not a problem. Don't worry, hubby has got you covered. Let's go," he winked at her.

Li Fengjin rolled her unto her sides so that he can stand up. Then he held he out his palm for her to take.

"Thank you," Bai Renxiang appreciated it as she placed her palm on his.

With a firm yet gentle grip, Li Fengjin pulled her up. He lead them to a certain place. There, Bai Renxiang saw a flight of stairs heading doen to the bottom of the waterfall.

"Be careful," Li Fengjin said as he lead the way with their hands still joined.

Bai Renxiang nodded as she also walked down the stairs with him. She made sure to be very careful as he said.

As they got off the stairs, the bank of the river was quite slippery. Bai Renxiang's grip on Li Fengjin's hands tightened.

"I to catch you just in case you slip off your feet," Li Fengjin teased with a wink.

Bai Renxiang rolled her eyes at him. But she had a smile on. When the got into the shallowest part which is by the riverbank, Li Fengjin stopped.

"And here we are. How dies the water feel?"

"It's not too cold nor too warm. But it is in the coldee side though," she commented.

"Exactly. So, enjoy," he said before he syarted taking off his clothes.

"I can't swim with my clothes on."

"Then take them off," Li Fengjin shrugged.

"I didn't bring something else for swimming, remember?" Bai Renxiang reminded him.

"Oh, that's right. Then take my shirt instead," he offered.

"Then what are you going to wear after we–"

"My love you worry too much. Just take it."

"Okay. Help me with the zipper," she turned her back to him and moved her hair to the front.

Li Fengjin did as told. Having tge sio of her dress down, it became loose so she held it from falling.

"Shirt." Li Fengjin passed her his white shirt.

"Wait, the secret guards," she thought out loyd.

"Don't worry. I sent them away from here. I can let some other men see my wife," Li Fengjin told her.

"Phew. That's good. Now please turn around," Bai Renxiang requested.

"Why? It's just us here and I'm your husband. I've seen every–"

"You won't get to see anything from now on if you don't turn around," Bai Renxiang cut him off with a warning.

"Not fair. Sigh. Fine, I will go ahead first," he said before walking further into the river.

He got to a certain point before he stopped. His backbwas facing her.

"Is this okay, my love?"

"Very. Thank you, honey. Muah," she threw him a kiss.

"Tsk. Such a tease," he murmured.

Bai Renxiang made sure he was not looking and also swept her eyes around. Not seeing a single being anywhere, she sighed.

She let her dress come to pool around her legs. She folded it and took off her handless bra. In a quick movement, Li Fengjin's shirt was on her.

She took off her earrings, necklace and watch as well. Keeping everything nicely together.

"I hope it doesn't get too wet by the riverbank," she said to herself.

"Are you done already?" She heard him ask.

"Ye-Yes. I'm coming in," she said before walkung further unto the water too.

Li Fengjin turned to see her attractive self coming to him. Soon she was standing right in front of him. He gulped.

Now he could see from the water how his shirt hugged her hips due to the water. He slightly felt jealous because he wanted to be the one wrapped around her.

He shook his head at the stupid thought. He has her all to himself afterall. Now or later, they will both be wrapped around each other.

All of a sudden, Li Fengjin felt cold and heavy drops of water fall on him.

"What the..." he heard a series of laughter coming from none other than the culprit herself.

"Playing again, are we?"

"Uh-huh. What got you so deep in thoughts?" Bai Renxiang asked.

"Just how much fun we are going to have," he replied.

"Then what are you wating for? Come on let's play already," she splashed water on him again.

Li Fengjin wiped his face and sweot back his hair. "Alright. Let the fun begin then," he said before splashing water on her like she did to him.

They went in from splashing water on each other to chase in the water. And then who could stay the longest under water. As they did all that, Bai Renxiang's laughter hardly ever ceased.

Even Li Fengjin laughed more than he cohld ever remember he has done. He also helped her improve her swimming skills.

It was a whole lot of fun than they have ever had in a long time. Till the sun set, they stayed in the water.


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