Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 589 Forgive But Hard To Forget



"Older or not. I'm your elder brother. You can't do that to me and he will not do that either."

Ye Yumi chuckled and shook her head. "You are right. I can't do that because I love you so so much."

"Like I would believe that. You all about brother Kai now. You don't live me as much as you say you do," Ye Chaoxiang rolled his eyes at her.

"Come one. Don't be such a big baby. You are my bro. Like it or not, you are my boyfriend before brother Kai. So I still love you," she hugged him from the side.

Ye Chaoxiang chuckled and hugged her back. "But are you really comfortable with him? Like does he treat you like you deserve?"

"Brother Kai treats me way better than I will ever deserve," Ye Yumi said with a sweet smile on her face.

"Did you know he almost went ahead to change his age just so people won't talk about our age difference?"

"Whoa! He did?" Ye Chaoxiang asked in shock.

"He almost did. Thank God he asked for my opinion on it. I was stunned senseless," Ye Yumi remarked.

"Damn! He must really be into you," Ye Chaoxiang commented ad he was still processing what she told him.

"He is. So you please don't talk about our age difference when he is around. It was hard to convince him that I am okay with the ages between us. I mean it's just seven years and it is not so bad, right?"

"It's not. So how far into it are you guys?" he inquired.

"Into what?" Ye Yumi asked back in confusion.

"Into your relationship?"

"Oh! Well, we hold hands which is normal. We cuddle and have shared a many kisses too," she said.


"There is no more. That's basically our level of intimacy," Ye Yumi shrugged.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, I am," Ye Yumi nodded.

"Okay. That's good. I just thought you two would have–"

"Gotten to the third phase? No. Brother Kai is a bit too slow. I can tell that he is trying not to step over that boundary with me," she told.

"I could not help but notice that you don't feel awkward talking about this. I thought it was normal for girls to shy away from topics concerning the intimacy of their relationship," Ye Chaoxiang pointed out.

"You know I am not like that. And you also know I prefer telling you these things instead of mum. So..." she shrugged and smiled at him.

She was totally cool with the topic. After all, she sees Ye Chaoxiang as not only her brother but her everything. Her confidant, her guardian, he counsellor and even her mother.

That's right. He is also her mother. When she got her first period, Ye Chaoxiang was the one who helped her and taught her everything.

Growing up as a whole, he was there every step of the way. That's why she does not feel weird when he asked about those things. In fact, she has been looking forward to this conversation.

"I see." Ye Chaoxiang patted her head before wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"Brother Kai is taking you very seriously. You are not just a girlfriend to him. He may see you way more than that," Ye Chaoxiang reasoned out.

"I take him seriously too. He is way better than other guys from college. He cares alot, he is very sweet, he is kind of clingy too and I love clingy Wenkai. He is cute especially when he always make it an habit of holding my hand any time we go out..."

Ye Chaoxiang remained silent as he observed his little sister ramble on and on about her boyfriend. There was the sparkle in her eyes. And her smile told a lot.

Even the fact that she kept talking non stop was enough for him to know that she is head over heels in love with Yang Wenkai. To be honest, Ye Chaoxiang felt proud of her.

She finally has something of her own. A person that can not be taken away from her. And he is so sure because, he has also seen the way Yang Wenkai looks at her.

If he could shed tears without it being awkward, he would have done so. Even their mother could not feel as proud as he feels.

"Brother Kai is amazing. I love him in a million-no a zillion different ways. If only he could speed things up a little," Ye Yumi said with a sigh.

"Then you should suggest to increase the pace you two are going. But that should be if you guys are dead serious about each other," Ye Chaoxiang said.

"I am not sure about him. But I want my life to have him in it till the end," Ye Yumi stated in a serious tone and face.

"Then ask him about it or suggest an increase in pace. Seek him out. If he agrees, it's fine. But if he does not, try to see from his perspective as well," he advised.

"I will. Thank you, bro. You are the best," dhe praised him.

"Well, I can't deny that there is no brother like me," Ye Chaoxiang shamelessly accepted her praising words.

Ye Yumi chuckled and shook her head. How did she forget that shamelessness runs in his veins? They spent more time talking about other stuff.

Laughing, teasing and whatever close siblings do for fun.


Meanwhile, grandma Bai's action of kneeling still shocked both grandpa Bai and Jiang Meilin. But the latter concealed hers very well.

"What is going on?" Old man Jiang questioned as he walked into the living room with the others behind him.

"Well, it appears they came to plead for forgiveness," Jiang Meilin answered without turning toward them.

Grandpa and grandma Bai were shaken by the old man's presence. His gaze in them like of the thousand grudge he held against them.

They lowered their guilty gaze when met with his.

"Is the time for an apology not too late?" Old man Jiang asked.

"I... We know it is too late. But we still want to apologize. We still want to make amends if possible," grandpa Bai spoke with whatever little courage he found.

"I doubt if making amends will be possible. That is what should have been done years ago. You have enjoyed the benefits of that which you did not sow. It will be hard to make amends," Jiang Meilin said.

"What do you want me to do? Tell me. I will do it if it means that you can forgive me, I am willing to do anything I can," grandma Bai pleaded.

"I know you will because you are desparate. But I was once desperate too and I was not forgiven," Jiang Meilin reminded them of the past.

"I know. But please just forgive me this once. I won't ever do such a thing again. I will make sure to be more reasonable. I have learnt my lesson from this situation. So please."

Jiang Meilin sighed and pinched the space between her brows.

"How about you both just leave from here?" Old man Jiang spoke up. Seeing them made his blood boil so much.

"Just please. One last chance. Give me one more chance to be better to yoh, Jiang Meilin. I beg you," Grandma Bai ignored old man Jiang's words.

She could not just leave after coming this far. She was determined to gain Jiang Meilin's forgiveness. She was truly sorry and she wanted her to see.

"Jiang Meilin, please," grandpa Bai also pleaded.

Jiang Meilin signied and nodded her head. She slowly walked to grandma Bai, took her hands and helped her up.

"I forgive you are just three simple words a person can say. But it has to come with much more. That of which I can't give you," she said as she helped the old lady.

"Forgive and forget is what most people will say. But it will take more than just years for me to forget what you did to me. If you were in my shoes, you would have probably send people to end me."

"However, I am not and will not be like you. You can't be me and I can't be you. So I forgive you, but I don't think I can forget it.," Jiang Meilin ended before she straightened her back.

"Forgiveness is not a hard thing for me to do. It is part of my me. So I forgive you,"

Grandma Bai eyes flashed with relief. But there was sadness too. She lowered her head and nodded.

Even if her past deeds will not be easily forgotten, as far as she is forgiven, she can make do with that.

"T-Thank you. Thank you so much and I am very sorry. I should have tried to be better and less unreasonable. I am sorry."

"Hmm. Now if you will excuse me."


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