Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 572 The Big Reveal II



Grandma Bai was still insisting on not signing iver their homes. Even Bai Guiren was hesitant. Seeing this, the lawyer smiled.

"My client did say you would not agree so easily. So she asked me to remind you of what is hidden from all," he said while giving Bai Guiren a mocking threatening gaze.

Bai Guiren felt shivers throughout his whole body. He stretched his hands to take the pen one of the bodyguards held out for him.

"No. What are you doing, Guiren? Don't be a coward," Grandma Bai scolded.

"The battle is already over, mum. It ended without us even having to fight. There is no use of rebelling now," he stated.

Slowly but surely, Bai Guiren started signing the documents. Grandma Bai was shocked. Who is this man she sees? It is definitely not her son.

He must have been possessed by another spirit. If not how could he just give up all they had including their home.

"What are you even scared of? What makes you so willing to give in without fighting for what is ours?" Bai Ming asked.

She was still wondering about this. How he became a meek lamb and signed those document Bai Renxiang had asked him to.

"What did she tell you? What did Renxiang tell you?"

"It is none of you goddamned business. Instead of pestering me why don't you ask your mother about that DNA result?" Bai Guiren blew up again.

"What DNA result is he talking about?" Grandpa Bai inquired.

"Some made up stuff that Renxiang showed just to make her win the CEO position," Bai Ming answered.

"She is only trying to chase enemity between us. She wants us to fall apart so that she can infiltrate unto our lives and steal from us. Don't you see that?" Bai Ming tried to make him see reasons not to sign them.

"Those details and repirt of all the dirty and evil schemes you have done did not look fake or edited. Those are genuine result. You are not my blood," Bai Guiren theorized.

To say that Bai Ming was thorn apart by his woeds was no joke. Now she knew how it felt when Bai Guiren was sending Bai Renxiang out of their home.

All those hurtful words he said to her. Experiencing them firsthand hurt a lot. Tears gathered in her eyes as she tried to silent her sobs.

"Who is Bai Ming's real father, Ying? Tell me the truth," Bai Guiren asked in a low voice.

"You are. You know very well that you are the only man I have been with. You were the only man I had a relationship with, Guiren. Why won't you believe me?"

"You say all that and yet you were not a virgin when we had our first," he reasoned.

Lin Ying gulped. Uh-ho! She had totally forgotten about that and she thought he did not care either as he loves her too much.

"I..." No words could make it out of her lips.

"Ahem The lawyer cleared his throat to remind them of his presence. "Now that you have signed the necessary, you have less than a week to evacuate from the mansions you stayed," he informed them while handing to him a quick notice letter.

"Failure to do so will face the have to bear with whatever comes as the penalty. This is for you."

"What is that? Some kind of compensation from stealing us? The nerve of that girl," grandma Bai nerves were all over the place.

"I have no idea what is inside. But if it serves as a compensationdor you, then you are welcome. So ensure you have lovely days packing away from this private property," the lawyer smiled and dipped his head in a bow.

When he straightened his back, he audibly scoffed and signalled for the bodyguards to follow him. Their work here is done.

Seeing as they were left alone, grandma Bai snatched the big brown envelope the lawyer handed to Bai Guiren. She opened it and took out the contents.

First thing she saw was a little note attached to one of the pictures. It read, 'Your ideal daughter-in-law'. Her brows furrowed and she went in to look at the pictures.


A loud gasp left her lips as shock overuse her facial expression. Pictures... Several pictures taking of a certain woman and a man.

The very first she saw of them showed them kissing. And boy did they look passionate. As grandma Bai kept shuffling through, gasps and shouts of disbelief escaped her lips.

Her actions made everyone curious and worried all at once.

"Mum what are those?" Bai Guiren asked as he moved toward her.

"These all are the shoot your shameless wife has been going on about behind our backs."


She threw all the pictures in the floor. They spread out in display and all of Lin Ying's atrocities were out in the open. Her face turned completely pale and her eyes grew wide.

"And there goes the woman we chased our true daughter-in-law out for. Sleeping around and branding someone else as a sl*t," grandoa Bai shook his head and chuckled.

He was amused of how foolish and blinded they were. Now look at the consequences. Everything is falling apart.

"Mum, what is the meaning of this? Tell me this is not true," Bai Ming asked in a shaky voice.

All the pieces were falling together to make a complete picture.

"These are all photo shopped. That can not be–"

"Shut up you damned woman. Shut up!" Bai Guiren charged. They all flinched.

"How dare you ride in my cocktail and still have the guts to sleep with another? How dare you? Who do you take me for? A fool?" He questioned.

"No. That's not... It is all a lie. Renxiang is framing me. Those pictures are not true Lin Ying cried pathetically.

"It is no wonder that DNA result. You been sleeping around. You allowed me to raise someone else's b*st*rd."

"Aaaaahhhhh!" Bai Ming screamed with her both hands over her ears.

Tears streamed down here cheek. She looked pained. But did anyone care at this moment? I doubt it.

"That's not ture... That is not true. I am not a b*st*rd. I am a Bai. No one can take that for me. You are lying," she screamed out in tears.

"Whether you believe it or not, it is what it is. I don't even need another DNA test to clarify anything," Bai Guiren heartless said.

"You can't say that. I never cheated. I have been loyal to you and only you. Jiang Meilin was the one who was the sl*t."

As soon thise words fell out of her mouth, a resounding also followed. All eyes instantefell on grandma Bai. Her chest heaved up and down in anger.

"Don't you dare talk about her like that. You are even more shameless than any mistress I have seen and heard of. You ruined a perfect home and still cheated. Ypy are a good digging b*tch," grandma Bai insulted Lin Ying.

"Mum, please don't sa–"

"Who are you calling mum? I am not your mother. I can never be a mother to a dog as yourself," she silenced her.

"Since that man is so better than me, I suggest you run to him now. Because your bank has turned empty," Bai Guiren spoke.

"No... No. Guiren please. Listen to me," she rushed to him. "You are the only man I love. I would never leave you. Please forgive me. He madeforced me into it."

"Well if you had not gone to him, he would not have though to force you into anything. He forced you once and you went to him so many other times," Bai Guiren forced his hand out of her disgusting grip.

Lin Ying fell over as she had placed all her weight in him. She quickly got on her knees and held unto his legs and begged.

"No. I would never. Guiren please believe me. I love you."

"Don't call my name so intimately and stoo lying. I may have fallen and believed you bit hot anymore. The veil has been taken off my eyes. I will never fall for you lies again."

"You and your damned daughter are witches. To think that I was decueved into choosing you two iver my loyal wife and child. You planned to ruin them as well. How despicable of you. You both disgust me," he said with so much disgust and anger all over him.

"Please... wuu. Please forgive me," Lin Ying cried more.

"All because of you we have lost everything. You came into our lives like leeches and now you have ruined us all. You both do not deserve a place with us and neither do you deserve our name," grandpa Bai stated.

"Get out of my sight. You not my family so begone," Bai Guiren said. "Where are the guards?" he roared.


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