Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 565 Let's Meet



Seeing that her words has made their mouths to be clamped shut, Lawyer Long took closer step to Bai Renxiang's side. He took out some papers and dropped it in front of Bai Guiren.

"These are the document stating that my client, CEO Bai is a board member of this company."

The members began to whisper amongst themselves. Especially team Bai Ming.

'Member of this board? Since when'

'How is that possible?'

'And no one knows about it?'

Bai Guiren webt threw the papers and saw the proof. Indeed Bai Renxiang is a member of the board of directors of his company. She had quite a number of shares too.

A big one at that. And it makes her the highest member. But how is that possible? How did he not know about this?

Unless, things were going on in his company without his knowledge. Who could be the betrayer in here? Just who?

Bai Renxiang saw through his thoughts as his expression was like that of an open book. She smirked and leaned back on her provided chair.

"I am very disappointed in the way things work among the board of directors. To think that you all would hold such an important meeting without inviting me, the head of the board," her tone was laced with sacarsm.

"Sigh. How selfish of you all," she shook her head with her eyes closed.

"What arw you talkung aboht? Yoy claim to be the head of the board of directors of a company and yet you have never been involved with the company. How smart of you," Mr Yu scoffed.

"Oh, I have been involved with this company sincw the very beginning," she nodded with her brows raised. "I did that with a trustworthy person as my eyes and ears."

"This is preposterous!" Another board member exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air.

"Say what you want to say. Oh and since you all are selfish with the voting sheet, I will just improvise and cast my own vote."

Saying that, Bai Renxiang took out a small notepad and a pen. She scribbled something in it, tore of the page, fimded it and passed it to Lawyer Long.

Lawyer Long respectfully collected the paper from her and placed it into the glass box.

"Now let the votes be counted," said Bai Renxiang.

Bai Guiren's assistant shared a questioning look with him. Bai Guiren could only sigh and nod. Those documents were clearly authentic and Lawyer Long was no fake or inexperienced in his field.

The assistant gave a curt nod before he started counting the votes out loud. A part of Bai Ming was worried but the other part overshadowed that feeling.

That other part was her confidence in winning the votes. Aftetmr all, majority is everything in decision making. Her eyes shone with full mockery and arrogance as she stared at Bai Renxiang.

But there was something about the latter that made Bai Ming confused. Bai Renxiang was supposed to be anxious about the winner... Right?

But no. The latter seemed to be unfazed. Strange. But Bai Ming shoved that thought away. Who knows if Bai Renxiang was just hiding her feelings behind an emotionless mask?

Meanwhile Bai Renxiang was smiling in the inside. She knew the votes would probably not favour her. She was not to stupid to do so after knowing about the number of board memebers supporting her.

But she had things to back her up. Valid reasons to be the next CEO of this company. So why sweat it?

By the time the assistant finished counting the papers, Bai Ming emerged as the winner with 6 votes. She had 17 voters while Bai Renxiang had 11.

"The vote count is as clear and precise as it is. Although there was definitely a hidden conspiracy, the true winner emerged as Bai Ming," Bai Guiren announced.

Team Bai Ming gave her a round of applause as she stood with a victorious smile, bowed and sat back down. Bai Renxiang also smiled as she watched the award-winning show go on.

As soon as the applause died down, Bai Guiren adjusted in his seat. His elbows on the armrest and one stroking his chin.

"Since there are no complaints as everything was made fair and square, i will have the lawyers process the paperwork and have the next CEO sign–"

"Ahem ahem ahem!" Lawyer Long loudly cleared his throat.

Glares were sent his eay but he could not careless. He took out another set of papers frim his briefcase and placed it before Bai Guiren.

"Since you are all done with playing an award-winning, let us now face truth or rather let all lies and secrets be displayed in the open," Bai Renxiang said with her head tilted and her smile... Dangerous.


Meanwhile, Ning Xiaozhi had not been receiving any apology calls or messages from her mother since the oast few days.

Calls she got were just from her workers at the restaurant, her cousins and of course her friends. Ning Xiaozhi wondered why her mother had not called but she found peace in it.

It was what she wanted afterall. Right?

She started concentrating on a few basic skills like gardening and playing chess with Mr Ye. And like every other days, she was relaxing on one of the benches in the garden.

A soft pillow, a tray full of snacks a bottle filled with freshly made and chilled orange juice and a phone. A pleasant morning indeed.

Ning Xiaozhi was scrolling through wocial media in search of something interesting when her phone rang. It was as if time paused for a few seconds as she gazed at her phone.

It was from her mother. Why now? What happened all these days? What does she want to say now?

Although those questions plagued Ning Xiaozhi's head, she still answered the call. She placed the phone beside her ear and remained silent.

"X-Xiaozhi, is that you on the line?" Ning Xiaozhi heard Mrs Ning stutter.

She noticed the woman did not call her Iris as usual. And then she also noticed the unfamiliarity and awkwardness. She was not used to calling her that.

But she had to try.

"Xiaozhi? Hello?!" Mrs Ning called a few times. "Xiaozhi are you the one in the–"

"Yes, I am the one. Why did you call?" Xiaozhi cut her off and asked.

"Oh! I-I see. I mean i call because... Well it is because you still have not forgiven me a-and I am honestly sorry. I want us to talk. Please Mrs Ning quickly explained.

She was afraid that Ning would instanlty end the call like she usually does in her past trials.

"Okay. And what do yoy want to talk about? How you treated me like a micrchip to gain wealth, connections and influence?" Ning Xiaozhi asked with her brows raised.

"N-No. I am sorry. I just want to set things staright. I want to properly apologise to you. I was evil and... and self-centered. So please, hear me out."


"R-Really?" Mrs Ning was stunned.

"Do you want to talk or not?"

"I-I want to talk. Thank you for givung me this chance. So, let me start by–"

"Not over the phone."

"Huh? Do you mean..." Mrs Ning trailed off.

"Yes. I want to see how sincere and honest you are while you explain yourself. I know you are here in City X. Let's me at the restaurant in XX mall. See you in the next thirty minutes," Ning Xiaozhi affirmed.

"O-Okay. I will be there as early as possible. Thank you."

In response Ning Xiaozhi just hummed before the ended the call. She tossed the phone on her stomach and sighed. Her eyes droooed closed.

She was not in the mood to go anywhere but she wanted to give what Ye Chaoxiang said a try. Hearing her mother out is not a bad idea.

That and the fact that she really wanted more than apology. And an explanation as best suited. Plus, she was not used to seeing her mother being so desperate.

With lots of thoughts going on in her mind, Ning took a few minutes to sort herself out and mentally prepare for what the next thrity minutes would being to her.

~Back at Bai Jewelry in the meeting room~

Lawyer Long explained a few things about the document Bai Guiren was going thtough in shock. He could not believe what his eyes were seeing.

"You have just veunf the CEO of thus company because Mrs Jiang Meilin wanted you to," Lawyer Long said.

"What are you implying, Mr Lawyer?" Mr Yu questioned.

"I will elavorate to those who are unable to comprehend my simole words," Lawyer Long shit Mr Yu a warning gaze.

"Sole ownership and right to head this company was given to her the very moment she used her wealth as the daughter of Chairman Jiang to save this comoany from its financial crisis in the past,"


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